

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

Never forget that when it comes to your working agreement, you have to get everything in writing. I'm not one to be cynical about everyone that I work for, but I will always at the very least protect myself, and yes, I have learned this the hard way. This is especially true for jobs where the workload is inconsistent, such as a freelance position. If you want to be promised some semblance of stability with the workflow, you have to lay all your cards on the table from the get-go. It's not that…
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'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

You always have to know what you're buying! After all, it's only fair, and sometimes (most of the time), what is advertised is not what you're actually purchasing. These former employees of various industries shared their secrets based on their experiences, which they offered to the wild world of the Internet via this r/AskReddit thread. Some of the fields represented include the food, restaurant, tech, insurance, and music industries.
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'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

There is something to be said for creating a healthy distance with your coworkers. Most folks understand this choice. The ways in which people choose to draw boundaries between their work and their social lives are personal choices. However, as much as you would think everyone would understand those choices, some folks simply don't get it. Like the coworkers who keep inviting you to events that you continually turn down…
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'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

There are so many red flags to look out for in corporate culture these days, but having to produce a sick note in order to work from home for more than two days has to be at the top of the list. In this case, we have a sick employee who had to go to the hospital numerous times for a rare cold/flu that was not easy for the doctors to diagnose. Obviously, we know what you're thinking. This illness sounds like your worst nightmare or the beginning of a horror movie. Instead, the horror story reall…
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work workplace coworkers coworker employee employees manager management boss bosses boss's supervisors c-level ceo toxic cake anniversary corporate

'I nearly choked trying to eat it so quickly': Disgruntled employee devours his boss's cake as revenge for enduring years in a toxic work environment

They say you can't have your cake and eat it too– and when you're working in a corporate wasteland of business casual dress codes, a haughty sales team, and pushy supervisors, it's tough to secure your own slice. Sometimes employees will crumble under the pressure of toxic positivity, but others will go to great lengths to get their revenge against C-level management.
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'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, rejecting her PTO request

'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, Scrooge boss rejects her PTO request

We're nowhere near the Holidays, and yet we already have employers being awful about time off on Christmas. Here, we have a single parent who works as a dietary aide at a medical facility. We trust her when she says this is not exactly an environment she is comfortable bringing her kid to work in on any day, especially Christmas. When she recently learned that the daycare where she sends her kid would be closed on Christmas, and she realized she had no other alternative but to request time off,…
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'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

This employee may have had enough with his company, but in the end, his toxic boss had no one to blame but himself. After all, it was the boss that went on a ridiculous rant in the first place. He gave an intern a hard time for asking to leave early because she was going to have to put down her cat at the vet's office. The boss had absolutely no remorse for her situation and decided to yell at her because he thought he could get away with it. This Redditor saw the encounter in plain sight and s…
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'If you want to leave this company on good standing you have to come in on your approved day off': Employee granted a personal day by supervisor, manager insists he must still report to work or face consequences

So, our friend (the OP) has been working at a hotel for nearly four years and is about to move on to a new job. The trouble? His manager is causing quite a ruckus during his final days. This manager has a history of making life difficult for our OP, and it all hit a boiling point when he put in his notice. From unusual write-ups to some eyebrow-raising demands, it's safe to say this isn't your typical farewell. The latest twist? An approved day off has turned into a potential face-off.
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'Appear busy, not desperate': 20+ job search hacks to remember when brushing up your resume

'Appear busy, not desperate': 20+ job search hacks to remember when brushing up your resume

Applying for jobs is never a fun time, but there are a few rules people don't really talk about that will make the application process slightly more bearable. For instance, if you're one of those people constantly clicking “Easy Apply” on LinkedIn or Indeed, you're not making anything easier for yourself. The first job search hack on this list provides a far more direct solution: apply directly on the company website. You would think this is self-explanatory, but so many of t
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'This is not a "real" interview': Job candidate deliberately misled, forced to commute for a pre-screening, withdraws application

'This is not a real interview': Job candidate deliberately misled, forced to commute for a pre-screening, withdraws application

There are countless ways to disrespect a prospective job candidate. Not that this is behavior that we are trying to condone here at FAIL Blog, but we have seen the full range of what HR representatives, recruiters, and hiring managers are capable of during the job screening and interview processes. First, there are all the fake euphemisms like “matching the face to the resume,” a phrase that was used by this hiring manager and countless others. Really, this “phase” of the process is ethically q…
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'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

All employers should know by now not to mess with the company sick day policy. Here, we have a horrible boss who decided that every employee who called in sick needed to physically show up to the office first to hand in a note from their physician. A phone call wouldn't even suffice. Clearly, this boss didn't have any trust in his employees and also didn't fully comprehend the risk of having infected folks show up and potentially getting more employees sick. Essentially, this dude was either as…
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Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

There are definitely better ways of justifying your employee's lack of a fair raise. This boss decided that the best way to justify the decision was to say that essentially everyone is underpaid at the company. In other words, she was saying that the entire company cheats its employees. Not only is that a completely irresponsible thing to say both for the employee's sake and for the company's, but also it gives the impression that there is absolutely no hope for the employee in his pursuit of a…
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'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences

'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences

There is something to be said for listening to your employees, even when they are on their way out. Perhaps they actually have the company's best interest at heart. Unfortunately, some employers are too proud or too self-absorbed to get over the fact that someone under them might actually have a better suggestion for you and for the team you run. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge by u/flib_bib , who worked in management at an international school and spent much of his employment…
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'HR is not your friend': Man is brought back to life after suffering a heart attack, HR thinks he should already be back in the office

We've all been through our fair share of workplace drama, or at least witnessed it from the sidelines, totally engrossed in Karen's fierce threats to the higher-ups, eagerly anticipating her to get the boot. Or something like that. You know, the usual office soap opera. But what about this? Have you ever actually d*ed, got shocked back to life by a defibrillator, and then tried to spend the next few months recovering from the surreal "life flashing before your eyes" moment? No? Well...
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'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

Not only did this boss have absolutely no right to question his employee's decision to call in sick, but also he made things even worse by trying to make a joke out of it. If you've ever been someone's manager, you would know that while having a sense of humor can lighten the tension, having a bad sense of humor can produce the complete opposite effect. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/ShiftyPom , who worked for a small family-run business and had recently been working overtime for several…
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'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

Sometimes you know within your first day of starting a new job if you've made an egregious mistake. You might go through a period of denial, where you try to give your employers a second, third, and fourth chance. You might even go through a period of trying to convince yourself that you enjoy the people, the work, and the office environment. But nine times out of ten, you will most likely return to that initial gut feeling you had on Day One. This Redditor was hired to be a tutor as a second f…
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