

'Girl, it's a job not a family': Boss denies overworked employee a raise despite telling her the company would 'crumble' without her

'Girl, it's a job not a family': Boss denies overworked employee a raise despite telling her the company would 'crumble' without her

Here's further proof that the root of workplace drama is not that young people don't want to work anymore; it's that they don't want to be overworked and underpaid.
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workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment - 21280005

'I had over 80 hours of PTO': Employee gives notice, loses all their PTO

The relationship between an organization and its employees is built on a foundation of trust... breaking that trust can result in negative consequences for both parties. Employers should realize that failing to honor an employee's accrued leave can damage the morale of the remaining team and lead to a loss of trust. Eventually, this will harm the organization's bottom line—in the form of higher turnover, less institutional knowledge, and less productivity—costing far more than fronting the cost…
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Outspoken employee blasts big boss, manager tells her to 'rethink her future with the company'

'She doesn't seem to care about speaking her mind': Outspoken employee blasts big boss, manager tells her to 'rethink her future with the company'

This boss manages a team of people who recently got a new hire — and he thinks she isn't fitting into the company culture. We roast a lot of bosses on this site, but we don't always get the story from their point of view. Managing people is a role that some people shine at, becoming the boss that everyone loves and feels they can talk to openly. But on the other hand, people management is not for everyone, a lesson that the commenters on this post strongly suggested the OP should learn. U/tway1…
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'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

Being sick comes with the territory when you are a literal human being. If employers can't accept that reality, then they shouldn't be your employers. To continue with that concept, anyone who brags about not having taken a sick day in nine years on the job clearly has a poor grasp on their work-life balance and their general well-being. Once again, this mentality is reminiscent of the engulfing generational divide that has come to plague our workplace environments and culture. Who knows how to…
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'You can at least train your replacement': Boss threatens to fire employee for revealing their low salary online, employee quits

'You can at least train your replacement': Boss threatens to fire employee for revealing their low salary online, employee quits

If a boss says that the real problem is your inability to budget well, that's perhaps the biggest red flag of all.
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workplace-stories work stories manager job reading policy Office workplace bad bosses money toxic-work-environment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit - 21229317

'[I] was told to "actually read the policy". So I did': Employee complies with company meal policy after bosses demand $1.50 in overages

Who reads the fine print anyway? Well, this person, for one. There are many times in life that you need to sign contracts , and wise people will tell you that you should read every word of those contracts to know exactly what you're getting yourself into. It's too easy to quickly sign a bajillion-word document, only to find out later that there are clauses that can bite you in the rear. Plus, if you're like this person, you might find some hidden gems in the slog of paperwork you need to sign.…
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'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to attend meetings before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to do any work before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

This is what happens when you have a boss who cares way too much about 'optics.'
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'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, she stands up for herself

'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

As upsetting as this initially sounded, thankfully, this employee ended up standing up for herself. We know that gender bias exists in the workplace. This is obviously not new information and not the first time this conversation has made its way onto the internet. However, clearly there are some folks who still have yet to catch onto the unconscious bias and the unfortunate ways in which this dynamic has become ingrained in workplace socialization and office politics. This thread was posted to…
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'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

Here's hoping this manager learned that her power trip was certainly not worth it.
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'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

She asked for honesty, and honesty is what she received.
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boss quitting job toxic-workplace quora coworkers raises pay raise Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 21187589

’Can I sue?’: Unless man changes his mind about quitting, his boss won’t give raises to anyone else

Unless this man agrees to stay at a toxic job, his coworkers won't receive raises from the boss.
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'I gave a customer a severe allergic reaction': Top Tales From Your Server (July 1, 2023)

'I gave a customer a severe allergic reaction': Top Tales From Your Server (July 1, 2023)

Anyone who doesn't have mad respect for servers probably couldn't last two minutes during a brunch shift.
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'Ok, that CEO is a comic book villain': CEO brags about firing employee who had a family emergency, makes everyone pay $18 for his birthday party

'Ok, that CEO is a comic book villain': CEO brags about firing employee who had a family emergency, makes everyone pay $18 for his birthday party

This guy's boss really entered his villain era, didn't he?
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'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

There's a silent code of conduct people should have with their neighboring coworkers, and when someone breaks that code of conduct, things are bound to become toxic very quickly. Surprisingly enough, there are countless ways in which coworkers can break said code of conduct. Just check out this r/AskReddit thread for your reference. Some of these coworkers should not only be fired for their behavior, but also they should be barred from ever being able to walk into a collaborative work environme…
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'Karen was put on stress leave': Unqualified Nepo Baby Karen processes coworker's leave incorrectly, coworker gets to go on leave again

'Karen was put on stress leave': Unqualified Nepo Baby Karen processes coworker's leave incorrectly, coworker gets to go on leave again

If there's one thing you can expect from an unqualified nepo baby, it's that they will likely do their job incorrectly.
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'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

Time to get out of the swamp, I guess!
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