

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

What type of passenger are you on a long flight? Are you the type who falls asleep as soon as the plane takes off, only waking up when the meal is being served and when the plane lands? Or are you the type that never falls asleep, so you binge-watch an entire TV show while snacking on the complimentary snacks and drinks, and maybe chat a bit with your neighboring passenger? I think it's great that every person can find what to do on a flight in order to relax and enjoy the experience, but the e…
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'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannouced

'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannounced

If my roommate and I are both at home and someone started to walk in, I'd immediately think it's a burglar. I mean seriously, who just lets themselves in someone's house nowadays? If it's a family member or a close friend, we typically get a quick text that they're stopping over. Or at least a knock! In this OP's case, it's not even family or friends that are barging in unannounced. It's their realtor. From three years ago.
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25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

These are the people buying what those oddly specific targeted ads are selling. You know the kind. You'll be scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and you'll stumble across a shirt that says something like, “This mom of three loves horses and hates Mondays.”
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'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

If you have a pet , chances are you renamed them once you brought them home to you. Since there are hundreds of animals at shelters at any given time, they often just get random generic pet names like Buddy or Max. Then, once you've adopted your little fuzzy bundle of joy, you might want to let your kids name the new family pet, or give them the name you've always wanted your fur baby to have. Well, these animal shelters got a little more creative with their pet names. Whether they let children…
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25+ Designs made for people with bad taste

25+ Flawed designs made for people with terrible taste

Sometimes you see a product online that makes you go, “Who in their right mind would ever buy this?” It seems like some products are just made for nobody. One example is overly specific shirts, like that viral tee that read, “Never underestimate a mother who listens to iron maiden and was born in August.” Is anyone wearing those shirts sincerely, or are the wearers only being ironic? It's hard to say, and if I ever come across someone rocking an overly-specific shirt, I'll be sure to ask them.
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Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 18, 2023)

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 16, 2023)

The internet is many things: a place to connect with friends, read, write, shop, and discover a treasure trove of the oddest photos imaginable . When the internet was younger, it was a pretty magical place to be. You could find a lot of interesting websites about celebrity gossip or your special interests or websites like ours, full of memes, videos, and fails . I personally really miss the original Farmville game from Facebook… the hold it had on society in the mid 2000s-2010s was really somet…
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'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

On those groggy mornings where you're on autopilot , mishaps are bound to happen. We've all done it: when you're half-awake, you tend to do things like forget to bring your laptop to work, or maybe you start driving to your mom's house instead of the office, or even searching desperately for your phone while holding it. That's especially funny if someone witnesses you using your phone flashlight to look between the couch cushions for the phone in your hand. One of the more embarrassing things I…
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'Kind of a jumpscare, but here are some pebble platform sandals': 20 Online sellers who tried to make a quick buck with random items

'Kind of a jumpscare, but here are some pebble platform sandals': 20 Oddly optimist online sellers who tried to make a quick buck with the most random items imaginable

We're all for having a “reduce, reuse, recycle" mindset, but you don't have to sell those beat-up sneakers covered in dirt. I mean, maybe someone will buy them, but is that really worth it for anyone involved? These people below shared some eye-opening finds they discovered while browsing for clothes online . They're browsing an app meant for reselling clothes, which is fine for those cleaning out their closets. However, the site has quite a few issues. There's apparently a rampant problem with…
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rules halloween costumes halloween candy neighbors neighborhood celebration trick or treat nextdoor halloween costume funny weird holidays neighbor - 22888709

'No outfits that are frightening to dogs': Concerned neighbor writes bizarre list of Halloween rules to 'avoid a repeat of last year's Halloween'

This person has some unsolicited rules to “avoid a repeat of last year's Halloween." A Brixton Hill resident created a strange list of Halloween rules that ignited discussion on the r/nextdoor subreddit. That's because these aren't common sense rules, like stopping trick or treating at 10PM, or requiring kids take only one piece of candy. No, these rules are fully unhinged, and could only be written by the kind of person who doesn't have kids and also doesn't like children.
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Million-dollar Florida beach house confuses the internet with its mysterious second-floor entry

Million-dollar Florida beach house confuses the internet with its mysterious second-floor entry

Would designers really build a house that no one could enter ? The internet was wondering that very question about one house in particular. This home is located in Florida, home of all things quirky and kooky. It's a beautiful home, and it's conveniently raised up on stilts (since, you know, Florida floods constantly). However, eagle-eyed viewers noticed that the listing doesn't seem to include a set of stairs into the home. The listing, posted by @ZillowGoneWild, notes that you have to climb t…
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'Guard dog expenses for... a chihuahua named Princess': 40 Items business owners tried to write off as a work expense

'Guard dog expenses for... a chihuahua named Princess': 40 Hilarious items business owners tried to write off as a work expense

Business expenses, what are they and how do they work?
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'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to talk to passenger

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to confront passenger

This woman decided to confront another driver , but she did it in the most awkward way imaginable. As with every story on the internet, there are at least two sides. But whoever holds the video camera has an advantage to tell their side of the story. This person just happened to catch one mom's odd behavior on camera, and shared the video with the world. The woman's claims are serious: she states that the driver of the car nearly hit her children. The woman asks for an apology from the driver,…
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'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

This woman is losing her mind over some teeny tiny flag decorations . Sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And if you're this woman, you then proceed to take a stroll down the block, no shoes necessary, to yell at your neighbors. This woman was very worked up over her neighbors' property , and she spent several minutes screaming at the poor young folks who live there. To their credit, the young people who live in this place handled the woman's yelling with grace (and some mi…
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'We had to pay fifty cents to use a K-Cup': 30+ Jobs with silly rules

'We had to pay fifty cents to use a K-Cup': 30+ Jobs with silly rules that drive the workers crazy

These people have the strangest rules at their jobs, from bosses who limit their water intake to one guy who needs to email someone just to find a pen. As they shared to r/AskReddit, these people answered: “What's the most ridiculous rule in your place of work?” Every job has it's own rules,
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ask reddit neighbors funny stories house neighborhood family stories funny weird entitled people neighbor apartment - 21828101

'My upstairs neighbors moo at each other': 20+ Neighbors who were on their weirdest and silliest behaviors

These people didn't hold back when talking about their neighbors' silliest habits . From keeping the radio on 24/7 to disputes over property lines, there are lots of things you and your neighbors might disagree over. It's great to befriend your neighbors if possible. Alongside having a pleasant atmosphere in your neighborhood , it's nice to have someone you can depend on to water your plants or get your mail while you're out of town. That's assuming you have normal neighbors, but a lot of peopl…
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25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

Pizzas that are this bizarre make us feel philosophical. At what point does a pizza, loaded up with the most random toppings you can think of, cease to be a pizza pie?
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