
'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, rejecting her PTO request

'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, Scrooge boss rejects her PTO request

'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

'Appear busy, not desperate': 20+ job search hacks to remember when brushing up your resume

'Appear busy, not desperate': 20+ job search hacks to remember when brushing up your resume

'This is not a "real" interview': Job candidate deliberately misled, forced to commute for a pre-screening, withdraws application

'This is not a real interview': Job candidate deliberately misled, forced to commute for a pre-screening, withdraws application

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences

'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences

'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

'[He] had to be repeatedly sent home to shower and change': 15 bosses tell all about their worst employees

'[He] had to be repeatedly sent home to shower and change': 15 bosses tell all about their worst employees

'Supervisor [...] fired her staff for obeying the rules': Receptionist follows boss's rules, refuses to make coffee for salesman, gets fired but asked to stay until replacement starts

'Supervisor [...] fired her staff for obeying the rules': Receptionist follows boss's rules, refuses to make coffee for salesman, gets fired but asked to stay until replacement starts