

karens workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties karen-boss coworkers technology it quit workplace Tech karen quitting toxic-work-environment - 20715269

'[He] created a mass corporate email with various screenshots': IT guy quits and schedules scathing tell-all email about his Karen boss

When someone has done you wrong, the best thing to do is to walk the other way with your head still held high… but it's certainly more satisfying to scorch the earth behind you as you go. When faced with the bullying behavior of their Karen boss, this IT guy realized he had enough and quit, seeking greener pastures—but, he also decided to (metaphorically) set fire to the building on the way out the door, scheduling a mass company-wide email to be sent from his boss's email address that exposed…
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'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

This must be a particularly messy office.
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee working-life toxic-workplace employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workers story employment toxic-work-environment - 20526085

'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. But it's really not so much about the cake itself as it is the control over that cake; they want the cake to submit to their authority and stop questioning it all the darn time. The thing is, this cake-haver probably isn't qualified to tell the cake what to do, which is why they're so darn insecure in the first place… I don't really know where this is going or what this metaphor is supposed to mean, but people aren't cake—and you shouldn't try…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work quit toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20685317

'My director [...] is going absolutely nuts': Engineer transitions out of the company, boss finally discovers how doomed they are

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone!"
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20681477

'I was never paid': Employee quits after one week, ex-boss refuses to pay despite having submitted a W4 form

Must have been a really rough week!
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‘Bank Robber (texting via my phone): Your employee is tied up right now’; Workers share the best excuses they have actually had to use for not coming into work

‘Bank Robber (texting via my phone): Your employee is tied up right now’; Workers share the best excuses they have actually had to use for not coming into work

We have all had to call out of work for whatever reason. Maybe you're not feeling well so you call in sick. Or maybe you're just feeling the pressures of capitalism and need a mental health day. Or maybe you missed a flight. Whatever it is, you tend to keep it brief and hope for the best. At least that's the usual consensus. However, there are some employees who work for toxic managers who don't trust their excuses and pry for more and more proof of why they are missing work. Well, when they do…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace toxic-boss bartender reddit thread brewery Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20669957

'I didn’t get a raise': Guy promoted at brewery without a raise, gets mocked at company meeting for making just above minimum wage

In what universe is mocking your employee's low salary a good idea?
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aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20655621

'This is the last time I'll be polite': Employee goes off on coworker for always bothering them while they're on Do Not Disturb

As annoying as this coworker was, this employee's freakout was wildly out of line.
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workplace-stories employee work stories malicious compliance work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20637701

'Let's see how that goes over': Worker told submitted report wasn't detailed enough, sends 30+ page document, bosses regret their request

Be careful what you wish for!
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boss toxic-workplace work ceo coffee reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment petty revenge - 20602373

'There would be no coffee': CEO enforces 'no free coffee' rule for interviewees, employee gives him a taste of his own decaf medicine

Every so often, you get to re-enforce your own boss's strict rule back at them.
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20632325

'In an industry so small, your reputation is everything': Employee quits then calls out boss for refusing to pay her

It's remarkable how you can feed a toxic boss the exact same rhetoric they fed at you.
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'Bye Felicia': Paramedic quits after discovering they are the lowest paid despite having the most experience

'Bye Felicia': Paramedic quits after discovering they are the lowest paid despite having the most experience

You'd generally expect your position on the pay scale of an organization to accurately reflect your contributions and experience in the role. Unfortunately, this usually isn't even remotely close to being the truth.
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Missed out on compulsory in office day because my wife had a seizure. Now my boss is hinting that I won’t get the raise I filed for weeks prior. What do I do?

'I can't believe someone could be so heartless': Boss shames employee for missing a team day after his wife had a seizure

As Kanye West once said, "How could you be so heartless?"
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20600581

'Loyalty will make you poor': Coworker quits after getting final raise, gets competitive offer elsewhere

This is what happens when you put a cap on income and employee benefits!
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work askreddit Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20593925

'The colleague I disliked made management': 20 reasons people quit their last job

We all have our own individual ‘last straws.’ Once you come across yours, it's only a matter of time before you quit. Keep scrolling below to see how these folks, who shared their stories on r/AskReddit , quit their most recent jobs. When you're finished, check out these memes for anxious millennials.
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terrible boss workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit new job quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 20197381

'Quit my job suddenly via email': Worker quits their job because of a bad boss, boss demands they come in and talk face-to-face

Seldom do you quit a job and ever want to go back. It's surprising how the sudden absence of a paycheck removes all desire to set foot there ever again. This is especially true when you quit because of a bad boss or coworker; you would hope never to see them again if you can manage it. When your boss is verbally abusive, going in for one last “face-to-face” discussion is probably the last thing you should do; the last thing you want to do is give them another chance to get in your face or spin…
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