

remote workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work work smarter not harder wfh reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20410629

'If you're able to crawl to your desk, you should be at work': Employee compiles list of problematic quotes from management for exit interview

A good rule of thumb if you know you're eventually going to quit your job: keep a list of all the so-called "questionable" moments.
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What is the worst holiday gift an employer has given to you.

15+ People share the worst holiday gifts they ever received from an employer

Ah, the holiday season — a time of year best spent with loved ones over amazing meals and through the sharing of thoughtful gifts. Holiday daydreams often take you to a place beside a roaring fire, wrapped in a thick woolen blanket — its surprising weight offering a welcome embracing comfort. A warm beverage of choice in hand or in arm's reach (Irish hot chocolate for me, please) completes the mood. It should be no surprise to any of us that these holiday ideals, moods, and traditions just don’…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job reddit thread Reddit interview toxic-work-environment - 20409349

Job Applicant Undergoes Four Rounds of Interviews and Free Labor Only To Be Rejected

It's time to talk about all the free work people have to complete in order to just be considered for a job.
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'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

Dramatic customers are a dime a dozen, barking orders at cashiers, clerks, waiters, and the like, with a sure sense of entitlement that allows them access to the vast club of Karens. One customer approached an unsuspecting cashier, obviously in a bad mood, buying candy for ten cents, yet handing the cashier a $100 bill. The cashier explained he didn't have enough change, and offered the candy 'on the house'. The dude replied rudely, and demanded that the cashier do his job, adding that he is 'r…
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20384517

'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

You should always be wary of the “walk back” as a manipulation tactic. Often used in sales and scams, the seller starts by offering something acceptable and slowly changes the terms of the deal to something that might have been unacceptable to start with but is now reluctantly accepted due to the sunk cost of invested time. Consecutive slight alterations to figures or terms should always raise red flags, and if something doesn't seem right you should always trust your gut instinct, just as this…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses unemployment employment - 20417797

'She immediately complained to HR': Boss reports worker for fixing problem, worker undoes their fix and quits

Have you ever gone above and beyond at your work and received no recognition for it? How about taking the initiative to fix a serious problem that's plaguing your workplace, only to turn around and be reprimanded by your boss? If yes, maybe it's time to seek out greener pastures, just as this worker did when their micromanaging new boss took issue with the fact that they were going above and beyond to fix a problem that had been plaguing the company. Some people just desire nothing but control…
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boyfriend boss aita toxic-workplace breakup reddit thread Reddit vacation toxic-work-environment - 20394501

'I [...] demanded that my boyfriend’s boss refunds me': Boss makes woman's boyfriend cancel vacation plans, she makes his boss pay her

This woman clearly really needs this vacation.
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workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance retail quit employees workplace quitting employment - 20417541

'They were not happy': Employee quits according to their old notice period when employer refuses to give them a new contract

You can't have your cake and eat it too—and the people who work for you are people, not cake. I don't really know exactly how to unpack that statement further… but let's just say that you shouldn't be surprised when your workers want greater compensation in exchange for the increased responsibility you've been giving them. If they're doing the job of a manager already, make them a bloody manager. The amount of hoops that retailers want their employees to jump through in order to achieve a promo…
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boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20395781

'Your boss is never your friend': Employee resigns professionally, boss gets petty, rejects personal letter twice

There are some bosses in this world who decide when things are personal and when it's “just business” whenever the situation is convenient for them. That seems to be the case with this toxic supervisor, who did not take his employee's resignation well at all. In fact, he claimed to have found out about her accepting a competitive offer a few weeks ago. and threw shade at how she waited to inform him of her resignation until after she collected her bonus. Dude, that's what anyone would have done…
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quit your bullshit promotion workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit workplace quitting employment - 20366597

'I showed myself out': Worker makes themselves irreplaceable, bosses refuse to promote them

We often like to think that, through sheer grinding, grit, and determination, our efforts will be rewarded with greater compensation and career progression. After all, that's what we've always been led to believe by schooling and popular culture. But what if you make yourself so irreplaceable that your bosses refuse—or simply can't afford—to promote you? Being too high of a performing productive worker lends itself to some complications. To replace you, the company may have to hire two or three…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job toxic-boss job posting Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20376325

'You look like a tattoo parlor experiment gone wrong': Tone-deaf job posting includes long list of demands, internet reacts

Needless to say, you should probably not apply to this one!
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Let’s shame people for using their medical benefits

'It was a slap in the face': Pregnant employee's boss shames her at the company meeting for having to go to the emergency room

This garbage CEO should really think before he speaks...
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work stories toxic-workplace work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 20364549

'We prefer workers who sit at desks in chairs': Candidate with back problems gets kicked out of Zoom interview because he wasn't sitting at a desk

We've all been given radio silence from recruiters before, but this is a new level of savage ghosting from a potential employer. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/DentistThink4578 , who opened up about a horrible Zoom interview experience he had recently. The original poster has serious back problems that make sitting in an office chair hard to do (hence, the need to work remotely). During the interview, he set up his laptop on a lap desk and used a neutral background…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story retail the-break-room workplace the-working-experience break room employment service industry - 2068999

'We don’t get paid past 11': Retail employer wants workers to clock out at closing, ignoring all tasks that need to be completed after close, sparks online discussion

Get ready for the oldest trick in the retail handbook: First, insist workers close and lock the doors precisely at closing—not a moment sooner, so that you don't miss any sales. Next, schedule workers' shifts to end precisely at closing time and make it as hard as possible for the workers to claim the inevitable overtime they accrue while trying to complete basic closing tasks that need to be completed after the doors are locked. If they try to claim five or ten minutes daily, just tell them th…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story interviews job-seeker workplace job-candidate job interview interview employment - 20347397

'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

Just a tip for the next time you're in a job interview: Don't tell the interviewer that you're more qualified for their job than they are. That's… just not going to end well for you or your prospects. This three-part story has taken place over the course of just as many years, with the original poster returning this week to provide a wholesome update and conclusion to their tale of the most insolent job candidate they ever interviewed. The tale starts with the candidate “Annabelle” coming in fo…
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terrible coworkers coworker-drama amitheahole aita workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story drama coworkers awesome co-workers not workplace creativity in the workplace workplace drama coworker - 20366853

'AITA for not giving my coworker my day off?': Coworker demands guy's leave that he booked to play the new Zelda game

Let's be real… We've all had that one coworker who is always coming in late and leaving early to pick up their kids. No big deal, right? Everyone deserves to have a flexible working arrangement. But, when that flexibility and those considerations aren't offered to other workers, and it places more work or undesirable shifts on those workers' shoulders, it becomes a problem. Reddit especially champions the idea that those with kids shouldn't expect special treatment over their coworkers who are…
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