
'I sat in my car in disbelief: Employee shares why they got fired in LinkedIn post where they describe sleeping in their car to avoid commuting to work

'I sat in my car in disbelief: Employee shares why they got fired in LinkedIn post where they describe sleeping in their car to avoid commuting to work

'I want to enjoy a campfire from my porch': Guest wants to light a campfire in the middle of a forest, hotel employee refuses to sell him firewood

'I want to enjoy a campfire from my porch': Guest wants to light a campfire in the middle of a forest, hotel employee refuses to sell him firewood

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27 Retail Memes for Customer Service Workers Who Are Checked Out

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Hospitality employee quits after getting duped out of a supervising role, leaving their impatient employer understaffed: 'Good luck filling that role'

‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

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'Deal with it': Foreman puts his contractor's health on the line after denying him proper safety equipment on a hazmat-worthy job site

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'Does she also send scathing texts to his hairdresser?': Successful side-hustle causes a stir in the workplace when a jealous wife finds out her husband eats lunch made by another woman

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'I was looking forward to a 70% pay bump': Employee jeopardizes a promotion after getting caught by the CEO playing Pokémon Go on his phone

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'I can barely afford food': Pre-law intern making $14/hour gets badgered by their out-of-touch boss to buy a designer purse worth a month's salary

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'I stopped going the extra mile': Gen X employee finds peace when he quiet quits after realizing his workplace reality

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'Anti-anti-theft': Retail employee wins the award for 'Most Brainless Employee of the Month' after attaching anti-theft devices to the price tags

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'She hated making small talk with people': 25 Managers reveal ridiculous reasons that their employees have quit

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A Happy Hour Menu Full of 43 Friday-Feeling Memes to Help You Procrastinate at Work Until 5PM

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Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

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‘I was NOT on mute’: Guy gets caught in 4k cursing his coworkers when he forgets to mute his mic during a meeting

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Retired employee shares 4 important rules he's learned in the workforce: 'Management is NOT your friend'