

'You do nothing for anyone except yourself': Manager loses it after employee refuses to cover his shift in unhinged text messages

'You do nothing for anyone except yourself': Manager loses it after employee refuses to cover his shift in unhinged text messages

This manager is going to regret putting all of that in writing. He may have been on the precipice of leaving his current job, but once you send an unhinged text message to an employee, that employee will always have those words, and according to the Redditor, those messages may very well come back to haunt that manager. As we know all too well at this point, so much of management involves the trials and tribulations of scheduling. People switch shifts and cover for one another all the time. Ava…
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entitled manager wrongfully terminates coffee shop employee, expects them to work their last shift without compensation

‘You're clearly not a barista’: Coffee shop employee's job is terminated by toxic manager, is still expected to finish her busy last shift without compensation

Small coffee with a side of revenge, anyone?
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Grocery store employee posts her salary on social media, manager tries to fire her after uproar: 'Take it down!'

Grocery store employee posts her salary on social media, manager tries to fire her after uproar: 'Take it down!'

Mediocre managers never quite know what to do when their employees speak their minds and are 100% entitled to do so. Here, we have a grocery store employee who posted on social media about the difficulties of making $12.50 per hour as a single mother. It was a difficult and vulnerable post to make publicly for her, but rather than receive sympathy from her manager once she discovered it, instead, her manager took the opportunity to punish the employee for making the post in the first place. Now…
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employee forced to sign official reprimand because toxic management expects them work outside of their normal shift hours because a selfish co-worker was a no-show

‘It's not my responsibility to work shifts that aren't assigned to me’: Employee wrongfully reprimanded by entitled management after refusing to work overtime for a no-show co-worker

“They made me sign some official reprimand and put it in my file.”
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Employee demands public apology from boss after being accused of a mistake he didn't make: 'If you shame me publicly, you must apologize publicly'

Employee demands public apology from boss after being accused of a mistake he didn't make: 'If you shame me publicly, you must apologize publicly'

The hallmark of a good or bad manager rests on how they deliver feedback. Some managers do their due diligence before assuming that an employee has made a mistake. Others, however, like to jump to conclusions. This manager accused an employee of almost ruining a client relationship by not following a new protocol that was enforced well after the employee's communication with said client. In other words, the employee was not at fault here at all, yet this boss decided it was a good opportunity t…
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'Tyrannical management took away my desk fan': Boss punishes employee for leaving desk fan running overnight, makes him struggle in the heat

'Tyrannical management took away my desk fan': Boss punishes employee for leaving desk fan running overnight, makes him struggle in the heat

In every office, there is a coworker who runs a bit hot. We do not mean to shame said person; as someone often runs cold, I always have at least a sweater ready for me at all times. Both of these employees exist in every workplace and deserve to feel comfortable. This Redditor admits that he often runs hot and came up with the solution of using a small personal desk fan so that his constant desire to make the air conditioning cooler would not upset other folks. Apparently, however, people still…
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Fired employee contacted a year later to recover important company files: 'How do you not make a backup of your entire company's directory?'

Fired employee contacted a year later to recover important company files: 'How do you not make a backup of your entire company's directory?'

You know it's not a well-run company when the CEO has to reach out to an employee she fired for important company information. The best part is that she realized she needed the company directory a whole year after dismissing the employee and their entire team. Essentially, after closing this Redditor's department, the company made a headquarters move to a different state but somehow managed to not keep key documentation, namely the company directory. We're certain that the former employee's bos…
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male Karen customer berates employee because the system booked him for a suite that isn't open until 2025, continues to verbally harass her even though it wasn't her fault

‘You're useless anyway’: Entitled customer repeatedly scolds front desk employee, claims that "his" Presidential Suite was taken despite the room having been booked until 2025

“He yelled at me through the phone and said that he has the right to HIS presidential suite...”
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CEO makes clueless speech at required company event to underpaid employees: 'I just can't fathom the blatant vanity'

CEO makes clueless speech at required company event to underpaid employees: 'I just can't fathom the blatant vanity'

Who doesn't love to watch a clueless CEO make his own bed? This dude was severely underpaying his employees, so much so that the Redditor who recounted this story explained how little money she had to feed her kids that week. That's the only real reason she made the hour-long journey to a “required” company event in order to get free food for her husband and kids. Unfortunately for her and for all of her coworkers, the second half of that event was monopolized by a speech from their CEO about h…
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entitled karen customer in the wild won't let employee speak a full sentence, leading her to not get her savings card scanned and paying $85 more in groceries

‘Tell me the total NOW!’: Grocery store Karen customer pays $85 dollars more in groceries because she kept verbally cutting off employee

Service workers have the power to help you save (or lose) money.
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'Both companies had now cancelled their contracts': Employee gets fired after addressing manager's incompetence to HR, company loses a ton of business

'Both companies had now cancelled their contracts': Employee gets fired after addressing manager's incompetence to HR, company loses a ton of business

Be careful who you fire, people! This employee was singlehandedly responsible for the business of two major clients for his company, and when he was unceremoniously dismissed for no good reason, it backfired in a major way. First, the employee had become suspicious that his new manager had some personal connection to the higher-ups at the company after she was swiftly promoted despite not being capable enough to fulfill her prior responsibilities in any way. When morale tanked at the company, H…
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Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Imagine being infuriated by a mystery person for years only to discover that this mystery person is also your boss. It's a bizarre coincidence that is both surprising and unsurprising, in this case, given this dude's temperament and behavior at work. Before we get into the employee's revenge, some backstory is necessary first. When the Redditor got their new phone, they immediately started getting a barrage of calls and messages from the phone's previous owner, who lived in the same town. He en…
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Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key , who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacemen…
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'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

Getting unjustly fired has never felt so good. Here, we have a fast food employee who saw a half-finished soda can and asked everyone working, including his manager, if it belonged to anyone before he tossed it in the trash before the end of his shift. Apparently, his direct manager was not paying attention because he was too busy talking on the phone with his girlfriend while on the clock. So, when he was done with his personal call, he went looking for his soda only to learn that it had been…
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'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

Why do some bosses think that wearing a suit in exceptionally hot weather is a sign of professionalism? The reality is it is nothing more than a silly rule that makes employees look and feel miserable. What about employees who have to walk to work or who come into an environment with poor air conditioning? They are going to sweat like crazy and ultimately will come across as anything but put-together and professional. Let this story serve as yet another argument for employers to focus less on h…
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employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

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