
'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'Why are you dressed like that?': COO shows up to work in a prom dress

'The CEO was immediately fuming': COO shows up to work in a prom dress after CEO mocks her fashion choices

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes on former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

antiwork workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses workers creativity in the workplace terrible-management - 21334533

'They had to close the part [of the company] I was working in': Worker quits when boss tries to coerce them into coming back early from sick leave

'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when it backfires

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when employee maliciously complies

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'I will never forget the expression... on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends incorrect paperwork

'I will never forget the expression of defeat on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends the wrong paperwork

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

disability leave on-leave work-leave work employee injustice fired wrongfully-fired story working toxic workplace boss manager hypocrisy hypocrite workplace pink-slip company lazy labor-shortage

'I get injured and [there's] no loyalty': Employee on disability leave gets fired after missing 3 weeks of work; the Internet calls out a broken system of hypocritical bosses

'This is my supervillain origin story': Boss tries to tell worker that getting demoted is a good thing, they leave and cripple the company

'This is my supervillain origin story': Boss tries to tell worker that getting demoted is a good thing, they leave and cripple the company