
toxic-manager toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic-boss toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19661573

'Bin everything in this room? You got it boss': Workers comply to rampaging boss's shortsighted demands

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'AITA for not giving my boss my first class seat?': Internet defends worker's decision not to give their boss their personal seat upgrade

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

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'I quit, don't call me': Teen worker quits after being threatened by boss for seeking "optional" urgent medical care

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'I'll kick you out': Worker experiences backlash from immature boss after handing in their notice

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'It's unfair': Worker forced to take a stand with boss after doing all of her lazy coworker's work

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'No one wants to be friends with their boss': Manager complains that his staff is too chummy and he feels left out, internet serves up harsh reality check

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'I finally told my manager that I will NOT be working on anything outside my scope of responsibilities': People share how to stand up for yourself at work

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'$1300 on a fill-up': Annoying boss fired when stupid 'no-stopping' rule fuels trucker's revenge

workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story coworkers toxic-management taco-bell-employee toxic-boss Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19534085

'You need to stay until 1 a.m.': Exhausted fast food employee working 11 hours shames toxic manager and stands up for himself in front of all his coworkers, manager gives him the “silent treatment”

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'50% salary decrease': New job cuts worker's pay by $30k shortly after recruiting them

work-story workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace coworkers i quit quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 19503621

'I am quitting [...] effective immediately': Worker quits without notice after watching their coworkers being fired without notice.

toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance toxic-boss managers workplace toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19521797

'I got to enjoy a comfortable 40-hour week': Tyranical manager bans overtime "without approval," overworked employees gladly comply

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'It's my business now': Incompetent new owner tanks business by meddling with crucial employee, leaves and takes clients with them

'LOL or what? They're gonna fire you?': Neglectful Management Triples Employee's Workload During Her Last 2-Weeks After Forcing Her to Resign via Email, She Epically Refuses

'LOL or what? They're gonna fire you?': Neglectful Management Triples Employee's Workload During Her Last 2-Weeks After Forcing Her to Resign via Email, She Epically Refuses

workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance toxic coworkers horrible-management toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19466757

'You can't quit on a Friday': Company ignores employee's two-week notice, tries to fire him after he already left the company