
Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

Guy lets ex-boss join his DnD campaign, enacts payback for making him quit: 'They got what they deserved!'

Guy lets ex-boss join his DnD campaign, enacts payback for making him quit: 'They got what they deserved!'

Employee quits after making boss $1.5 million and getting a paltry holiday 'bonus' as thanks: 'For Christmas he got me a $25 AMC gift card'

Employee quits after making boss $1.5 million and getting a paltry holiday 'bonus' as thanks: 'For Christmas he got me a $25 AMC gift card'

Toxic boss changes company PTO policy only after employee turns in their resignation notice: ‘I only have 1.5 days according to them’

Toxic boss changes company PTO policy only after employee turns in their resignation notice: ‘I only have 1.5 days according to them’

'We got a $5 Starbucks gift card': 20+ employees share the worst Holiday bonuses they've received

'We got a $5 Starbucks gift card': 20+ employees share the worst Holiday bonuses they've received

'My boss is a literal insane person': New hire gets called into boss's office 3 weeks in with boss claiming no one likes her

'My boss is a literal insane person': New hire gets called into boss's office 3 weeks in with boss claiming no one likes her

Micromanager retroactively rejects employee's December PTO request, employee calls him out: 'Plans have been made and it can't be canceled'

Micromanager retroactively rejects employee's December PTO request, employee calls him out: 'Plans have been made and it can't be canceled'

'I quit. It wasn’t even an hour after I clocked in': Undervalued employee gets reprimanded for costing the company $12, he costs them more by quitting

'I quit. It wasn’t even an hour after I clocked in': Undervalued employee gets reprimanded for costing the company $12, he costs them more by quitting

‘HR was even on my side’: Penny-pinching manager sneakily docks 1 hour per day from employee's timesheet, employee reports her to HR and manager makes excuses to save face

‘HR was even on my side’: Penny-pinching manager sneakily docks 1 hour per day from employee's timesheet, employee reports her but manager makes excuses to save face

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

Undervalued employee proves their worth, gets $10,000 raise after Office Karen tried to get them fired: 'I turned off every automated task I had ever set up'

Undervalued employee proves their worth, gets $10,000 raise after Office Karen tried to get them fired: 'I turned off every automated task I had ever set up'

Employee resigns at 4:00am after bosses ignore her health scare and assign her more work: 'I couldn’t take it anymore'

Employee resigns at 4:00am after bosses ignore her health scare and assign her more work: 'I couldn’t take it anymore'

Job applicant rejected after former boss gave a scathing reference: 'I thought we were on good terms'

Job applicant rejected after former boss gave a scathing reference: 'I thought we were on good terms'

‘Sure thing, boss!’: Newly-hired toxic manager fires dedicated employee for only completing tasks within his job description, entire department ‘collapses’ as a result

‘Sure thing, boss!’: Newly-hired toxic manager fires dedicated employee for only completing tasks within his job description, entire department ‘collapses’ as a result

'Not allowed to go home early? Ok!': Manager defies boss by adjusting schedule so employees can still leave at a decent hour

'Not allowed to go home early? Ok!': Manager defies boss by adjusting schedule so employees can still leave at a decent hour

'You'll want something from me. You'll see': Coworker pranks employee by pretending their wallet got stolen, employee gets even the next time she needs help

'You'll want something from me. You'll see': Coworker pranks employee by pretending their wallet got stolen, employee gets even the next time she needs help