
‘Don’t bother coming in to work tomorrow': Employee asks manager for missing tax documents from her paycheck, manager responds by firing employee

‘Don’t bother coming in to work tomorrow': Employee asks manager for missing tax documents from her paycheck, manager responds by firing employee

‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

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'Who even designs these?': 20+ Design flops

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Prospective employee withdraws his job application after being forced to take a bizarre personality test: 'Needless to say, the results are completely inaccurate'

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Dipped a Kit Kat in tikka masala': 20 bizarre food combinations people swear are delicious

'Dipped a Kit Kat in tikka masala': 20 bizarre food combinations people swear are delicious

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

'I threw a shower for myself': Expecting parents ban 'delusional' MIL from seeing baby

'I threw a shower for myself': Expecting parents ban 'delusional' MIL from seeing baby

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'I fell through the roof and into his house': Guy breaks his neighbor's roof while trying to climb it, the tenant of the house refuses to let the owner fix it, wanting the compensation all to himself

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannouced

'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannounced

25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

25+ Designs made for people with bad taste

25+ Flawed designs made for people with terrible taste

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 18, 2023)

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 16, 2023)