

factory worker quits during the first argument with his new boss who was reprimanding him for no reason and being extremely disrespectful, epically walks out and immediately find a new job with better hours and pay and closer to home

‘I quit on the spot and found a better job:’ Toxic Boss Disrespects Employee for the First and Last Time After Employee Epically Quits and Walks Out with No Regrets Mid-Reprimand

It's 2023, y'all, it's time to not take any crap from your employers. Oh, they're yelling at you and gaslighting you and making everything your fault even though they have been nothing but unhelpful, disrespectful, and just right out a jerk? Well, you stand up and GTFO of there. Stand tall, say your goodbyes, and walk on out with your head held high. You deserve better than selling your soul to a person who sees you as gum under their shoe. Sometimes it's better to work at a Chipotle with cowor…
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employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses

Working from home is quickly becoming a very common practice. Since the pandemic in 2020 forced everyone to stay at home, companies finally started to see how work still got done. It's now considered an antiquated way of thinking if you force your employees to come to an office every single day to do work they could perfectly do from home. Many millennials and Gen Z are even refusing to do jobs that aren't WFH. Recenly, a man took to Reddit to share his satisfying petty revenge/malicious compli…
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My friend got invited in for an interview after one over the phone. She was told she would get “$X” amount, when she was signing paper work to start, the rate was $3.15 lower then agreed. When she questioned it, the interviewer said “well you’re here now, may as well take it”. The rest is history

'I gotta use the bathroom': Interview candidate learns how low salary is, asks to use the restroom, gets in car, and drives home

I think we can all agree that Jessica is an icon.
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“Your job is done. I don’t want you to do anything related to the project ever again.”

'This is no longer any of your business': Director gets petty revenge on producer for making entire crew's jobs difficult

This producer sounds like a living nightmare.
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What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I have no interest working for you': 30+ entitled people getting their much-deserved comeuppance

Is there anything more satisfying than bearing witness to an entitled person facing the fact that they have absolutely no power?
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tell me how to stack products? ok! let me redo all the work halfway through!

'If I messed up it was on his head': Coworker Bob bosses employee around, cue malicious compliance

We all have a Bob in our lives...
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‘I Demand a Raise’ : 20+ Memes of the Week for Grumpy Overworked Employees Who Are Ready to Abandon the Workplace

‘I Demand a Raise’ : 20+ Memes of the Week for Grumpy Overworked Employees Who Are Ready to Abandon the Workplace

Almost every workplace is understaffed these days, leading to its employees being overworked, even though they don't get proper compensation for doing more than one job… it's enough to make anyone mad. If you call in sick, you know your boss is gonna make that face… not that you'd see it, but you would certainly know that it's happening. You can practically hear the grimace over the phone (or text, when they reply with a bitter ‘feel well’ because what are they gonna do?). Work takes up so much…
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25 Relatable Memes to Abolish the Monday Blues and Help Exhausted Employees Get Through the Work Week

25 Relatable Memes to Abolish the Monday Blues and Help Exhausted Employees Get Through the Work Week

We go to work because we want money, simple as that. No sane person is clocking in everyday because they love the “company culture”, pathetic Dominos pizza parties, or because they want to engage in (near) slave labor to make corporate CEO's fat and happy. If you're on that grind this week and you're feeling the Monday blues hit harder than ever, sometimes the only way to cope is to check out some memes– even if it's just to know that you're not the only one who hates your job. Sure, you're cou…
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You don’t want me to do my job? Okay, I won’t.

'Okay then': Boss takes employee off big project and puts it into incompetent hands, malicious compliance ensues

Sometimes, you know what's best, but your entitled boss simply doesn't.
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'It added up to a lot': Employees get massive payout when micromanaging manager insists supervisor double check team's clock-ins

'It added up to a lot': Employees get massive payout when micromanaging manager insists supervisor double check team's clock-ins

It's always annoying when you get pulled up by a pedantic manager for being five minutes late without them even taking into consideration all of the times that you have been 15 minutes early. Oftentimes, even if you're early nine times out of ten, these types of managers will still write you up regardless. One of this supervisor's team members got pulled up by management for coming in five minutes late. It got back to the supervisor's direct boss, who instructed them to audit their clock-in and…
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'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

It might not seem like it with all the toxic workplaces being ousted left and right and workers finally realizing they deserve more respect and quitting. But there are still some good work environments in this world and when you find one, you gotta appreciate it. Recently, a man on Reddit posted about how he was publicly called out during a work dinner, but the story has a plot twist. He starts by saying his boss left for a three-week vacation and dumped his workload onto him. So he not only ha…
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toxic-workplace quit workplace quitting resignation employment toxic-work-environment - 1961991

Owner claims a raise is impossible, worker quits then learns the new hire is making more than they requested, they cancel their notice period

There's a significant lack of consistency in the pay scales of many organizations — especially small businesses. You may be running the entire day-to-day operation of the business, pushing (unsuccessfully) for a raise for years, only to discover that the guy your boss has just hired to make Tik-Tok videos is making more money than you.
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boss antiwork remote work toxic-workplace manager work managers workplace employment toxic-work-environment - 1917703

Boss insists "cameras on, no exceptions" policy for remote workers, sparks online debate

The sure sign of a bad rule is utter and complete inflexibility; on the flip side, flexibility is something that is naturally worked into organizations by leaders who want to see and promote mutual success. If you're being overly tyrannical and micromanaging one particular aspect of your employee's work without considering things like their actual output and contribution, you're probably doing something wrong. Are you trying to contribute to everyone's success or trying to pump up your own ego…
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workplace, toxic, toxic work environment, work sucks, labor shortage, servers, restaurant, florida, hypocrite, ppp, welfare, government, handouts, pay, work

'And they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage': Local Florida restaurant hypocritically roasts people who take 'government handouts', while blatantly advertising their toxic work culture

Everything just hits different in Florida. Fondly known as the ‘penis of America’, Florida has proven that its mercurial population and DGAF approach to life can simply raw dog reality with no consequences. One local restaurant took that same Floridian spirit and has gone viral on Reddit through a post by a former patron, who shared a picture of an egregiously back-handed sign displayed in front of the business. Camellia Street Grill, a small local place in the heart of the Everglades, is obvio…
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Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

There's something to be said here about following through on promises. When this company promised this worker a raise a year ago and then refused to follow through, all they were doing was stacking dominos that were ready to fall. It doesn't take that much effort to follow through on promises so it's hard to imagine what these idiots were thinking here. It doesn't seem unfair to expect a promised raise, especially in light of their contribution to dramatically increased production. Honestly, it…
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'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

This man-child sounds like the ultimate nightmare!
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