
'He will owe us almost $30,000 in back pay': 1099 contractors rebel after working over 80 hours a week for their boss and having to sleep in their cars on work trips

'He will owe us almost $30,000 in back pay': 1099 contractors rebel after working over 80 hours a week for their boss and having to sleep in their cars on work trips

Lab technician gives know-it-all scientist his comeuppance when he's told to stop double-checking his work in an ultimate fail moment

Arrogant scientist scolds lab technician for double-checking his work, so the lab technician smugly watches as he gets his comeuppance: ‘Biggest eye roll possible’

'A nice little power imbalance is her cup of tea': Boss pressures employee to text her every time she leaves for work, employee refuses

'A nice little power imbalance is her cup of tea': Boss pressures employee to text her every time she leaves for work, employee refuses

'I encourage everyone to seek employment elsewhere': New hire discovers epic resignation email from a few months ago, immediately quits in solidarity

'I encourage everyone to seek employment elsewhere': New hire discovers epic resignation email from a few months ago, immediately quits in solidarity

'Pretty sure that I'm getting the boot': Boss comes up with nonsensical reason to fire employee after he demanded proper pay for paternity leave

'Pretty sure that I'm getting the boot': Boss comes up with nonsensical reason to fire employee after he demanded proper pay for paternity leave

'I was met with silence': Job candidate exposes hypocrisy after being told by hiring manager that he couldn't attend more than two hours of doctor's appointments per month

'I was met with silence': Job candidate exposes hypocrisy after being told by hiring manager that he couldn't attend more than two hours of doctor's appointments per month

Employee denied payment as micromanager declares him unworthy after alleged 'mediocre performance'

Employee denied payment as micromanager declares him unworthy after alleged 'mediocre performance'

'Maybe you could explain these invoices': Employee gets called to HR for unapproved purchase requests, tries to throw new hire under the bus

'Maybe you could explain these invoices': Employee gets called to HR for unapproved purchase requests, tries to throw new hire under the bus

'You're not a team player': Employee accused of insurbordination after refusing to do the work of his fully remote Karen coworker

'You're not a team player': Employee accused of insurbordination after refusing to do the work of his fully remote Karen coworker

Employees drop like flies after new manager enforces 14-hour Zoom calls to monitor progress: 'The company closed and we all now work for our competitor'

Employees drop like flies after new manager enforces 14-hour Zoom calls to monitor progress: 'The company closed and we all now work for our competitor'

Boss contacts HVAC technician's wife during week off, demanding that he come in and threatening termination

Boss contacts HVAC technician's wife during week off, demanding that he come in and threatening termination

'I said no': Employee told not to do work after clocking out, boss asks him to turn the light off one day, he maliciously complies and refuses

'I said no': Employee told not to do work after clocking out, boss asks him to turn the light off one day, he maliciously complies and refuses

Entitled manager takes PTO to prevent innocent employee from taking time-off for their 21st birthday, considers talking to higher-ups about the workplace ordeal

Spiteful manager throws ‘tantrum’ and denies employee's time-off request for their 21st birthday, employee feels this may be a targeted attack: ‘He’s looking for a reaction’

'You get paid more than I do. You figure it out': Sick employee pressured to come in after manager can't find coverage

'You get paid more than I do. You figure it out': Sick employee pressured to come in after manager can't find coverage

'My girlfriend might have been Quiet Fired': Barista calls out pay discrepancy, boss cuts her hours to zero and ghosts her

'My girlfriend might have been Quiet Fired': Barista calls out pay discrepancy, boss cuts her hours to zero and ghosts her

‘I have 5 managers all making over $100k who all have the same job title’: Top 20+ useless but high-paying jobs

‘I have 5 managers all making over $100k who all have the same job title’: Top 20+ useless but high-paying jobs