

AITA for labeling my food as having hot sauce to deter food thieves at work? | Simple as that. My lunches were being taken while I was working. So I photocopied the label from one of my husband's hot sauce bottles and put it on my food.

Lunch-Stealing Coworker Ironically Self-Reports When They Try to Report Their Victim to HR For Hot Sauce Deception

Reporting someone to HR for some overly-hot sauce is a hot take when you've been remorselessly pilfering their lunch. You can't help but wonder how these lunch thieves manage to live their lives so perilously perched on the edge of vagueness. What do they do if they're not the biggest fan of the coworker-crowdsourced menu for that day? Ethical and moral arguments aside, I don't think I could handle the uncertainty; I need much more stability and consistency in my life than that to make it throu…
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Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

Raise your hand if you're stuck at work with no idea what to do about your so-called 'career'
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I can't work out if this is a joke? I just want to clear something up ahead of the quarterly launch retro on Monday. I understand you're entitled to your lunch break and that's not the issue here.

'Show a little more dedication': Bewildering viral email asks workers to eat their lunch at their desk in case CEO drops by unannounced

Nothing says dedication to your job like timidly eating lunch at your desk, nervously checking the door every few minutes to see if today is the day your overlords have decided to grace you with their presence. Let's be real here—it sounds like this manager is a little bit out of their depth. They're the kind of person who only ended up in a position of authority because they knew precisely which (two) cheek(s) to kiss—knowledge they applied regularly and with vigor. This email is a testament t…
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antiwork toxic-workplace great resignation quit workplace Horrible Bosses interview - 1750279

'I got fed up': Worker quits after being refused raise to match wage of new hires

This grocery store cashier was the workhorse of their manager's dwindling team; When their employer began running a promotion offering higher wages to fill vacant roles, the cashier asked for a raise which they were denied. They then found themselves training the new hires, who were making more than they were.
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“You need to be better at timekeeping….” OK then, I will… | TL:DR Boss erodes all goodwill by going for me for being 3 minutes late (despite me staying on late after hours all the time for no pay) then loses his shit when I start only doing the hours I’m contracted to do.

'You need to be better at timekeeping...': Boss reprimands employee for being three minutes late once, they stop staying late

Be careful what you wish for… When you're managing people, you really need to be careful with your choice of words, especially if you're the type of tyrannical manager who expects your instructions to be followed to the letter. If you unintentionally leave room for interpretation in your autocratic tirades, expect it to be interpreted in the most ridiculous (or disadvantageous possible ways.) That's what happened when this boss told their subordinate to “be better at timekeeping” after they wer…
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Fire me because I did my job? Okay. Hope you don't need all of these supplies. | I love taking photos of people. To the point that I have two resumes for applying for jobs and one of them is specifically for photography work.

'The store closed down not two months later': Employee fired over technicality, takes their stuff and leaves company nonfunctional

Unfortunately, not being recognized or appreciated for your contributions in the workplace is a pretty commonplace occurrence. Often your efforts can be taken for granted or just completely fly under the radar. This is the reason why people who are expert communicators, schmooze, or just generally work at self-promotion often find themselves in stations far above those who would rather die than engage in small talk at the office, and often end up in positions that exceed their actual capabiliti…
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I got written up for "not meeting company standards" one week after coming back from a miscarriage leave | Fast forward to this week and I'm getting told I didn't do my job fast enough when I was put in that shift last week so now I am going to get written up. With the stress of everything else, I just wanted to cry or scream.

'I'm still tired, fatigued both mentally and physically.': Woman written up for underperforming following miscarriage, turns to online community for support

This woman was written up by her employer for not doing her job fast enough after she returned to work following a miscarriage.
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Crappy Bosses  | "A few weeks go by, and when I come in one day, there are expensive boss cars parked all along the loading dock. My workmate says something big is going down. All the managers have been summoned"

'He's got a pay stub for about 15 paychecks': Manager takes down company that is shorting his workers on overtime

It's startling how many people out there are unaware of the legalities surrounding operating a business, both workers and owners alike. One tends to imagine, idealistically, that in order to run, operate, or manage a business you'd have to have some awareness of what the regulations and laws of employment are. Unfortunately, when you get out into the workforce, it soon becomes brutally clear that the managers and regional managers aren't actually being selected based on their business acumen, s…
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AITA for how I responded when my co worker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size? | I stayed quiet til he brought up my promotion and then flatout said "that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size" I was shocked I almost dropped my cup

'Coworker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size': Guy can't handle woman's response after making inappropriate workplace comments

There are just some things that should never be uttered out loud; heck, even thinking them is bad karma. Passing comments on any stranger's physical traits is one of these things that should never be done, especially if that person is someone who you have a professional relationship with… and ESPECIALLY if those comments have a sexual connotation. If you somehow manage to make all these mistakes at once, you're practically begging for a conversation with HR followed by a swift escort from the b…
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Well then... | "Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles." the notice reads. "Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area out front. You can no longer be in the parking lot during work time without permission from your Supervisor. "

'Failure to comply [...] will result in disciplinary action': Viral thread shows workplace limiting employee's breaks to 'approved areas'

This image went viral today after it was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork community. The photo shows a notice that was posted in an apparent break room notifying workers of changes to policy regarding worker breaks. The changes prohibit workers from taking their breaks in their vehicles and require workers to instead take their breaks in “approved areas”. “Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles.” the notice reads. “Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area…
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“If you find that “job” take it! Goodbye!” - Okay, I will and take the department with me. |  So I decided to ask the question “How do you plan to retain talent when there are other companies offering 2x the money with half of the workload?” The CEO decided this question was hilarious and read it aloud laughing and responded “if you find that job (with finger quotes as if it wasn't real), you better take it, goodbye!”

CEO Laughs off Worker's Request for Raise and Tells Them To Find Another Job, They Do and Find Their Whole Department New Jobs Too

On this earth, it often seems like things happen for no reason, just a roving mess of random occurrences, happenstance tragedies, and chance meetings that have little to no meaning. Regardless of all the things that are happening out of our control, occasionally, with enough influence and intention, we can become the authors of our destinies and shape the path that lies before us. Ironically, that's exactly what this CEO was doing when they jokingly responded to a frustrated worker's question r…
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I just can't with this one | Employer posts sign in window blaming lazy community for their struggle to find workers

'Get off your butt!': Restaurant blames lazy community for their own struggle to find workers

The “Great Resignation” has turned the workforce on its head. The experience of the waning pandemic gave a lot of workers the time and headspace to reflect on their individual working situations and reevaluate if it was what they wanted or if they wanted to seek greener pastures.
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AITA for flipping out at my husband for canceling my daughter's job interview?

Daughter Refuses to Work At Stepdad's Toxic Company, He Retaliates By Canceling Her Interview Behind Her Back

The line between toxic workplace and toxic family dynamic is as thin as can be in this story!
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I quit without notice and boss Is telling me I have to come back. | I quit an awful job without notice. It was anguish to my mental health. I found better work that I'm happy with and pays more.  My ex boss texted me saying I promised her I would work a full year and that she expects me to come back. I haven't replied to any of her texts or emails.

'I quit without notice and boss Is telling me I have to come back.': Employee quits a bad boss, told they have to continue working

What is it with bad business owners wanting their bad behavior repaid with goodwill? By the time employees reach the point where they're willing to walk out of a job without notice the notion of “good faith” or goodwill between the two parties has long since gone out the window. Sure there's the odd time that an employee bears the onus for the falling out, but when this happens, an employer will use this one person as an excuse to mistreat the rest of their employees forevermore “To make sure i…
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Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

This is my 20th interview, of course I have experience
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"I got a job offer with a competitor, and with salary, commission, and bonuses, it works out to over 100k.  I handed in my resignation, and he had the audacity to call the CEO where within 10 minutes they offered me a 70k base, with a 30k bonus."

Worker Refused Raise, Gets New Job, Boss Counter Offers With Double Current Salary

It's often said that no one appreciates the work that you do until you're gone. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is take a vacation to prove your worth. Although, a toxic workplace will probably just find some way to blame you for not “leaving things in a good place” before you go on leave. In a similar fashion, your employer will never appreciate you for what you're worth until they are forced to face continuing on without you. Then you will even find yourself to be surprised at how mu…
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