

Was asked to take a “lateral”promotion

'I turned in my notice': Employee offered promotion, later told that it's a 'lateral promotion' that comes with a $1 raise, quits

Being recognized for a job well done is essential for continued motivation — but every one of us would probably also like to be compensated for our extra generated value.
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My idiot boss just lost $300.000 Dollars over 30 cents

'The client was so angry': Pedantic boss costs company $300,000 sale over $0.30 transaction fee

There is a strength in the business world to being extremely particular with how you go about things. Dotting i's, crossing t's, and balancing every column is a sure way to ensure your business smoothly operates — but there is a point where being overly pedantic will only hurt that business.
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Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

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AITA for not picking up an extra shift. Even after my boss sent her husband (cop) to give me a lifted?

Update: 'I called the labor department': CNA reports her job after boss randomly sends police to her house to pick her up for an unscheduled shift

This certified nursing assistant got put in an awkward situation when she declined to work a shift, and her boss just couldn't accept it. Doctors and nurses are chronically overworked, and are terribly under appreciated. The very people who take care of us when we're at our most vulnerable state are often exhausted from their own long shifts. This woman is feeling that right now. As she wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, she worked eight days of 16-hour shifts in a row! Instead of treating her like a su…
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terrible coworkers work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story job coworkers employees workplace coworker toxic-work-environment - 20195845

'I'm losing my sanity': Worker expresses frustration about their "office prankster" coworker, sparking online discussion

Being embroiled in an ongoing prank war sounds like a lot of fun—until you find yourself in one. It turns out there's not much that's desirable about constantly being on edge, wondering when the next strike will happen, especially when that strike is likely to come at the most inconvenient time. This is doubly true when you didn't consent to partake in the prank war, to begin with, and it always seems to come from that one clueless coworker who thinks they're hilarious despite being merely obno…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20286981

Update! 'My old GM has been trying to contact me on every social platform': Employee quits, boss won't stop trying to get her back

You don't know what you've got till your employee's gone! This general manager refuses to give up after their former employee quit the team. Now, it's far too late for this, the negotiation process is long gone, and it's clear that the GM is only just realizing how much work the Redditor contributed to the team. In fact, it's more than clear that the team is completely lost without her. Well, someone has got to inform this adult that cyberstalking is not the way to bring back a former employee.…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story toxic i quit quit toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260101

'He responded by adding more workload': Worker quits when boss gives them more work after they complain about their workload

Having too much work to do and unrealistic expectations from your superiors about that work is a surefire way to make you hate your job… and your entire existence. This will usually happen in some sort of toxic workplace environment where middle managers have been selected and promoted on their willingness to enforce any policy they're told to rather than on any actual skills in operations, administration, or management. These middle managers are more than willing to pass any pressure placed on…
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Guess what happens when you write up your best employee after he came in to help on his day off

'Guess what happens when you write up your best employee [...] on his day off?': Small business tells its hardest worker to 'quit messing around'

People don't usually quit because their job is bad — it's because their management is bad. Bad managers can make even the best job in the world into a nightmare. No matter how fun your workplace is, if you have a boss who's managing your every moment and breathing down your neck, you'd know it was time to find new employment elsewhere. This small business made a critical mistake by not trusting their hardest working employee, “Steve,” in this story posted to r/pettyrevenge. Next up,
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20291845

'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

Just because you're in charge doesn't mean you know better or have more experience—that's not your job. It's your job to ensure that the people who know how to do that job are getting it done and have the resources and ability to do so. A lot of managers get this confused or let their gargantuan ego get in the way, and then they end up with situations like this. Bonus points in these situations apply if the experienced subordinate is also significantly younger than the manager, which will often…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace servers toxic-boss managers workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20273669

'We don't have to let you guys take tips': Manager participates in tip pool, employees band together to retaliate

This manager may not understand the concept of generosity.
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The startup I worked at laid me off and is refusing to send me my final paycheck unless I sign an NDA. I'm pretty fed up that they haven't paid me in nearly three weeks, so I forwarded the emails to every company stakeholder.

'I would like to be paid immediately': CEO tries to withhold former employee's final paycheck until they sign an NDA

If this isn't the problem with startup culture, I don't know what is!
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My sister works for a small restaurant in the area as a server. They charged her $200 for a dine and dash

'They charged her $200': Server saddled with dine and dasher's entire bill in viral thread, internet outraged

One of the (few) benefits of not operating your own business, and instead working for someone else's, is that you take on none of the risks of the business — isn't that the sole reason why businesses and executive management justify keeping so much of the profits?
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace work toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20235781

‘Boss demands fauxductivity’: Employee reprimanded for being efficient, boss requires more work for same pay

It’s pretty remarkable how often one has to shout into the echo chamber of the Internet that if the work gets done properly, nothing else should matter. Yet this employee found himself shamed by his employer for daring to get his work done efficiently. It seems that his coworkers complete the same daily tasks over the course of the full 8-hour work day, while this guy manages to complete all his tasks correctly in half that time. One would think that if this employee were tasked with more respo…
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terrible coworkers antiwork in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace work coworkers i quit quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260613

'My boss cancelled my interview': Worker quits when boss interferes with their internal promotion interview

Interviewing for a new role within a company or an internal promotion has its benefits, especially when compared to a normal interview process. For one, you'll typically already be at least somewhat familiar with the manager of the workgroup you're interviewing for, which means that they, in turn, have some knowledge of you and the work that you do. This means that you don't have to blindly convince a stranger of your qualities and capabilities like you would in a normal interview—playing the f…
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boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20271109

'Boss is forcing everyone to come in on a Sunday': Manager schedules mandatory 'deep clean' on the weekend, pays in cash for extra hours

Something shady this way comes.
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My boss wants me to start following up on work emails at home "as a favor" and text updates with no on-call pay. Isn't this illegal??

'I was so flabbergasted that I blankly nodded': Boss wants worker to be available while at home without on-call pay or extra compensation

This worker received a request from their boss that they remain available and respond to texts and emails while off duty, asking that they do this “as a favor” and without further compensation. This has sparked discussion in a popular online community around the ethical and legal issues with the request and the precedence it sets.
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