

The 8 Biggest Jerks of the Year, According to Reddit

The Biggest Jerks of the Year, According to the AITA Community

The judges of the AITA community have spoken!
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My 21 year old niece, slapped her boss square in the face in a team meeting and quit her job. I am a proud uncle. It was THE topic of conversation at the family Xmas-eve dinner.

'[She] slapped her boss': Employee stands up for herself and quits on the spot, has finally had enough of her boss's harassment

Sometimes enough is enough, and you simply cannot take anymore… It sounds like this is exactly what happened with this guy's niece with her job at the accounting firm. These sorts of workplaces have a reputation for being "old boy's clubs," so it's no surprise that they continue to harbor relics of a past age who continue to live their lives as if they're within the pages of a "Mad Men" script. It's honestly disappointing how prevalent these types of attitudes are. This guy's niece absolutely s…
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Karen complains to HR about my body, I Uno Reverse her complaint, everyone hates her

Nosy Karen coworker files ridiculous HR complaint, woman gets perfectly petty revenge on her

Karen should have minded her own business!
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20 Post-Christmas Work Memes and Fails

'Going back to work after the Holidays': 20 Post-Christmas Work Memes and Fails

You know that feeling when you have to work between Christmas and New Year's...
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Update: 'I just rage-quit my job of 5 years': Worker returns a year after quitting terrible job with an update

Update: 'I just rage-quit my job of 5 years': Worker returns a year after quitting terrible job with an update

In any relationship, if you're not appreciated for your efforts, there's no better time to walk away than now. Of course, when it comes to employment, there are always considerations to be made for maintaining a source of income, but if an opportunity has presented itself for something better, you really should just go for it. That's what this worker decided to do when they had had enough of their terrible job. They received an offer for a big increase in salary and more flexible working condit…
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'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

At what point is lost stock value worth more than the last shreds of dignity and morale of your workers? Unsurprisingly, for many employers, the answer to that question is “Greater than $0.” Anyone who has worked in retail has experienced an employer who insists any and all missing stock must be the result of theft. It's a really enlightening conversation to have with an employer that reveals how that employer truly feels about their employees beneath the facade of family and pizza parties. I'v…
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healthcare worker has encounter with extra entitled Karen

'The Karen Blueprint': Healthcare worker shares POV of what it's like having to deal with the most entitled Karen client

Over the years many different versions of the notorious “Karen” has come to light. The monstrous entitled person has evolved to be many fearful beings—like someone yelling at you to get out of “their” parking space, even though it is a public spot. Or someone yelling at you because you work in the service industry and obviously every problem is your fault. Or maybe you're unfortunate enough to come across a Karen while working retail and they're trying to return something that isn't even from t…
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New Boss is trying to reprimand me (threatening to take shifts away) because they feel my name tag's name is not my real name?

'The most ridiculous flex of power I have ever seen': Boss accuses employee of using a 'fake name' because of common nickname, confiscates their shifts

Some people have an immense propensity to abuse petty amounts of power. If you put some people in charge of filling a cup of water, they would find a way to do so with absolute authority. This manager got an incredibly petty bee in their bonnet about the shortened version of their own name that they prefer to use. They have taken to telling the employee that their name is "fake" and have even started penalizing the worker by confiscating shifts from them. The most insane part of this entire sto…
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female electrician shares ignorant things men have said to her on the job

'Why is there a girl here?': Female electrician from Utah shares the eye roll-inducing interactions she's had while working the trade

Trade jobs are needed more than ever. And with more electric powering coming into demand, electricians are one of the trades that are at the top of the list. So why wouldn't women want to become electricians? The main thing probably being that it's extremely male-dominated, and thus riddled with sexist ideologies concerning women working in the trade.
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"Would you just do your f-ing job?"

'Just do your f-ing job': Worker revolts against terrible boss by doing just their job, as requested

Going above and beyond at work is generally considered to be the best way of furthering yourself professionally. It might feel a little weird to be essentially doing work that's out of your pay grade for free, but it cannot be said how important doing that work is to learn more advanced skills, grow, gain confidence, and pump up that CV. So, in a healthy workplace with competent leaders, this can be a win-win for everyone: the work gets done, and the employee benefits with growth. The same can…
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boss antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment retail - 18723589

'How is [it] legal?': Unhinged management tries to tell pregnant worker that she must wait for relief before going into labor

One day in the not-so-distant future, we will all have been replaced by robots and AI… Then there will be a golden age of no one having to do any work at all before the robots rise up and kill us — or harvest us to use as batteries. Some managers, however, seem to think that we're already at that point and expect their workers never to have any medical events; never need any food, breaks, or hydration; and to show up to work on a whim and to do as they're told, whenever they're told. The point…
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Was caught with a coffee cup at work, the next day everyone’s “water privileges” were revoked.

'No, absolutely not': Boss losses their cool when employees abuse 'water privilege''

The audacity of some people to want to remain adequately hydrated. Don't they know? The first rule of the cashier's code is that you must remain thirsty at all times. We're talking parched here — not even an ounce of spit remaining that could accidentally flick onto a customer's face. After a cashier betrayed this sacred code, their boss was forced to instate a ban on all water sipping due to abuse of “water privilege.” That's insane… right? It begs the question of why some workplaces insist on…
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Am I being a dick? For context this is my scheduled day off every week and the ‘duty’ I’m on is spending the day with my baby son so the nanny and the grandparents are all busy because it’s my day to be a dad. Work also text my wife to have me check my phone because I didn’t respond fast enough.

'Guess I'll find a sitter': Manager passive aggressively tries to coerce worker into coming into work on their day off

The great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that you get paid a little bit more than the miserable wages of your subordinates. The not-so-great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that a little bit more still probably isn't a whole lot, and certainly isn't enough for all the bullshit you have to deal with.
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my (17f) manager had me leave the new girl waiting tables on her own, so I took her at her word.

'A customer called in and complained': Lazy restaurant managers refuse to help teen workers with lunch rush, get customer complaints

Being appointed as a leader generally means that you should be doing at least a little bit of leading: sitting on your cell phone while your teenaged workers suffer the onslaught of a rush is not that. It's a sure sign that someone shouldn't have been appointed to the leadership position they are in and is instead a living, breathing example of the “Peter principle.” Other times the issue is worse still, and the person's appointment to their leadership role isn't due to any previous performance…
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Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited

'Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited': Insane sign written in highlighter prohibits employee bathroom breaks longer than five minutes

It's important that the medium used to convey a message matches the weight of that message.
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I altered my uniform to comply with the dress code in my employee handbook.

'I altered my uniform to comply': Worker takes advantage of stupid belt loop-hole loophole

We grow up learning that rules exist for a reason and had best be followed to the letter; this gets confusing when the realization dawns that there are a lot of stupid rules that exist only because a certain stupid someone decided it should be so. This is the case in many workplaces where an egotistical middle manager or woefully unqualified HR worker can make unchecked declarations and decrees that everyone else has to follow. These decision-makers will pat themself on the back for a job well…
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