

‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

A boss with an imperious attitude… what else is new? If you've ever been reprimanded unfairly by upper management, join the club. To think we're all humans at the end of the day who have their own issues, go to the bathroom and cringe at the lack of toilet paper, drink one too many beers, cry over an ex… it's crazy how authority can make you forget all that, leading to unjust actions toward an employee. This employee in particular was a model worker — so he was a little more than surprised when…
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Getting our bags checked is costing me my time after almost every shift

Power-tripping boss forces employees to wait up to 20 minutes after their shift to get their bags checked

Certain companies have a knack for treating their employees in embarrassing and dehumanizing ways—toxic policies ensuring that you hate every second you spend on their premises. Checking bags and searching for personal belongings is one of these policies. There's no reason for it unless you're dealing with high-security clearance. Why are you so worried that an employee is going to steal a pair of sneakers that were produced at literal slave wages?
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story manager coworkers workplace employment - 19247877

'This is extremely inappropriate': Manager's stupid trauma-sharing "icebreaker" generates some unexpected results, leaves internet bewildered

Some things aren't meant to be discussed in a professional workplace setting, as any discussion around them could be found to be offensive or off-putting. Conversing on topics like politics, religion, sex, and drugs (along with any other highly personal, private, or polarizing discussions) is a surefire way to get yourself acquainted with your company's HR—who may not be all that happy about all the extra paperwork you've caused them. No… some topics—like sharing your worst trauma, are better s…
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FAIL Blog ask reddit toxic-workplace failbook interviews workplace Reddit job interview interview employment toxic-work-environment - 19383301

30+ Subtle Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Immediately Catch

Some things stand out to you immediately as being out of place—like feeling the skin suddenly crawling on the back of your neck when you're walking through the park at night. We're primally—well… ‘primed’ for picking out when things are potentially dangerous; that innate survival instinct works wonders for picking up when things aren't quite what they seem. However, some people are cunning and practiced in their duplicity, and chances are you might miss the subtle hints that things really aren'…
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antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers workplace toxic-work-environment - 19347461

'Well I got fired yesterday...': Worker fired for $200 of "time theft" resulting from unauthorized breaks taken over two years

Smokers often attract the attention of their coworkers due to the obscene number of short breaks they take to “step outside” for a moment and satisfy their addiction. If this worker only managed to accrue $200 worth of stolen time—well, they might be one of the most responsible smokers in the workforce. But let's be honest here—how many of us are guilty of taking small breaks from our work to browse Reddit. . . . For more,
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'Update : told my boss I quit and he’s not going to pay me': Boss fabricates charges when employee quits to avoid paying them

'Update : told my boss I quit and he’s not going to pay me': Boss fabricates charges when employee quits to avoid paying them

"It's not personal, just business." companies love to say when enacting or enforcing an unpopular policy with their workforce—but it's incredible how personal it can get as soon as you hand in your notice. It turns out that power and control are actually a big part of what these employers love about their relationship with you… and they don't relish being told to relinquish that power.
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antiwork viral viral-story workplace workplace-story workplace-stories break room ceo coworkers Horrible Bosses toxic-workplace

'I am at a loss for words. This is pathetic…': CEO's viral request that employees donate their leave to sick coworker draws worker's rage online

"We're a family here," your HR will gladly tell new hires—a strained smile, thinly stretched, veiling years of workplace abuse, mistreatment, and exploitative policy that would say directly otherwise. The truth is that the only "family" this workplace resembles is a family on a true crime program where the children are chained in the basement by their remorselessly autocratic parents, who insist that the children should be eternally thankful for every scrap offered to them.
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engineer supervisor boss Horrible Bosses workplace toxic-workplace workplace-stories workplace-story workers bad bosses manager fired

'Let me go? Fine. You’ll lose millions': New supervisor frames and fires essential engineer, forced to hire them back at insane contract rate

It's often said that if you do a job and do it well, nobody is going to complain… but do a job well enough for long enough, and it's going to begin to be taken for granted. Soon enough, that second set of duties that you took on to band-aid resourcing shortages will become a part of your normal job description… You might be doing more work, but at least you have the appreciation of your manager—right? Their goodwill towards you could mean wonders for your career! That is… until they suddenly le…
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I quit my job after only one week. This is the email I sent to all my supervisors and HR.

'I quit my job after only one week': New employee sends scathing email to HR calling the company out of its shady policies

Without people like this, companies will only continue to exploit their workers.
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Dead dog wasn’t an acceptable excuse to miss work.

'My manager didn’t think it was an acceptable excuse': Employee not allowed to miss work after dog passed away

Are some horrible bosses genetically engineered to be heartless?
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace toxic coworkers quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 19248645

Jerk Boss Refuses to Accept Data Management Worker's Resignation, Tells Him He's Not Allowed Leave

What kind of insane power trip is this boss on? Does he seriously think he can just order his workers not to quit? There's a word for the type of relationship this boss is looking for—and it's not “employment.” This guy seriously thinks himself a feudal lord and that all of his “serfs” are dependent on him for life or death. That guilt trip of "how could you leave and do this to your coworkers" is a common manipulation tactic… and there are too many red flags to count here. He's probably trying…
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Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

This employee thought she was pulling off some malicious compliance, but in the end, she just made things worse for herself.
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You won’t pay for my hotel? Ok I’ll drag your name through the mud and you’ll pay for a more expensive hotel

'Don’t cheap out on your invaluable employees': Employee expected to work late, wake up at 3 AM, and drive 2 hours for a meeting? Cue Malicious Compliance!

Never mess with someone's sleep schedule!
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Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Name one thing better than being able to epically quit your soul-sucking job and shove it in your toxic boss' face with an epic one liner exit? Seriously, how freaking satisfying. Recently, a welder went to Reddit to share their epic “mic drop” moment when quitting. It all started when they went to their supervisor to enquire about a small raise they had previously discussed as a potential prior. Apparently, this manager decide to respond with toxicity and Karen-level tantrum. While the employe…
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work memes anarchy work sucks working workforce employee employer boss manager ceo rich minimum wage anarchy millennial meme relatable toxic disrespect rage cubicle

Funniest Anarchist Memes for Victimized Millennials Who Can't Stand Another Day in the Workforce

Why do I have to work today? I just want to be happy.
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20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

'Be ponctual and reliable': 20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

There's nothing more disturbing than looking for work online and finding job postings written by absolute idiots!
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