

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

In every office, there is one person who finds an excuse to be absent and to shirk their responsibilities as much as possible. As much as we often praise the folks who find ways to work smart and not hard, in this instance, someone else at the office is often left picking up all that slack. If you're the first kind of person, the key is to find a way to do the bare minimum without affecting anyone else's workload. If you're the other kind of person and you're the people please who has to take o…
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'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

Hopefully, this dude doesn't need a letter of recommendation any time soon. He certainly won't be getting one from his former employers after saying literally everything he could say in the most dramatic email since that time I asked my therapist to resume sessions because the “job search was proving stressful.” But that's another story! As for this employee's resignation email, there is definitely a vicarious fulfillment we got from reading this, as I'm sure like many of you, we all have forme…
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'After this I want to quit': Employee request PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

'After this I want to quit': Employee requests PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

Paid time off should never be met with these kinds of invasive questions. When you sign a contract that entitled you to paid vacation time, there simply should not be any sort of explanation necessary, as you are granted a set number of days to do whatever you like in that free time. Now, some employers think that they are owed an explanation for every choice you make. Or perhaps they throw shade at the fact that you are using those days. Or perhaps it's all just societal pressure in your head!…
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employee work stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance early 2000s coworkers cell phone toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit - 23057157

'[It] had an international roaming plan': Boss forces IT worker to get a company phone so he can always be on call, worker maliciously complies

I'm someone who won't respond to anything work-related once I've clocked out for the day. However, there are plenty of workers who think that no time of the day is off-limits. I get it if you're working late and want to shoot me a quick message before you forget—that's totally cool. But expecting your colleague to tackle tasks for you immediately, at any time of the day? No one gets paid enough for that. That's why this OP found an epic loophole.
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers workplace creativity in the workplace coworker - 23070469

'I unplugged my phone': Guy discovers he's been answering colleague's calls for years, unplugs his phone so they have to answer them

Getting on with the daily grind can often be a wearisome chore, especially when you find yourself needing to do your coworker's tasks for them in addition to your own. It's not like you had enough to do as it was. Now you're busy going around picking up after them as well, and to make matters worse, you know, mentioning it to your boss won't do a thing to solve the problem and might even end up with you being labeled as not being a “team player.”
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'Lots of unqualified people selling hearing aids with a 500% markup': 20+ shady industries to be on the lookout for

'Lots of unqualified people selling hearing aids with a 500% markup': 20+ shady industries to be on the lookout for

In this day and age, there seem to be just as many bogus jobs and industries out there as there are legitimate ones. Frankly, that's a generous statement considering this list, which was compiled from this r/AskReddit thread. Some of these fields range in scope, but all of it boils down to unqualified people selling overvalued products. This could include consulting agencies that really have no business running data and making executive decisions from their third-party perspectives. This includ…
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'How is this even legal': Boss refuses to let coworker leave, gets him fired from new job and back to his old job

'How is this even legal?': Boss refuses to let coworker leave, gets him fired from new job and back to his old job

Welcome to the working world, where even your former bosses think that they're always in charge of you well after you leave. What happened to this security officer, unfortunately, is not an industry-specific experience. No matter what field you're in, you have probably dealt with a supervisor who thinks it's okay to call you whenever they'd like or who has even tried to manipulate you to stay as their underling until the end of time. Even at 22, I knew that it was not cool for my former employe…
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staff boss workplace-stories employee pact toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic revenge work coworkers Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny - 22999813

'The majority of the staff quit within months': Boss tries to make employees start work 20 minutes early, workers retaliate and make a pact to arrive early every shift and hang out together in their cars

Don't you just love a good coworker bond over a common hatred that you can just spend all shift gossiping with and feeling validated for it? Me too. Whether it's a boss, a coworker, sports, anything. Nothing beats those special bonds that make work a little less miserable. Well, in this story, these coworkers became besties over their shared hatred of their new boss.
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'Enjoy litigation and demotion': Employee gets back at former boss for stealing his ideas and firing him, eventually takes over boss's new company and demotes him

'Enjoy litigation and demotion': Employee gets back at former boss for stealing his ideas and firing him, eventually takes over boss's new company and demotes him

This epic tale of payback takes the kind of mastermind-level plotting and scheming most people could never pull off. That being said, I have definitely gotten some level of second-hand fulfillment from this employee-turned-boss's story. Now, I have never been in this kind of position professionally where a manager of mine took my ideas without giving me credit. I need to have valuable ideas in order for that to happen. Still, I can empathize with feeling like your manager is out to get you and…
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boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace work coworkers Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread snowstorm Reddit company - 22998533

'I made the mistake of assuming he was telling the truth': Boss tells employee he'll drive her home from work before a snowstorm hit, ends up ghosting her and left her stranded

Doesn't matter whether it's a boss/employee, parent/child, or friend/friend relationship, this story is pretty messed up. So, our OP doesn't have a car (not sure how she was planning to get home from work originally, but that's beside the point). Her and the boss are the only ones working at her job on this particular day. Once they got word that a pretty big snowstorm was coming, her boss said he'd close up work early and drive her home. As you guys already know, this wasn't the case.
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boss security workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager workplace Horrible Bosses antiwork work coworkers quit reddit thread Reddit - 22986501

'Our turnover rate is through the roof': Entitled boss mocks employee for taking first day off in 10 months, gets instant karma when half of his employees quit

Ever had a lousy boss or a job that you absolutely hated ? Well, imagine working at a place with a jaw-dropping 92% turnover rate. Yup, you heard it right. Our OP, in ten whole months, took just one, yes ONE day off, and it was actually just a half-day. Why? Well, he had a nasty sunburn that turned into sun poisoning. So, when he informed his boss that he had to bail out in the middle of his shift for a doctor's appointment, his boss couldn't help but chuckle. Sunburn wasn't a good enough reaso…
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salary boss Battle workplace-stories employee hospitality toxic-workplace legal raise underpaid workplace reddit thread Reddit - 23013637

'It came out to like $2,400 after legal fees': Hospitality worker sues boss after claiming he was underpaid, worker wins in court

Props to this OP! We all know it can be hard to advocate for ourselves in a work setting. Especially when the boss isn't having it. In this story, the OP knew he was being underpaid as a hospitality worker. So, he decided to tally up all of his hours, during AND after work hours, and then submit the evidence to his boss as a backing for why he deserves a raise or at least to be compensated fairly. Well, his boss just laughed him off.
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'Do not buy the coffee': 20 Fast food employees tell all about the worst items to order

'Do not buy the coffee': 20 Fast food employees tell all about the worst items to order

No one goes to a fast food restaurant for nutrition per se, but we should expect the bare minimum with regard to sanitation. Now, we're not here to tell you that fast food is bad for you. First of all, that's a given. Second of all, how are we going to stop you for those restless late nights when the only thing that can give you some semblance of joy is a large Oreo milkshake and an order of chicken nuggets? Still, if you find yourself walking into a fast food establishment on one of those desp…
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'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs inter's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs intern's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

Who doesn't have nightmares about work emails? Whether it's you sending an email to the wrong person or receiving a dreaded email from your manager, we all have anxiety concerning the ubiquitous phenomenon that is emailing. Sometimes, I even get anxious about sending someone without an attachment or with an egregious typo, especially in my early working days as an intern. In fact, I can't imagine the stress this intern was under when she opened her work email one day only to discover that her a…
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'I didn’t check my emails for seven weeks': Boss pressures employee to 'stay on top of things' during his paternity leave, employee puts his foot down

'I didn’t check my emails for seven weeks': Boss pressures employee to 'stay on top of things' during his paternity leave, employee puts his foot down

Anyone who thinks being a good employee means always checking your email when you're on paternity leave has to check their priorities. Sure, bosses tend to put a ton of unnecessary pressure on their employees, as if to say that checking their emails is more important than tending to their newborn child. In fact, this is almost the most obvious example of employers prioritizing work over life and livelihood. It really doesn't get more obvious than that. However, these are the moments in one's ca…
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'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Managers who leveled accusations against their employees

'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Mindless managers who leveled wild accusations against their employees

From pilfering water to stealing company time, these managers were sure they had the perfect punishments for these “thieving” employees.
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