
Managers repeatedly disrespect employees' privacy thinking closed-door etiquette doesn’t apply to them double down when confronted: ‘Whatever you’re saying is management’s business’

Managers repeatedly disrespect employees' privacy thinking closed-door etiquette doesn’t apply to them double down when confronted: ‘Whatever you’re saying is management’s business’

Boss makes overworked employee sign new contract to work 50-55 hours per week: 'I have to work 10 [...] hours a day for no additional pay'

Boss makes overworked employee sign new contract to work 50-55 hours per week: 'I have to work 10 [...] hours a day for no additional pay'

Company boss ignores months of warnings then blames engineer when disaster strikes, loses talented employee to competitor paying 30k more

Company boss ignores months of warnings then blames engineer when disaster strikes, loses talented employee to competitor paying $30k more

Manager calls employee ‘ungrateful’ after she expects to be paid for working overtime: ‘I'm so tired of this mindset’

Manager calls employee ‘ungrateful’ after she expects to be paid for working overtime: ‘I'm so tired of this mindset’

'If you don't want me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best': 20+ unprofessional comments job applicants wrote on their resumes

'If you don't want me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best': 20+ unprofessional comments job applicants wrote on their resumes

‘Okay, then I'm gonna take the other job’: Employee tries to quit his job but is interrupted by boss's unwarranted nagging, so he shows up to his next shift and quits on the spot

‘Okay, then I'm gonna take the other job’: Employee tries to quit his job but is interrupted by boss's unwarranted nagging, so he shows up to his next shift and quits on the spot

Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home due to childcare: 'It is 100% about control'

Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home due to childcare: 'It is 100% about control'

'I'm most likely getting fired': Employee complains about boss on social media, boss finds out, now his days are numbered

'I'm most likely getting fired': Employee complains about boss on social media, boss finds out, now his days are numbered

toxic-workplace AITAH relationship-drama reddit story finances workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit Workplace - 38678789

'He was an idiot who wasted his money on get rich quick schemes doomed to fail': Woman's boss' financial troubles get exposed to whole office including boss' wife who is an employee, woman asks them to take their issues elsewhere

Boss gets called out for taking money out of pest control worker's paycheck to discount his friends: 'It's a negligible amount'

Boss gets called out for taking money out of pest control worker's paycheck to discount his friends: 'It's a negligible amount'

‘Dig your own grave I guess’: Boss forces specific employees to use PTO during a snowstorm instead of allowing them to work remotely

‘Dig your own grave I guess’: Boss forces specific employees to use PTO during a snowstorm instead of allowing them to work remotely

'You don't want me to do my job? Ok, I won't': Employee gets taken off of work project, incompetent coworker takes over, employee refuses to clean up her mess

'You don't want me to do my job? Ok, I won't': Employee gets taken off of work project, incompetent coworker takes over, employee refuses to clean up her mess

Employee gets instantly fired via phone call from boss and HR for requesting WFH during snowstorm

Employee gets instantly fired after asking to work from home during a snowstorm: ‘I got a call back from my boss and HR together’

Employee books $1,200 hotel stay on company card after poor enforcement of new expenses policy: 'Have fun paying for than double for the room'

Employee books $1,200 hotel stay on company card after poor enforcement of new expenses policy: 'Have fun paying for than double for the room'

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send 4 selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send four selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’