

I got a job with one of those marketing firms, a New Age Capitalism company that insisted we all do yoga and breathing exercises while they rang a little bell and gave us affirmations about how many contracts we were all going to sell and how much money we'd all make. The job was 100% commission,

''They screwed me [...] I screwed them': Company refuses to payout huge sales commission, salesman starts own business and puts them under

All is fair in love and war, and —if you're not willing to play by the rules — don't expect anyone else to either. This salesman was confronted with the dawning, horrible truth that he was going to be cheated out of his hard-earned commission when the company he had just begun working for started making excuses about why they weren't able to pay him out. The company had foolishly set a commission structure with an aggressive exponential curve; when the salesmen joined and blew all previous sale…
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karen customer throws insane tantrum at an Enterprise, employee epically denies her business, drama ensues

'Based off our interactions earlier [...] I'm not renting to you': Enterprise employee epically quits after rightfully denying business to a rude Karen customer

“Update: I quit my job at Enterprise…"
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worker antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 1788679

'Have yet to receive my first check': Workplace refuses to pay worker because their address was incorrect

There's no way this is legal.
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ex server rants about the service industry and sparks debate

Former 5-Star Waiter Discusses the Lies Every Server Tells, Sparks Debate Online with the 'Karen Employees' of the Service Industry

Some say the little white lies are necessary, others are disgusted by the “unprofessional” deception.
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Pedantic manager picks apart their own work Backstory: I worked for a high street retail chain that, in their infinite wisdom, ditched the store manager position and instead had 4 assistant managers running a store. This led to intensive workplace politics as the more competitive staff kept trying to pull stuff to make out that they were the big dog despite the fact that we were all on the same level.

Worker Manipulates Meddling Micromanager Into Annihilating Their Own Work

There's nothing more satisfying than watching the slow-motion train-wreck implosion of a deserving person destroying themself. This micromanaging boss was manipulated into doing exactly that when they tried to pick apart their own work, somehow without even recognizing that it was their own. As commenters have pointed out, doing shift work where the schedule was made by a different person every week would be absolutely maddening. There would be zero consistency with when you were scheduled, and…
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"My work demoted me to a blogger for a micromanaging sociopath, so I use an Al program [to] do all my writing for me."

'I use AI to do my job': Guy gets demoted, demotes his workplace and uses AI to complete his work

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you —at least in some situations. It doesn't take one long to come up with multiple instances where following this ethos to the letter would create some incredibly unfortunate situations. Well, when this guy was demoted and forced to work for a “micromanaging sociopath,” he decided to demote his workplace and automated his job with an AI; the work was still being done —but he didn't have to do it. Honestly, this still sounds like a win-win situation…
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antiwork corporate me irl toxic-workplace work capitalism Reddit toxic-work-environment - 18280965

The Best New Memes, Tweets, and Hot Takes About Toxic Workplaces

Some will make you laugh, others will make you think, and all will make you question why we work like this.
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My girlfriend is dying and my boss keeps asking when I'm coming back. I'm gonna quit today.

'Update: We argued. I quit': Boss insists worker leave dying girlfriend and return to work, worker quits

This worker found themself faced with pushback from their boss when they decided to take a leave of absence to spend time with their girlfriend, who is in hospice care with not much time left. After “a few weeks” off, their boss began repeatedly attempting to get them to come back, texting them 13 times in the course of a week, insisting that there was “no way” someone could be in hospice for that long. They go on to express in their original post (items #1-9) the pressure they felt, how their…
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woman gives her two-week notice, gets humiliated by upper management

'Two-week notice from hell:' Management humiliates worker in front of her entire team after she quits in the most respectful and professional way possible

“The CEO called me that evening to further insult me…”
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My bf started a new job, sent me this, and turned off his phone

'This means completely turned off': Employer's autocratic cellphone policy goes viral

Just another employer who thinks they own their workers because they pay them the smallest amount that they're legally able…
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My work hours are 830am-5pm no exceptions? you got it

'Now, my email notifications are muted': Employee scolded for leaving early, gets revenge by going off the grid after hours

Strict bosses can't have their metaphorical cake and eat it too!
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My work hours are 830am-5pm no exceptions? you got it  | Work day is 7am-3:30pm

'[Our boss] hates it': Clock-watching micromanagers get the tables turned on them in these two threads

There's something infuriating about a manager who doesn't trust you enough to let a little “give and take” slide. Keep scrolling with those eyes to see the screenshots, comments, reactions, and responses below.
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Several Employees at My Company Were Forced to Sign No Talking Contracts | This is to document the conversation regarding the excessive talking between ____ and fellow employees, specifically, but not exclusively with ____.

'This is literally my dream': Employer forces chatty coworkers to sign "no talking contracts"

This employer forced “several employees” to sign effective vows of silence (performance improvement plan) at their workplace and photos of the contract have sparked discussion online.
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People who walked out of a job interview, why did you do it?

These People Walked Out of Job Interviews and Never Looked Back

It takes a lot to get people to walk out of an interview, but it clearly happens more often than we think!
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Coworkers didn't like that I leave 3 hours early. Say goodbye to your sleep in.

Infuriating Coworkers Complain About Flexible Working Arrangement, Makes Everything Worse For Everyone

Why would you argue against your own working freedoms? Pre-pandemic flexible arrangements were hard enough to come, and post-pandemic corporate life is already quickly forgetting them—we see more and more posts every day about the evaporation of remote work. This workplace is a perfect example of the recently-trending term “Crab Mentality”—which basically boils down to “If I can't have it neither can you.” The term originates from the (alleged) behavior of crabs who, when trapped in a bucket, w…
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HR is NOT your friend

'HR is NOT your friend': Fresh out of college employee confides in HR and ends up getting fired

No matter how nice they are, do not trust HR...
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