
My boss exploded

'You should have all said OK Boomer': Horrible Boss explodes at employees, causing mass exodus

Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

woman starts a new job with a millennial as a boss and she has never been happier working somewhere, before she had only worked with boomers and Gen-X as management and she says it was the worst

'Now THIS is a boss!:' Woman Who Has Only Had ‘Narcissistic & Psychotic’ Boomer and Gen-X Bosses Shares Refreshingly Professional Email From Her New Millennial Boss

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, they quit

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, employee gives them a piece of their mind and quit

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday

'I am NOT AVAILABLE': Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday without talking to them

How to quiet quit effectively

A 2023 Guide to 'Quiet Quitting' That You Should Never Share with Your Boss

Email from the president of the company

'You just didn't do the work': Entitled CEO sends wildly tone-deaf email to employees to kick off 2023

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

'I don't even know what I do anymore': Funniest Back to Work Memes and Tweets Now That We're in 2023

'I don't even know what I do anymore': Funniest Back to Work Memes and Tweets Now That We're in 2023

If I don’t like it I can find another job? Okay.

'I resigned': Tradesman quits mid performance review after being refused a raise

Yell at me in front of a customer? Fine. Everyone gets 18oz of free coffee.

‘She threw me under the bus’: Diner worker gets shamed by manager for coffee order in front of customer, cue coffee-fueled malicious compliance

I told a white lie to stay out of a party, and now the whole team knows.

'Send me a picture, I don't believe you': Employee tells white lie to get out of work party, toxic boss asks for proof

Boss says she "doesn't pay me to sit in my car" after I show up 10 minutes early and wait 40 minutes for someone to come unlock the door.

'I don't pay you to sit in your car': Entitled Karen boss refuses to pay employee for waiting time after she was late