
workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job malicious compliance work toxic-boss workplace employment - 20195589

'He [decided] to power-trip': Boss gives worker disciplinary action for working too hard

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'I don't care where you put it, just get it out of there': HR Director gives worker an unwise order with a predictable outcome

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'I tried to quit my job today and my boss told me no': Woman gives resignation and toxic boss blatantly ignores it, attempts lackluster counter-offer last minute but it's too late

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'My software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes': Boss steals worker's program and takes credit for it, reprimands worker for undesired features

'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

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'Management Uno reversed them': Entire team quits toxic workplace simultaneously, management "rejects" resignations and fires them anyways

Top Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week for Short-Staffed Teams of Employees (April 5, 2023)

Top Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week for Short-Staffed Teams of Employees (April 5, 2023)

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'Work is not meant to be fun': Fun police boss declares fun illegal with chaotic break room poster

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'Buckle up, buckaroos!': Boss forces employee to clock out early to get paid less, tenacious employee busts out contract clearly stating he HAS to get paid for a full day regardless

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'I finally got her fired': Employee quits after harassment from her manager, gets rehired in a higher role and gets her boss fired

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'My new employer [laughed it] off': Boss calls worker's new employer to accuse them of "poaching" when the worker leaves for better pay

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'It's been a rough year': Aggressive CEO demands clean office in bizarre r/MaliciousCompliance Reddit post

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'I resigned': Boss shocked when worker quits after having their hours halved

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'[Four] years after they fired me!' Employer threatens to sue worker for their passwords years after firing them

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'Should I take his advice?': Boss rudely suggests worker quits over scheduling change, employee considers it

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'My life fell apart due to one screenshot' : Employee and bestie with CEO loses job and friendship all due to one regretful group text message