
toxic relationship

toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance toxic-boss managers workplace toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19521797

'I got to enjoy a comfortable 40-hour week': Tyranical manager bans overtime "without approval," overworked employees gladly comply

There's this thing that occasionally happens in workplaces, universally, across every industry, when management takes a look at their books and realizes how much they're paying workers in overtime. Commence initiative: Overtime approval—requiring workers to endure ridiculous approval processes to beat them into submission until they don't bother reporting overtime that they're working. The extra work still gets done, and costs don't increase. Job done. The perplexingly confounding thing about o…
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'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, more employees quit

'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, their behavior leads more employees to quit

When you're in charge, it's important that you lead by example, setting the tone for how others should behave, conduct themselves, and work towards the business's goals. At this point, you're probably picturing a stoic, strong, silent, and hardworking; those are the qualities that society has taught us a leader should possess. But the reality is that a lot of “leaders” are lazy, petty, vitriolic, and prone to emotional outbursts. They're not in charge because they're a knight in shining armor a…
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Coworker waited hours for my shift to end so I would drive her home, even after I said no.

'It took everything in me not to yell': Needy coworker keeps asking for a ride home, becomes borderline stalker

Melanie needs to learn something about boundaries!
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'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

Life is like a box of chocolates — you never know what you're going to get! Sometimes you expect a Christmas bonus and, instead… get a box of chocolates! That's what these workers experienced when the new owners of their company decided to forego the usual Christmas bonus that the previous owners had offered, which coincided with also not paying them for working Christmas itself. Instead, they provided the disgruntled workers with a box of chocolates and the promise that at least the workers wo…
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waitress helps expose a cheating customer

Server Waiting an Anniversary Dinner Catches the Man Messaging on Tinder, Cleverly Outs Him in Front of His Girlfriend

Working in the service industry has so many curves and dips, it's a chaotic job to say the least. You have Karen customers yelling at you left and right, you have inexperienced and yet entitled managers getting hired, and sometimes just the strangest things happen. For instance, you could be casually waiting on a table when all of a sudden you witness a man cheating on someone he's literally eating dinner with right that second. So what do you do?
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girlfriend thinks boyfriend is cheating on her, turns out to be much worse

'Can't we just start calling you Jessica? That would be easier': Girlfriend is called wrong name by boyfriend's entire family, thinks he's cheating, turns out to be much worse

“Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought you were being cheated on and then you find out what's actually happening, and then you just wish you were being cheated on?”
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AITA for telling my brother (I was his best man) that his toxic but "love of his life" ex was trying to get in touch with him the night before his wedding?

'Please let him know [...] she'd be his personal bachelor party if he was so inclined': Toxic ex reaches out to groom the night before his wedding

This marriage feels over before it started!
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AskReddit thread 'If you don't like it, leave!': 14 People who decided the leave it when given the chance

'If you don't like it, leave!': 14 People who decided the leave it when given the chance

We've all heard this phrase uttered and felt obligated by the societal commitments to remain exactly where we happen to be standing or seated at the time. Almost always, the person uttering this phrase knows that they have control or power over you and is counting on you being reminded of that fact in order to justify and pass off their own terrible behavior. Since they've offered you the “option” of an out they're then going to feel
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Mysterious Toxic Ex Signs Begging to Get Someone Named "Stacey" Back are Popping Up All Over Boston and the Internet has a Lot of Questions

Mysterious Toxic Ex Signs Begging to Get Someone Named "Stacey" Back are Popping Up All Over Boston and the Internet has a Lot of Questions

Half the Internet believes it's a joke, the other half thinks it's an art project—some are also very concerned about it being real…
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