

workplace-stories toxic-manager work stories toxic-workplace manager work i quit quit toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit fast food quitting toxic-work-environment - 20823045

'Your original pay is now void': Employee quits without notice, fast food manager tries to pay him minimum wage for final paycheck

Here is a friendly reminder that illegal contracts are still null and void regardless of whether or not you signed them. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by a former employee of a popular fast food chain. After quitting without notice, the employee remembered they had signed a contract stating that if this were to happen, they would get paid minimum wage for any final pay periods. Thankfully, this employee researched their rights and knew this was illegal. They reached ba…
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'Can my employer make me pay the difference?': Server accidentally orders wrong bottle of wine, manager makes them pay up

'Can my employer make me pay the difference?': Server accidentally orders wrong bottle of wine, manager makes them pay up

If this isn't a sign to start looking for work elsewhere, I don't know what is.
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'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote cal after thinking he was on mute

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute

Everyone has had that moment of panic on Zoom when you thought you were on mute but you weren't.
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'There's a camera in my office': Employee discovers boss is watching their every move, internet reacts

'There's a camera in my office': Employee discovers boss is watching their every move, internet reacts

If this isn't a red flag, I don't know what is.
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'I had to get a doctor note': Call center employee has to get approved for longer bathroom breaks, he now relishes the extra time

'I had to get a doctor note': Call center employee has to get approved for longer bathroom breaks, he now relishes the extra time

The concept of monitoring an employee's bathroom breaks is perhaps the biggest waste of management's time.
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karma boss manager happy-ending work interview job hired salary raise promotion victor retribution toxic workplace employee worker

'Karma for the old manager': Hardworking employee earns her dream job over her ex-boss, gets a 60% pay raise and a happy ending

Fleeing a toxic workplace is like dealing with a bad breakup. It's tough to muster up the courage to break it off and even if you finally do, the Ghost of Cubicles Past may follow you into your next job, lurking around every corner, poisoning references, and tainting every good interview. Although, even if you're trying to run away from bad bosses in your closet, leaving your current job is harder than you think...
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'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite already working 10+ hour shifts

'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite working 10+ hour shifts

Here's a friendly reminder that the words "mandatory" and "requested" do not mean the same thing.
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boss employee toxic-workplace job malicious compliance work coworkers toxic-boss Office workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit vacation toxic-work-environment - 20760837

'I can’t wait for [my boss] to come back to this': Absent boss gives vague instructions about client grievance form, coworkers drown her in paperwork

This is what happens when an absent boss gives her employees unclear instructions.
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Update: 'She wanted to talk to me about my “lack of respect for protocol”': Woman quits job after boss asks for her first class seat

Update: 'She wanted to talk to me about my “lack of respect for protocol”': Woman quits job after boss demands her first class seat

Traveling for work purposes certainly has its perks and its drawbacks. On the one hand, you get to see new parts of the world, network to expand your business, and get a break from your normal day to day life. On the other hand, you may have to travel with colleagues who you don't necessarily get along with… just like this person, u/scootindog. After sharing her story originally to r/AmItheA**hole, the OP added several updates in the following months. You can also check out her replies to quest…
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Micromanager resigns after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

'I lost my patience': Micromanaging boss forced to resign after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

“He honestly didn't do much besides hover, bring bad energy and make terrible suggestions,” this employee writes in a story about their irritating former boss. As u/RahbinGraves told to r/ProRevenge, they didn't care for their bossy manager's behavior. The OP writes that they were working at a hardware store making a pretty low wage, yet still doing a lot for the company.
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workplace-stories employee fired work stories toxic-workplace job work quit reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20740613

'My boss cut my salary in half': Employee demoted despite having to do the same tasks and responsibilities, internet reacts

It doesn't get more insulting than this.
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace i quit new job employees workplace Horrible Bosses quitting resignation employment toxic-work-environment - 20767493

'They expected me to work there until retirement': Boss ignores employee's resignation after responding aggressively to their request for a raise

No matter how much we love our jobs, we're probably not expecting to be at them forever. Gone are the days when you started working down in the mines at 11 years old and spent the rest of your days until retirement there—or until the black lung took you. No, despite the children's yearning, they're no longer sent into the mines, and we're not expecting to work at the same place forever, either. Fortunately, many of us have the privilege of being able to seek greener pastures, probably only to f…
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'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

Some may call this going out in style and some may call it missing the point.
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'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

We all have that one coworker...
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work quit reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20737541

'I just quit my job on the first day': Underpaid employee receives no training or oversight on day one, he quits while he can

If you sense red flags on the first day, you should know that things are unlikely to improve.
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workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace work quit toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20691205

'It would be better for everyone if I quit': Boss threatens to fire employee all year, employee finally quits, boss tries to get him back

Every so often, we come across a satisfying story about a boss getting what he deserved! Sometimes, you have to be willing to walk away in order to truly make your point known. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by an employee who shared that after messing up over a year ago on the job, his boss was still threatening to fire him constantly. It got so bad that the Redditor went ahead and applied to a much better company. When he got the position, he first felt gui…
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