

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

If you ask 100 people the worst foods they've ever tried, you'll get 100 different answers. If you ask people who answered u/MomKaia's question, though, you'll encounter a lot of interesting answers—and quite a few about sea urchins . Every person has their own unique palate. Some foods people dislike for their textures, like snails or liver. Then there are foods that have a terrible taste or smell that drives people away (the durian haters were out in full force over that terribly scented frui…
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‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

Finding money on the street might be one of the best feelings to ever exist in human history. No matter who you are and where you are from, there is no beating that lucky feeling of finding something that could improve your life even just by a small percentage, even just by buying yourself a cup of coffee. Of course, what I mean by ‘finding money on the street’ only applies to situations in which the money you found is unclaimed and has no way of being returned to the owner, much like what happ…
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‘Finders keepers’: Resident fixes bench after neighbors threw it out, only for the neighbors to demand the improved bench back, claiming it was stolen

‘Finders keepers’: Resident fixes bench after neighbors threw it out, only for the neighbors to demand the improved bench back, claiming it was stolen

When we were children, we were taught so many simple rules that as adults years later, we can appreciate as really important life lessons. Even if it was something as simple as - ‘treat others like you would want to be treated yourself’, or ‘honesty is the best policy’, we carry those lessons for our entire lives. Another silly lesson that we all know is ‘finders keepers’, which might not be the best and most accurate lesson to learn, but is definitely something we should all consider in some c…
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'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

While working in sandwich shops, these cashiers managed to lose their appetites. After creating some truly monstrous sandwiches, these ones were memorable enough to tell the world about. When you ask sandwich shop workers to share the “strangest order you've ever had from a customer,” you end up discovering what people's favorite ingredients are. For example, more than one person had to make sandwiches that were completely covered in olives! They're known for adding a bit of salty flavor to a s…
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‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

Siblings should always tease one another, that is pretty much the most basic rule in the siblings' rule book. One of the common ways to tease your younger siblings is by telling them they are actually adopted, and coming up with the most elaborate story for what happened with their actual birth parents, hiding their baby pictures, and sometimes even asking your parents to go along with it. The girl in this Reddit story discovered that her life is not far from being a big adoption prank, except…
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25+ Unbelievably awkward questions employees have been asked at work: 'During an interview I was conducting, a candidate asked if [my wife] was single'

When you're at work, there are some topics you don't discuss in a professional setting. Sure, you can gossip all you want to your work bestie, but if you're in a meeting or any other situation with a large group of coworkers, you should probably play it safe and keep the controversial topics to yourself. We all know this, but sometimes there are those certain coworkers who have absolutely no problem asking the most absurd questions, putting you in an awkward situation as you try to compose your…
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'I said no and ended the call': School principal demands mom work for free to help with school play, she refuses, principal blames her for production failure

'I said no and ended the call': School principal demands mom work for free to help with school play, she refuses, principal blames her for production failure

It comes to no one's surprise that schools care much more about the sports programs than the arts. For some reason, it is assumed that the arts are not as important for kids' education as doing sports, and so the art programs get much less budget and attention in an unfortunate amount of schools. The situation is no different in the school from this Reddit story, and the main problem might be with the school's principal. OP (original poster) is a mom who got a call from a school principal askin…
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‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

The patience that front desk employees possess is truly admirable and is definitely not talked about enough. They have to deal with an unbelievable amount of people who simply cannot understand the smallest of things, and overlook everything for their own benefit, and they do that on a daily basis. I tried being a front desk employee in a local hotel in my town, and I managed to do it for about a month. I just couldn't handle the guests' endless complaints and demands, and after a month of non-…
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'He made me order off the dollar menu': 15+ Disastrous dates that went completely wrong

'He made me order off the dollar menu': 15+ Disastrous dates that went completely wrong

What's your worst first date story? We all have one. Some people fumble before the date even ends, while others make their date uncomfortable after the fact. After that, read about the company CTO who demanded to “ see every line of code in this project ” after becoming suspicious of his coders.
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‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

When one looks for a place to live, they have to consider all kinds of different elements that would allow them to have the best experience living there. Some of those may be - The size of the house, the cost, the neighborhood, and how close it is to a supermarket, a mall, or even a school. Those are all different elements that people have to think about when they are in the process of looking. Another extremely important element is the parking situation in the area and making sure you have you…
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25 Perflexing interior design choices that make zero sense

25 Perflexing interior design choices that make zero sense

Home decoration is highly personal, as these people with very specific tastes can tell you. The things that you love to have in your home might baffle other people. But when it's your home, you can do as you please! The only way other people will get to judge your all-yellow bathroom or your jagged DIY sink is when you sell the place. Not all DIY projects are created equal. It's one thing to paint or wallpaper your living room to your taste. It's a whole other story when you start cutting up yo…
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20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

We're all for interior design, but some of these things are beautiful… and impossible to keep clean . Cleaning is a never-ending chore. You'll always have to do dishes and laundry, and those floors won't mop themselves. In any house, there are bound to be a few hard-to-reach corners or crevices. When that's the case, people tend to just ignore it. Who cares if the top of a cabinet is dusty, or if that one crawlspace has built up some dirt? Well, it's a whole different story when it's a prominen…
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'A guy proposed to his girlfriend of two weeks at my senior prom': 25+ Moments of cringe that happened in front of other people

'A guy proposed to his girlfriend of two weeks at my senior prom': 25+ Moments of cringe that happened in front of other people

Every friend group has at least one cringe friend. So if your friend group isn't cringe to you… you're the one! It's one thing to act goofy in front of your friends. It's a whole other story when people do stuff in public that's wildly embarrassing. There's a whole type of cringe where folks decide to propose in public, whether they're asking for a hand in marriage, or asking a date to prom. For some reason, a lot of people feel comfortable asking someone they've barely dated to prom publically…
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'You can't stay here': Hotel guest demands to sleep in the lobby after she arrives a day early, front desk refuses and cancels her reservation

'You can't stay here': Hotel guest demands to sleep in the lobby after she arrives a day early, front desk refuses and cancels her reservation

Some people think that feigning ignorance and waving their entitlement around would get them far when in reality, it just makes them look bad, or even worse, it simply encourages people to write stories about them on Reddit. Much like this hotel guest, who tried getting her way even when she absolutely knew she was in the wrong. The hotel's front desk clerk was working a night shift when a woman approached and asked to check-in. When the clerk tried to do so, they saw that the woman's reservati…
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‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

This might sound completely ridiculous, but before anyone thinks of buying a car, they should really consider whether or not they have a space to park it where they live. If they don't, then they simply should not buy a car. Another thing they should absolutely not do is assign a random public area in their neighborhood to be their own personal parking space because A. It's illegal, and B. It is just going to create an uncomfortable situation with the neighbors. But still, some people buy cars…
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 'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

Any business owner who wants to be respected should learn how to accept criticism. If they are unable to listen to what their customers have to say, they will probably not get far. It is unbelievable that many people tend to completely forget that a business is a two-way street and that the business needs the customer just as much as the customer needs the business. The restaurant owner that is shown in this Reddit post was completely out of line when handling customers. It seems that the owner…
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