

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Don't mess with a judge. Bosses think they can get away with anything, and technically, they can get away with a lot, but they can't get away with messing with a judge. The person who attempted this was a hotel owner who told his maintenance worker that he was to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get out of jury duty. He then promptly told the worker that if he failed to do so, he would be fired. The worker was fine with serving, but he was scared of losing his job, so when he was called up to court, h…
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'So you want to own me for $1900 a month??': Part time employee seethes after getting forced to work 5 days a week

Would you rather work a 10-hour shift or a 4-hour shift? At first, it might seem nice to take the shorter shift but then think of all of the lost time spent getting ready for work, getting there, getting back, and decompressing. By the end of the day, your 4 hours is looking more like 6 and at that point, your entire day is lost. So when we're faced with the choice to lose a full day of our lives to our jobs, wouldn't you rather be paid a little overtime?
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'You have no power over me': Retail employee dupes a 'time-thief' manager operating according to a watch set 10 minutes ahead

Time may be a construct, but it's the same for everybody. We're all bound by the 60 minutes every hour and the 24 hours in a day–and when you're paid by the hour and working on a strict schedule, time becomes law. For the retail employee in our next story, time became more than just a means to collect their paycheck, it became a great way to get payback on a salty micromanager.
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Ex-employee turns lemons into lemonade when their petulant boss proves them right: ‘I’m taking [this email] to corporate'

This is what a fall from grace looks like
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'I'm starting in April for $170,000': Encouraging stranger gets his dream job after 5 years on the grind, offers wholesome advice to a hopeful audience

Feeling stuck in the workplace? Sometimes our job has a way of suffocating us, like you're handcuffed to a sinking ship with no prospects of breaking free. When you're underpaid and overworked, it feels like water is filling in around your ankles and the walls are closing in. Perhaps, if you're lucky, you'll find a kind stranger on the Internet to throw you a lifeline.
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Interviewee engineers the ultimate jump scare as payback for enduring futile hiring steps: ‘The goal was to get them to turn up the volume as loud as possible’

The hiring process is asinine these days. After 8 rounds of interviews, 4 different cover letters, and losing your will to live, the application to your dream job may still be lost in the trash bin of some flippant hiring manager.
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'Don't offend me': Company 'rewards' 20 years of loyalty with a meager 4 days of PTO, employees left flabbergasted

Company loyalty isn't really a thing anymore. Our Boomer parents can boast about their pensions and their work ethic, but when a company has nothing to give you after years of service–not even an inflation-covering raise–why would you stick around? Contrary to popular belief, you CAN buy loyalty… especially in the workplace.
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'He wrote 'thief' on my check': Ex-employee gets paid 80% of his dues before filing a wage theft report against his employer, sees his boss's true colors on his settlement check

After every exhausting week of work, weary employees uncontrollably count their hours and calculate their expected pay. We can't help it. The shining beacon of hope of every working citizen is their bi-weekly paystub, rewarding their hours of indentured servitude to ‘The Man'. But when you get that glimmering check and the total balance comes up short, your ever-wavering shift resilience fades.
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opinion boss work from home worker remote work employee employer workplace-discussion Office work environment wfh reddit thread Reddit - 24856069

'It's much easier to focus without all the office politics and gossip': 20+ Remote Employees Share Their Reasons for Working from Home

When it comes to working from home, employees can have different views. Some find that they can focus much better, get more things done, and save time during the day when they don't have to commute. However, others may find it challenging to work from home due to distractions from other things such as pets and household chores. With most workplaces switching back to in-person work after having a remote environment during the pandemic, it raises the question of which is better. Some employers fi…
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networking nepotism worker jobs employee job wages unfair recruiting hiring workplace-discussion workplace - 24812037

25+ employees discuss how workers unfairly land high-paying jobs without qualifications: 'They just "look" and "sound" like the person in charge'

It feels like a common scene, doesn't it? Watching folks breeze into high-paying jobs effortlessly while the rest of us scramble for opportunities that seem just out of reach. It's the age-old story of the power of networking, where the people you know often overshadow your education and skills. It's especially upsetting to see jobs with high salaries go to those whose experience doesn't seem to line up. Imagine seeing someone with a background in English land a tech position, all thanks...
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worker employee toxic-workplace retention rate malicious compliance work i quit satisfying quitting story retain bad bosses Reddit - 24830725

'I shouldn't have to go out and get a competing offer letter every time I want a decent raise': Boss denied loyal employee's retention offers, shocked when he quits

As an employee, growth within the company is expected. No one accepts a job offer with the hope of staying in the same role until retirement. Even if growth is only in salary, that's enough for a lot of workers out there. On the other hand, employers want employee retention to avoid high turnover rates. They want to keep the hiring and training process to a minimum. To satisfy both needs, employers need to treat their employees well. In this story, an employee worked for his company for about t…
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'Are we being audited? GUYS, LOOK BUSY': Well-dressed dude spooks his girlfriend's coworkers, causing a tizzy by looking wildly out-of-place

As someone who sports sweatpants and a hoodie for most of the year, I certainly don't have an aura of intimidating professionalism, but the guy in our next story realized how quickly our stylish social stigmas can derail a couple of employees.
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'Lie about me at work and you'll suffer the consequences': Employee frames the office snitch to give them a taste of their own medicine, sparking heated controversy

When was the last time you got tattle-tailed on?
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'You better believe I wore the "baby sharp" hat everyday': Clever line cook gets snubbed by a humorless manager, makes their own fun by wearing the joke on their uniform

It's important to keep some semblance of 'fun' in the workplace because that's the only thing that's getting you (and your coworkers) through your workday. But like every group project in middle school, there's always going to be a Debbie Downer in your group, determined to squash any good-natured fun that falls outside of the rulebook.
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‘He knew the score’: Senior electrician claps back at a power-tripping newbie engineer after getting his seniority insulted, using a power-washer to maliciously comply

Consider his bubble burst.
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work workplace working employee employees manager management coworker boss ceo ceos bosses supervisor warehouse middle-management reddit

'Purchaser had one job....JUST ONE!': Product purchaser gets reamed by the CEO after doubting a diligent employee, afterwards the little guy gets a promotion

Middlemen are a concept created by upper management to keep the underlings in line, but are they even necessary?
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