
'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Employee gets in tense interaction with intern after discovering office secret

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Jealous employee gets into tense argument with intern after discovering office secret

'Girl, it's a job not a family': Boss denies overworked employee a raise despite telling her the company would 'crumble' without her

'Girl, it's a job not a family': Boss denies overworked employee a raise despite telling her the company would 'crumble' without her

Outspoken employee blasts big boss, manager tells her to 'rethink her future with the company'

'She doesn't seem to care about speaking her mind': Outspoken employee blasts big boss, manager tells her to 'rethink her future with the company'

'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

'I shut down a lawsuit with a single question': Company tries to sue employee for leaving their job

'I shut down a lawsuit with a single question': Company tries to sue employee for leaving their job

'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

walk-out workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace work i quit quit employees workers quitting employment - 21262341

'They didn't like that': Ten workers quit on the same day after having their requests ignored

'You can at least train your replacement': Boss threatens to fire employee for revealing their low salary online, employee quits

'You can at least train your replacement': Boss threatens to fire employee for revealing their low salary online, employee quits

'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to attend meetings before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to do any work before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

'I did exactly as I was told': Employee told "not to think," does their best

'I did exactly as I was told': Employee told "not to think," does their best

'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, she stands up for herself

'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'Her face started twitching': Boss gets furious when employee gives their notice

'Her face started twitching': Boss gets furious when employee gives their notice, talks about them behind their back

'No late lunches, no exceptions': Worker reprimanded for taking late lunches to help the business, makes them regret it

'No late lunches, no exceptions': Worker reprimanded for taking late lunches to help the business, makes them regret it

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'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy