
antiwork workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses story greatest hits employment - 20179717

'Ex-boss texted me a few days [later]': Boss begs employee to cover shifts after firing them

Too many employers don't truly value their worker's contributions — or outwardly appear to in order to devalue and reduce the employee's self-worth and keep them underfoot.

'My boss met with me and cried': Boss breaks down when employee gets new job they were told they were unqualified for

'[They're] cutting my salary by $8k': Chef stunned that management is cutting pay by $200 per week to fix restaurant's plumbing

'[They're] cutting my salary by $8k': Chef stunned that management is slicing paycheck by $200 per week to fix restaurant's plumbing

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

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‘That is my personal time’: Employee tells coworker she can’t stay late, gets caught having a solo picnic

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'I don't care where you put it, just get it out of there': HR Director gives worker an unwise order with a predictable outcome

A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'

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'He ignored my warning': Boss overrules financial viability worker's warning, costs company $8 million

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'You're probably getting paid less than the people hired after you': Experienced programmer getting paid less than fresh new hire sparks online discussion over pay

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'My boss decided to chow down on my meal': Employee calls boss witch, boss gets petty revenge by eating his lunch

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'You can quit at any time': Worker calls boss's bluff and quits in the middle of their shift

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'I was asked to take a 30%+ cut in pay': Boss asks employee to be a 'team player,' employee quits, company goes under

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'His daughter can do it at a cheaper rate': Boss wants to replace successful social media manager with his daughter to save on budget

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'I declined [the job] because of their actions': Four job candidates share stories of walking out of job interviews after disrespectful behavior

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

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'My software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes': Boss steals worker's program and takes credit for it, reprimands worker for undesired features