

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

Employees working in sales commissions will tell you that the environment is pretty intense, and with good reason; you often come across workers who will do anything to get ahead. Such as this employee, who noticed that a relatively new coworker of hers was about to close a massive sale, and swooped right in to grab the customer for herself. The coworker in question, OP, caught her red-handed, and immediately told her as nicely as he could, to back off. She assured him, as snakes often do, that…
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boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20042245

'My software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes': Boss steals worker's program and takes credit for it, reprimands worker for undesired features

Finance is probably one of the least “metal” things out there. In fact, finance workers are probably a direct antithesis of rock and roll singers.
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easter work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 20080133

'Why did you not coming to work??': Manager reprimands worker for taking Easter off after the management team fails to communicate

You can always judge the strength of someone's character by their willingness to accept, acknowledge, and correct their own mistakes. Similarly, a manager blaming their worker for organizational failure above the worker's pay grade says much about their leadership. It's completely fair for a worker to expect that everything is taken care of when they have followed the instructed process. Reprimanding that worker—via poorly structured text messages—for the ensuing lack of communication between t…
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‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

You know you must be particularly bad at your job when your Daddy is best buds with the CEO and you still can’t help but get fired. That’s what happened to this Redditor’s coworker, who was hired with next to no experience yet found a way to boss literally everyone around her and take credit for their work. One day, OP wrote up a report and handed it to her, only to watch her immediately head directly into the CEO’s office and give it to him, all while acting like it was her report. Well, you c…
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aita toxic-workplace work wife reddit thread Reddit surgery toxic-work-environment - 20035333

'AITA for going to work while my wife was having her appendix out?' Wife accuses husband of abandoning her, internet reacts

People are really split on this one, folks.
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employee toxic-workplace employer workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment work-story workplace-stories malicious compliance - 20038917

'I was right': Worker gets back at boss that sent them home for wearing shorts according to a company policy that didn't exist

There's nothing worse than being uncomfortable at work; that's why you'll never catch me in a suit and tie. That and the fact that copywriting isn't really the right field for dressing to the nines. So I'll rephrase: That's one of the reasons why you'll never catch me in a suit and tie. Imagine being told that you can't do something because “the policy” or SOP only to come to find that it's not actually a written rule at all. The hilarious thing that happens here is how quickly something gets c…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace manager work toxic-management workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 20039429

'My boss suddenly changed the PTO policy': Employer suddenly changes PTO policy and gaslights worker to keep them taking time off

People love to stick to policy just as long as it benefits them and their ends. It's surprising how quickly an unchangeable, steadfast rule will change just as soon as it no longer serves the powers that be. This is extremely common in workplaces where workers are told that something must be so because “it's policy” or “the process.” Like wearing sandals to work
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‘Decided to come back and beg for your job back?’: Arrogant boss lashes out at coworker, entire department quits and gets him fired

‘Decided to come back and beg for your job back?’: Arrogant boss lashes out at coworker, entire department quits and gets him fired

If you’re in need of a workplace story with a happy ending, it doesn’t get much better than an entire department uniting with the goal of ousting their boss. The fact that it was a success is one thing, but the fact that the Redditor managed to get herself a promotion (her former boss’s position, no less) is another. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/ProRevenge subreddit, and if you’re currently stuck in a job with an awful manager who lashes out and threatens you and/or your coworkers, feel…
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shady-managment law school antiwork employee fired toxic-workplace toxic-management law-student epic-response workplace Reddit shady-manager service industry - 20037381

'Imma get fired LOL [worth it]' : Shady management tries to pull a fast one, law student employee hits them with legal knowledge that epically shuts it down

Many people during their college years take a job to cover their expenses while they study for their eventual full-time career. For example, you don't need a 4 year degree to wait tables or deliver pizza, so you pick up this kind of service industry job while you continue your education in something that does require multiple years of education like a doctor or lawyer. Yes, that's right, even future lawyers work in service industry while they're in school (except for like rich nepo-babies..). A…
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'I suspect workers are sabotaging equipment just to meet the quota': Bizzare safety procedures at work cause cobra effect, corporate bit by malicious compliance

'I suspect workers are sabotaging equipment just to meet the quota': Bizzare safety procedures at work cause cobra effect, corporate bit by malicious compliance

Malicious compliance is often used when the employees feel like they have no other choice than to obey the ridiculous rules management creates on the different whims they have. And boy does management have whims… they don't always necessarily make a lot of sense. In this case, industrial workers began to literally break safety equipment, and fix it, just to write a safety violation report. A new employee who was not informed of this was absolutely flabbergasted. The same mantra had apparently b…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs work stories toxic-workplace bad jobs true story time-to-take-a-break workplace Horrible Bosses story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 20038661

'I just quit my job': Boss confiscates worker's lunch break as punishment, they quit

Breaks are one of the most essential rights of your daily working life, and they're not something to be treated as a privilege that can be taken away as punishment—like a parent taking away their child's favorite toy. Yet it's astounding how many managers and small business owners try this—completely unaware of the legal framework they must operate within and intentionally hiding behind their ignorance to shield them from questioning their morals and ethics. Would it be too much to ask that emp…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager askreddit Horrible Bosses Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20014085

'He was always slacking off': 10+ stories of how folks got their bosses fired

At some point in your professional life, you have most likely had a fantasy of seeing your boss get fired.
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance reddit thread Reddit store toxic-work-environment - 20001541

'I'm changing back into my shorts': Employee forced to go home for 'violating' uniform, gets back at toxic boss using the employee handbook

You can't enforce rules that aren't there!
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Owners didn't want to give me what I deserved, now they are about to lose a $3M contract because I resigned.

'They don't have anyone to replace me': Boss tells employee to 'know his worth,' so employee finds a company who values them

Every employee thinks or hopes they're irreplaceable, but that's almost never the case.
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I maliciously complied with my boss's absurd demands and got sweet revenge

'[I] found the most obnoxiously loud tie I could find': Boss sends employee home for not wearing the right tie, employee gets sweet revenge

The best part of this story is the image of the employee strutting into the office with a pink bow tie.
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace employees toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses workers story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 2056455

'Work is not meant to be fun': Fun police boss declares fun illegal with chaotic break room poster

Everyone watch out!.. The fun police are on patrol. We all expect to have to maintain some degree of professionally at work, but we're all still human beings, and part of being human is wanting to—you know… enjoy things. We're already trading a significant portion of our existence for the means to eat and keep a roof over our heads, so is that really too much to ask?
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