

25 Food combinations for the brave of heart

25 Quirky food combinations for the brave of heart

You may think you've seen some odd food combos, but these ones really take the cake. Listen up, content creators. You're all banned from having pickles . Every last one of you content creators out there, you have abused your pickle privileges by creating man-made horrors. What have I said about making man-made horrors beyond our comprehension? Straight to jail, all of you. When you've been on the internet for a while, you can often spot when people make foods with the intention of enraging thei…
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Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

'I demanded a partial refund and they refused': Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

Tattoos are so personal to the individual getting their skin adorned. Everyone knows that tattoos last forever, but it's a hard concept to fathom until you actually get the tattoo. Depending on where you get it, you'll either 1) look at it every day, so you'd better love it! or 2) never look at it if it's on your back or legs, and you'll kind of forget you have it at times. Regardless, you do have that art work forever, and even if you can't see it, other people probably can. Along with your ha…
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'[I] pretend I'm a wrestler walking into Wrestlemania': Top 30 Surprising Secret Confessions of the Week (July 7, 2023)

'[I] pretend I'm a wrestler walking into Wrestlemania': Top 30 Surprising Secret Confessions of the Week (July 6, 2023)

You will never believe the situations these people got themselves into. Sometimes in life, you end up in situations you could never explain your way out of. If you tried to, you know everyone around you would act like you were crazy. Usually, we'll just keep these incidents to ourselves. But many people also choose to share their more memorable secret moments with @fesshole, a popular Twitter account based in the UK. These confessions often make me glad I don't have kids. For example, one paren…
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25+ Goofballs who couldn't help but have fun with statues

25+ Goofballs who couldn't help but have fun with statues

Some people can't take anything seriously . We call these folks the kind you “can't take anywhere” — and honestly, they are usually really fun to be around. The folks below certainly had a blast playing around with statues. Most statues are there for a serious reason, highlighting a person who made great strides in their career field or added great value to the world through humanitarian efforts. They aren't just at museums. You can find statues all over the place , from parks to malls to libra…
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'Spiderman 3: Beans Editions': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

'Spiderman 3: Beans Edition': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

Save the planet by buying all your cursed objects secondhand. Reduce, reuse, recycle, revenant. While I've never experienced a haunting, I want to believe in ghosts. I'm afraid if I don't believe in spirits, they'll try to prove me wrong. I've watched enough horror movies to have some hubris about these things. If my home ever does become haunted, I might not ever know, because my earbuds block out noise pretty well. A ghost would have to start slamming doors or knocking over belongings to get…
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'Tattoo artist slipped and... pretended it didn't happen': 25+ Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 30, 2023)

'Tattoo artist slipped and... pretended it didn't happen': 25+ Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 30, 2023)

These things are just a teensy tiny bit annoying… but they're still stuck on these people's minds. That's what the r/MildlyInfuriating subreddit is all about — sharing the small, mundane annoyances that happen in your day to day life . People have some pretty interesting complaints this week. For example, one person is annoyed that their neighbor put up a random new contraption. It's apparently supposed to rid their yard of small pests. But instead, the buzzing noise the device makes has been p…
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'Could you fax us some paper for the fax machine?': 25+ Times coworkers asked odd questions

'Could you fax us some paper for the fax machine?': 25 Times coworkers asked utterly clueless questions

These employees were baffled by the things their coworkers said. As you grow up, you realize that the public education system doesn't teach us everything — and in fact, plenty of people believe myths or are misinformed about things for years. U/see-bees decided to query the r/askreddit community when they asked, “What's the stupidest thing you've had to explain to a coworker?” In the comments, people roasted their coworkers, sharing the funny things they've said.
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'I knew triplets named Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Paprika': 25 Cringeworthy Baby Names

'I knew triplets named Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Paprika': 25 Bizarre Baby Names

One has to wonder what these parents were thinking.
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'Frogs swallow using their eyes': 20 weirdest facts to share at a party

You know that person at a party who always has some random and bizarre fact to share with the group? You know who I'm talking about: that dude who always chimes in with something about the mating season for niche flies or the habitats of squirrels or a behind-the-scenes detail from a famous movie. You get the picture. Well, what if we told you that this dude could be you ? That's right. We've compiled a list of the 20 weirdest facts you could share with your friend group at your next party. So…
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'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

In recent years, TikTok has become the latest social media app to grow incredibly popular, especially with Gen Z . Unlike the way Instagram is full of carefully curated photos, TikTokers are inclined to make videos about what's on their mind — and they aren't afraid to do some oversharing . Check out these absolutely wild things people share to TikTok. Then, check out this story of an employee who got some malicious compliance on the boss who insisted he get a doctor's note .
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'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

These folks have secrets — and you can only know them anonymously! Twitter's popular secret confession page , @fesshole, is a prime spot for your average person to confess their darkest secrets. Luckily for the rest of us, we get to take a peek into other people's lives and realize that everyone is hiding some things that we'll never know about otherwise. In this week's selection, one person confessed to being devastated to learn that a colleague was actually just a really polite robot, while a…
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servers server waiter waitress restaurant work strange weird wacky wonky ridiculous special-order order food allergy dish gross funny reddit ask-reddit

'We microwaved her salad': Servers share the strangest things customers have ever asked for

But what if the customer is wrong? So epically wrong that their servers are scarred for life contemplating their tasteless choices and downright wacky desires. For the woman who wanted creamer with her red wine, please leave this establishment and never return. Your tastebuds are not welcome here.
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'The meter maid literally ran to his car to give him a ticket': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 1, 2023)

'The meter maid literally ran to his car to give him a ticket': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 1, 2023)

Without password sharing for movie streaming services, how will humanity survive? Families are being torn apart as some streaming services have ceased allowing families to share passwords with each other. Now, something that was once a legacy — having a cheap pass to let all your family and friends mooch off your Netflix account — is no more. Indeed, the younger generations are rolling their eyes and switching to the next cheapest service. That's just one of the mildly annoying things people sh…
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20 Shirts with questionable designs

20 Shirts with terrible designs that will definitely cause wardrobe malfunctions

Don't be caught stepping out in any of these outfits . Check out these outfits below that you'd only buy for your worst enemy to wear. The only kind-of good shirt is the coffee stain one… in case you're a messy sort of dude. I'd also rock the “ Never do your best, quit ” shirt! It's subtly genius of the designer to create that one. Next up, check out this tale of an entitled shopper .
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'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

No one ever wants to have these types of conversations. Getting fired is one of the worst feelings out there, and not everyone handles rejection well. While most people doing the firing probably don't want to, they still have to deal with the crazy aftermath. As these people shared in their stories below, some folks just loose their entire mind when they're let go from their job. One particularly glorious tale is a brother and sister who were both working at the same restaurant when the brother…
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surprising confessions wtf secret work stories shocking workplace family funny weird fesshole - 20590597

'I wasn't sorry --- I did it on purpose': 30+ Secret Confessions of the Week (May 21, 2023)

These aren't the kind of secrets you could tell to your best friend or even your spouse… they need to be totally anonymous . Each day, brave souls on the internet share their best (or rather, worst) secrets to @fesshole. So many people share their secrets, but some are much more shocking and surprising than others, so we've hand-picked some of the best ones. I totally get why the person who accidentally destroyed a 4k TV on their first day of work felt they could only share that anonymously. Th…
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