

I made my boss over $1.5 million in commission over two years, while I made $45k/year. For Christmas he got me a $25 gift card to a movie theater chain that I would have to drive to another state to even use.

'He called legal on me': Bad boss cheaps out on Christmas bonus and tries to fire worker after they quit for a competitor

There's a point where being overly petty, stupid, and cheap crosses a line over into straight-up malice. I'm a huge proponent of Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity — but sometimes the negligent stupidity is so wanton it becomes evil. Still, this idea of a stingy boss cheating their employee out of a hard-earned Christmas bonus is a theme so storied that it has been featured in one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time: Christmas…
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manager sent this to all the employees.... yikes

Viral Thread: 'If your dog died you need to bring him in and prove it': Restaurant manager tells workers they will be fired if they miss work for any reason, gets fired themself

It's ever a wonder how people like this manage to get into positions of power over other people. Unfortunately, it's often probably because the organization they're working for is run by toxic, cruel people who recognize the toxic and cruel (or spineless, subservient) traits in those they promote to management positions within their business.
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I was fired and am being told I need repay $1,100

Update: 'They threatened to take further legal action': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer for unsubstantiated wage theft

There are petty employers — then there are employers who fire you for bogus claims of wage theft and demand repayment of said wages. The crazy part is the employer doesn't seem to have (or isn't willing to offer) any proof to back their claims. They're just like, “You're fired, and btw you owe us money," and expect the employee to comply. After being accused of claiming hours that they had not worked, this employer demanded repayment of the supposed wages under the threat of a lawsuit. In reali…
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"There is no such thing as a day off"

'There is no such thing as a day off': Hypocrite manager demands employee cover shift on day off, but won't discuss sick leave on their own day off

Some people are blindly ignorant to the irony of their own existence. How could anyone send those texts — in that order — and think to themself, “Gee, what a wonderfully competent and enlightened being I am.”
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egotistical end inexperienced manager put in her place by the hostess

'With all due respect, you've never even worked in a restaurant before:' Hostess claps back at egotistical new manager who has never even worked a day in the service industry before

"Don't come in and act like you already know everything when you're a new comer to not only the job, but [also] the whole industry.”
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Owner prohibits drive through employees from wearing jackets during cold winter months

Viral Thread: 'We look sloppy': Employer forbids employees from wearing coats while working drive through window, doesn't consider just providing coats as uniform

Those working in retail and service are no strangers to discomfort and, often times it can seem like employer's make it intentionally so.
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New Job Bait and Switch | I worked for a national home improvement store (the blue one). When I interviewed, I applied for the sales position in plumbing (no longer exists). It was Monday - Friday, 9-5, with a commission program. Since I had years of plumbing experience, I was offered the job. The day I started I was told the sales job went to an internal promotion, only thing they could offer me was 'part time'. Lower hourly rate, n

'New job bait and switch': Home improvement store hires electrician to plumbing department over actual plumber, this goes exactly as expected

There are certain things in life that just make sense: Like hiring a plumber to help in your plumbing department and an electrician for the electrical department. Well, this mysteriously nameless “home improvement store” got their wires crossed when this manager decided to nepotistically appoint an electrician to the full-time plumbing department that they had just hired a plumber to work in. When the plumber came to start their full-time job… they were told by the manager that they actually ha…
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They lied about my job, so I quit on during my shift today 2 months in

'They lied [...] so I quit': Recruiter lies about new hire's job duties and working arrangement, new hire quits

Working relationships are built on mutual trust — so why are so many recruiters determined to start things off with deceit?
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Maternity wear | This happened several years ago.  After onboarding a new job, I was told I could hire an assistant. The HR director, Kelly, handed me a stack of resumes, told me about a friend's daughter, and bumped "Kat" to the top of my interview list. Kat passed the tech test with high scores and interviewed well so, I hired her.

HR busybody demands pregnant assistant is reprimanded for maternity clothing... because the assistant's mother (HR's friend) doesn't approve of her boyfriend

We grow up naively believing that rules exist for a reason. It isn't until we're older that we realize that some rules exist because someone— just… decided that it was so, even if that deciding person wasn't qualified or didn't possess the brainpower and insight necessary to make said decision. This results in a whole lot of stupid rules that are blindly followed just because it's a rule. Meanwhile, said stupid rule followers couldn't make an actually informed, ethical, or empathetic decision t…
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My manager told us in a team meeting that our branch director asked that, from now on, every employee should eat lunch and spend lunch time in the lunch break room with everyone else. They have not made this mandatory, but it was basically implied that we need to comply to avoid being excluded from the team socially.

'We need to comply to avoid being excluded': Team leader implies required lunch break location to promote synergy and "cohesion"

Sometimes it's not about the words being spoken; it's about the implication . When your boss suggests a singular place where you should take your lunch break, claims it's not a requirement but goes on to imply that you'll be disadvantaged in the workplace if you disagree… well, you don't really have a choice — do you?
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Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

This vindictive a-hole of a boss saw fit to mandate surprise overtime when they came to the conclusion that their employees had missed too much work. Sure, it's understandable that they were feeling some stress and pressure while looking at the loss of man-hours for the week. There were probably some slumping numbers and unfinished tasks that were contributing to their impulse to pick up the phone. But, as adults and professionals, it's important that we control our impulses; there will always…
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Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

According to HR, they're out 'sick' at least 100 times per year
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Scheduled a single employee to cover the store on Black Friday. | Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

'The store is closed': Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

Working retail on busy holidays sucks — doubly so when understaffed.
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This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

It is simply HARD to believe that people would think THAT COMMUNICATING like this to their staff is in the SLIGHTEST bit effective or acceptable!
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We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

A stupid directive necessitates an even stupider response — that's why these employees decided to eat their lunch in the middle of their CEO's annual update when their boss told them the meeting was going to count as their lunch for the day. The boss would soon learn to regret their bold words when their entire team threw them right under the bus as soon as the CEO started asking questions about the buffet that was taking place before their very eyes. When put to sharp questioning, the boss dec…
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Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

The act of giving notice is one of mutual trust — especially when the worker isn't protected by an agreement or local law. The worker is showing their employer a sign of goodwill by allowing them the time to prepare other workers, maintain continuity, and execute a proper handover. The problem with giving notice is it's also like a breakup — “It's not you, it's me. I've just… Found someone else.” — and all too often, emotionally-stunted owners and middle managers take it exactly as such. This l…
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