

Take my tips and pay me below minimum wage. See what happens!

'I believe it came out to a little under 100k': Company cheats delivery driver out of tips, has to backpay all former employees and pay fines

There will always be employers out there who think that they can step on the little guy's toes while dipping their hand into their wallet in order to turn a profit. In reality, if you can't manage to make a business profitable in an honest way, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be in business at all. This college guy worked for a delivery company that insisted on taking a percentage of driver's tips under the guise of covering operating costs. This happened even if the employees then…
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Places like this are the first ones to complain about nObOdY wAnTiNg tO wOrK

'Find your own replacement!': Ridiculous handwritten viral workplace posters and their stupid rules draw the ire of the internet

What is it with workplaces and stupid rules? Every workplace has at least one, whatever it may be…
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How "I don't listen to women" ended in unemployment

'The manager [...] didn't want [him] to even finish the shift': Misogynist coworker insists he doesn't listen to women, ends up unemployed also

It shouldn't be all that hard to behave like a reasonable and rational human individual — right? Like it's not that difficult to get up in the morning and put on your business persona and treat other people with the slightest amount of respect. Sure, there might be a deep fire of eternal rage burning somewhere deep inside you for the sheer disappointment that adult life holds — the field of your future littered with broken promises and unrealized dreams — but that doesn't mean that it's ok to t…
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My Employer Was Sold. We were all laid off and told we could re-apply for our jobs. Nobody Applied.

'No one single person has re-applied for their old job': New owners lay off entire staff and force workers to reapply for their job, no one does

When this (very profitable) small family-owned business was sold off, the new owners greedily rubbed their greasy hands together and contemplated how they were going to ruin it.
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Shut the F*ck up get in the truck and do what you’re told! You got it. | Malicious compliance

'I jumped in my truck, called his boss, and went home': Jerk construction operator abuses wrong contractor, gets fired

There are times when you've gotten away with doing the wrong thing for so long you grow accustomed to getting away with it — like that u-turn you pull while dropping the kids off at school, speeding on your favorite route to work, chopping up kidnapped victims in your basement, or — in a different manner — those late nights playing GameBoy under the covers as a kid. Getting away with the action for an extended period of time doesn't change its moral, or legally grey, standing, in fact, it might…
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AITA for exposing all my coworkers after they said I was lazy?

'I took a video': Lazy coworkers try to scapegoat worker pulling all the weight, she records evidence and throws them under the bus

What is it with people constantly trying to blame someone else for the thing that they themselves are most guilty of? This hypocritical finger-pointing is just a vapid means of projection that these narcissistic robots employ whenever they feel threatened.
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Elon Musk fired developer via Twitter | I have spent ~6yrs working on Twitter for Android and can say this is wrong.

Viral Twitter Thread: 'He's fired': Elon Musk fires developer via tweet for publicly correcting him on Twitter in viral exchange

As the Twitter meltdown continues to unfold, Elon Musk has just excused a Staff Software Engineer — who dared to speak out against his rhetoric — via Twitter.
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funniest tweets about how work sucks

Fresh 'Anti' Work Tweets for People Who Are Always on the Edge of Quitting

Society is ready to go back to the bartering system at this point.
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i "embarrassed" my boss after coming in “late” on my day off, and working 10 hours to appease one of his “good customers”

'Update: I am now being berated after coming in on my day off, working 10 hours, and cancelling an appointment': Boss ridicules employee after they work overtime on their day off to help boss's friend, employee quits

Imagine trading your day off, working a 10-hour shift, and canceling a vital appointment to help your boss's friend out — only to have your boss throw it back in your face by telling you how “embarrassed” he was that you weren't able to make it to a location, an hour away, at 7 am.
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antiwork toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 1808135

'Will you be at work?': Boss fires pregnant worker after they visit the ER and are assigned bedrest for fainting

Just imagine: You're having one of the worst moments of your life — and your boss wants to know if you're going to make your shift.
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Work Memes For Those Of You Who Are Mentally Out-Of-The-Office for the Holiday Season Already

Work Memes For Those Of You Who Are Already Mentally Out-Of-The-Office for the Holiday Season

It's an undisputed fact that by November, you are mentally not present at work until January.
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antiwork toxic-workplace retail workplace job interview interview - 1825031

'Interview is at 10 [...] manager comes in at 10:10': Job-Seeker shows up to interview 5 minutes early, told they're not being interviewed because they were late, reports interviewer to manager

There are so many ways you can mess up a job interview — but who could ever anticipate being accused of being late by the late interviewer?
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management antiwork fired toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses viral - 1813511

'Don't bother ur fired': Employee fired over text for not showing up for a shift they weren't even scheduled for in this viral thread

Is being a psychic medium going to be the next ridiculous requirement for an entry-level role?
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They Refused Me an Office, I Complied, They Regretted It

'I distinctly heard the yelling': Stubborn department heads conspire against new hire having an office, get chewed out

It happens all too often in your life that you run into stupid obstacles created by obstinate individuals who, for some reason or another have managed to lodge themselves in a position of power. Maybe they just don't like you, maybe they don't like what you do, maybe they just don't like the color of your tie, or — maybe they're just drooling at a chance to exercise what little control they have over their stupid lives. Whatever the reason, these “leaders” make it their mission to act as an
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Posted at work today... | I'll do extra when I''m paid extra | 10 things that require ZERO TALENT

'10 Things that require ZERO TALENT': Photo of ridiculous break room poster go viral, internet has a field day adding to the list

Putting up posters in a break room also requires ZERO TALENT.
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Today I had my first “what the actual f***?” moment at a job interview

Remote Worker With Back Problems Gets Booted Out of Zoom Interview Mid-Sentence for Not Sitting at a Desk

This is a new level of savage ghosting from a potential employer.
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