

work workplace worker employee employees general-manager gm manager managers ex ex-manager ex-employee shift cover under-the-table money pay working job

'So... below minimum wage?': Ex-manager offers $50 to a former employee, begging them to come back for one shift

Managers will do just about anything to cover a wayward shift in the fast food industry. With corporate goons breathing down their neck and a 70-hour week on their horizon, it's no wonder managers become desperately manic when an employee no-shows or calls out sick. They're at their brink. However, the manager in our next story proved to be more manic than desperate...
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'I got a dress, white gloves, and a pearl necklace': Retail employee channels her inner ‘Audrey Hepburn’ after getting burned by management for underdressing at work

There's nothing worse than being an employee of a high-end retail store. If you've never experienced it, picture this: Every day you clock in, you are exposed to the scrutiny of every high-horse, ivory tower, wannabe with a superiority complex and despite your desire to dismiss their overinflated opinion with a waive, your commission depends on them.
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work workplace coworker coworkers worker job employee employees boss managers manager working tip tips server casino tipping-culture gratuity waiter waitress server service industry

'Give 0% tip, get 0% service': Casino server gets payback on a notorious no-tip customer, causes 'tipping culture' controversy in the comment section

It's no secret that tipping culture in America has gotten out of hand in the last few years. Every business with an iPad as their POS system will flip their little screen around to their customers they sheepishly say, ‘It’s just going to ask you a few questions'… Sorry, but it's hard to justify tipping 35% on a $7 coffee, but the social pressure of the barista with an imperious stare, a septum piercing, and electric pink hair is tough to ignore.
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'Okay, have it your way': Smug DIYer losing $3,000 dollars worth of decking after ignoring the sage advice of a professional

These days, every DIY enthusiast sees ‘amateurs’ online who are achieving their home improvement goals without any experience. Armed with a flathead screwdriver, hand-me-down power tools, and a whole lot of gumption, a lot of DIYers feel builder's confidence flowing through them before ever setting foot into a hardware store.
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'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

If being an employee is a challenge, being a manager to several employees is no picnic either. Having to answer to all of their requests, being the person they turn to whenever they have any problem, and yes, even being the person they blame when things go wrong, are all difficult tasks that can really drive a person up the wall. Though the title can be tempting, you have to remember that with great power, comes great responsibility. This person who wrote this Reddit piece is just starting to r…
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'I am being held against my will': After working a 30 hour shift, nurse calls the police then gets fired for being 'immature'

If you've ever pulled an overtime shift, you know the psychological warfare that goes on throughout every step of that OT journey. Once you pass hour 8 of your work day, your concept of time starts to warp, turning your workplace into an inescapable purgatory in which you're trapped until your next 15-minute break. For the nurse in our next tale, her accidental overtime shift turned into a nightmare after her relief no-showed...
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malicious compliance reddit petty revenge payback passenger bus driver customer public transportation reddit thread job business work working workplace employee worker

'Enjoy walking 4 kilometers home': Bus driver gets payback against a mutinous passenger by leaving him stranded

Even if you're a level-headed worker, sometimes the stressors of the workplace can get to you. Boiling over with rage and brimming with thoughts of sabotage, there are some service industry jobs where the work is doable until the customers rear their ugly heads. Enduring the pig-headedness of customers– or in this case, passengers –can take a toll on a worker's patience and perhaps, their mercy.
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work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss bosses manager quit resign resignation job business company letter spam email police welfare check

Clueless Boss Sends Police to Do a ‘Welfare Check’ on an Ex-Employee After Ignoring Their Resignation Notice

Spam emails hit your inbox every day. Whether you're avoiding daily discounts from incessant brands, disregarding subscription requests, or ignoring updates on your extended warranty, there's a lot of riff-raff that comes through your email that can go straight to the trash . However, when it comes to your work email inbox, there are a few messages that can cause a lot of confusion if they're never seen– like a resignation letter.
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work workplace working coworkers worker employee employees boss manager bathroom breaks job supervisor reddit antiwork blue collar cashier gas station

'It's a paid bathroom break': Gas station employee scrutinized by a nitpicking boss after taking 'too many bathroom breaks', goes viral

When we all graduated high school, we thought that that would be the end to the restroom tyranny, but for the gas station employee in this next story, the obsession with bathroom breaks followed them into the working world.
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'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

There's motivation, and then there's whatever this is. It's certainly not motivational , that's for sure. There was a time not so long ago when credit cards were only used for big purchases. Then, stores evolved to let people use them for smaller shopping trips. These days, it seems like everyone has at least a few cards, and we use them constantly. Regular old cash has taken a back seat. Credit cards are ubiquitous at retail locations especially. Many stores offer their own credit cards. That…
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boss worker employee manager job revenge work coworkers working petty revenge ceo employees supervisor workplace company coworker business - 24489989

'He has no idea why [he's been] singled out': Office jockey gets payback against the workplace killjoy by making a generous contribution

Working with the same handful of people every day really makes you think about your social circle. Your coworkers are not necessarily ‘friends’ because you don't choose to hang out with them, but you certainly don't want to be making enemies in the cubicle next door either. In the workplace, employees walk a fine line between professional relationships and their personal lives– however, there's always that one coworker who doesn't know the difference.
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees manager managers boss supervisor love-letter love embarrassing tifu reddit boyfriend girlfriend mixup

Employee accidentally sends a steamy love letter to their boss instead of their girlfriend in a classic Valentine's Day mixup: 'I accidentally confessed my undying love'

The first, most embarrassing moment in every kid's life usually happens around middle school. You know, that moment that someone finds out about your crush and reveals it to the entire class? It's the first time your cheeks burn, your stomach drops, and you ever wish you could disappear into the floor. For those of us with a bleeding heart and a knack for making blunders in our love life, that feeling becomes all too familiar, but for the star of our next story, the searing shame of wearing his…
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work workplace coworker employee interview interviews interviewee employer employees boss manager working job business hired hiring personality-test test bizarre weird reddit

Prospective employee withdraws his job application after being forced to take a bizarre personality test: 'Needless to say, the results are completely inaccurate'

'You just know that they were sitting around the corporate round table with those stupid grins, patting themselves on the back, remarking, "What a great idea!"'
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work story working workplace boss employee quit overworked hardworking retribution happy-ending quitting-on-site quitting-on-the-spot stories epic awesome empowering

'I couldn't let her talk to me like that': Overworked employee calls their boss's bluff, quitting 10 seconds after being called 'replaceable'

After an 80-hour work week with nothing to show for it but bags under your eyes and a dusty, unchanged salary check, overworked employees can start to unravel, like the worker in our next story.
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reddit thread work working boss bosses ceo quit safety osha forklift petty revenge payback quit quitting

'Keep your mouth shut to the people willing to even work there': Employee rage quits and reports his company to OSHA after getting written up for breaking arbitrary ‘rules'

When faced with the dilemma of health and safety concerns in the workplace, employees have to look out for each other– because their boss certainly isn't.
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reddit antiwork workplace work working worker employee interview interviewer recruiter boss manager silly ceo job business company

Indignant interviewer turns on a new recruit who didn't even want the job in the first place: 'Like they weren't the ones who contacted YOU'

When you're applying for jobs, usually the hiring pipeline is pretty straightforward: You apply, they interview you, and then you're hired! However, in the era of online headhunters and recruitment sites, things can get a little topsy-turvy in the hiring department, especially when recruiters have no idea what they're doing.
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