
toxic relationship

25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

According to the laws of probability, everyone is guaranteed to end up on at least one date with someone who is out of their mind or wildly misinformed. It's about as common as the probability of getting food poisoning. It's going to happen in your lifetime at least once… If you're lucky, you'll have the epiphany that the person sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant table is a moron before there are any notable strings attached. Ideally, you'll catch it on the first date so that neithe…
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15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

Some relationships feel like they came to an end before they even really started. If you ask the folks who shared stories behind their short-lived relationships , you will see a myriad of reasons why some couples cannot last longer than the runtime of Killers of the Flower Moon . First, there are always the classic reasons: different lifestyles, contrasting life plans, and an overall lack of chemistry. But then, there are the surprising revelations that people probably should have disclosed bef…
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Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Life is about trying things, but it's also about knowing your limits. In theory, you want to be able to find a good balance between the adventurous part of yourself and your rational side. If you lean too far into your impulses to explore, you could end up driving in the dark on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no cell service (this happened to a fairly impulsive friend of mine). On the other end of the spectrum, though, you don't want to be so stuck in your routine that you…
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'She put real effort into messing with me': Woman gets back at puzzle-obsessed ex by charging him for missing pieces

'She put real effort into messing with me': Woman gets back at puzzle-obsessed ex by charging him for missing pieces

The best way to get back at an ex involves personalizing your payback. It's one thing to post a bunch on social media about how much fun you're having and how much you've moved on since the breakup. It's also one thing to block someone outright. Those options might be petty, but they are also uninventive. What you really need to do, if payback is necessary, is to find something niche about your former partner and see if you can use that to your advantage. Now, payback is not pretty and it's not…
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25+ eyebrow-raising Tinder pickup lines: 'You look exactly like my future ex-husband'

25+ eyebrow-raising Tinder pickup lines: 'You look exactly like my future ex-husband'

Who doesn't love a bold swing on the dating apps? It could be a home run or a big swing and a miss, but you can't help but appreciate the attempt at the very least. Dating apps have become so ubiquitous in our culture of “courtship” that we have made swiping left and right a passive part of our daily routines, like brushing our teeth or checking our emails. This portion of the dating process has lost most of its flair and excitement, so when you do receive a message that genuinely catches your…
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25 tell-tale signs a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

25 tell-tale signs that a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

When you know, you know . This is, of course, what everyone says when they find the partner with whom they may want to share the rest of their lives. However, this sentiment very much applies to couples who are on the verge of falling apart. As a third party, you can often see the signs that two people are not meant to be. Sure, there are the obvious signs: fighting, infidelity, etc, but when it comes to the subtle red flags, that's when side remarks, body language, and social media posting bec…
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20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

Some breakups do not call for maturity. Some exes are so deserving of payback that it would be a grave injustice if you chose not to do something. Obviously, the sensible thing to do following a breakup is to take the high road and to trust that the best revenge is success and happiness. That being said, we cannot expect the anonymous folks from this Reddit thread to do the sensible thing in these situations. We can only expect drama and unnecessary overreactions because, let's be real here, th…
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20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

When you move in with your partner, all their quirks and eccentricities come out. Perhaps they've been hiding that they like to trim their toenails on the couch without cleaning up the remains afterward. Perhaps they've been hiding their inability to clean dishes or their tendency to fold and put away wet towels. All of these strange habits are included in the screenshots below, which were compiled from the following Redditors who boldly shared their stories of what happened after moving in wit…
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'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

They say every breakup is unique. That would be true if these anecdotes serve as any indication. Sure, there are the standard reasons why people split up: infidelity, different life goals, timing, location, etc. And then there are these folks who shared their breakup stories via the following r/AskReddit thread. Some of my favorites include the girl who was dumped because her now ex-boyfriend got a dog and realized he couldn't balance the two. Then, there is the person who got dumped because th…
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25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media -[always] break up'

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media [always] break up'

It's never easy to spot red flags when you're actually looking for them. Often, we see them in hindsight or when it's far too late. What gets in the way of catching these obvious signs? Tunnel vision, social pressures to be in a serious relationship, or perhaps the other person is legitimately a convincing pathological liar. Here's the thing to remember if you think this applies to you or a close friend: ignorance is actually not bliss. The illusion of happiness and stability is still just an i…
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20+ anonymous confessions from people who can't keep it inside anymore: 'I don't like the name we picked for our daughter'

20+ anonymous confessions from people who can't keep their secrets anymore: 'I don't like the name we picked for our daughter'

People talk about how the ability to keep a secret is a good personality trait, but isn't it way more fun to hear people spill the beans? It can't be healthy keeping everything inside anyway, so let's just say that confessing your secrets is a mutually beneficial exercise. Obviously, there are instances in which the knowledge you have could affect someone else, so definitely use your judgment. That's why anonymous confessions are even better for everyone involved. These folks let the flood gate…
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20 times people discovered their partners were not bright: 'She thought the Statue of Liberty was made of plastic'

20 times people discovered their partners were not bright: 'She thought the Statue of Liberty was made of plastic'

There comes a time in everyone's dating experiences when you realize that the person with whom you have been spending time is a complete and total doofus. When this happens, you have three options. First, you can give them the benefit of the doubt. You let whatever silly comment they made slide, you try to explain why they are mistaken, and you move on. Sometimes, people simply do not know things because they have yet to be exposed to them. You taught your partner something. Isn't that a produc…
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Woman gets back at ex-boyfriend by rubbing his sweatshirt in pet rabbit's litter box before returning it: 'If you held it up to your nose it REEKED':

Woman rubs ex-boyfriend's sweatshirt in pet rabbit's litter box before returning it: 'If you held it up to your nose it REEKED':

Who doesn't love a creative way to get back at your ex? It almost comes with the territory of a bad breakup these days. If you've wronged someone, you better prepare yourself for some petty revenge. Look, I don't make the rules, but that's the way the cookie crumbles now. We have seen countless methods of that kind of revenge here at FAIL Blog from prank calling to cutting off your ex's power. All of these valid, but what's special about this case of petty revenge is that on first glance, it di…
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'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

Everyone knows that there are just as many disastrous Valentine's Day dinners as great ones. Something about the commercialism of the fake holiday creates a bizarre mix of emotions, unrealistic expectations, and a weird amount of stakes despite, you know, the meaning of the holiday to be virtually empty. However, instead of hearing about all the Valentine's Day fails from the perspective of the couples themselves, let's looks at these dinners gone wrong from a more objective viewpoint. These se…
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'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

Everyone wonders what their ex is saying about them to their group of friends, so it's not uncommon to imagine what those conversations might sound like. Sometimes, your ex was so “in the wrong” that it will take a tremendous amount of creativity to fabricate another reason why things fell apart. Other times, the reasons behind the split remained nuanced, and both parties may still have wildly different perspectives years after all the drama went down. These newly single folks shared what they…
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‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

It’s remarkable how immature fully grown adults can be when they are forced to share space. What’s even more remarkable is that none of the three adults in this scenario can afford their own places. Our condolences to the poor parents who have to hear all this squabbling from these literal children who refuse to grow up. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/KingQuenchie , who never seemed to get along with their future sister-in-law. Matters were made worse wh…
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