

Parent falls asleep and forgets what day it is, and proceeds to think that their kid got kidnapped | r/tifu posted by Crazycatdood TIFU by falling asleep on job and forgetting day is BACKSTORY have mild insomnia, falling asleep isn't hard 's STAYING asleep escapes So flash brilliance on my part decided drink some ZzzQuil because 3 am and might

Parent Forgets What Day It Is, Thinks Kid Got Taken

What an absolutely hilarious accident.
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Coworker tosses package away, and unknowingly sets off an emergency life alert. | r/tifu Join u/Dr-Wankenstein 16h TIFU by tossing package M So this happened last week know midst all Christmas chaos work one those delivery companies 's rather well known world wide should also point out my coworkers fault and not mine. Anyway had just finished unloading my truck and depositing my "ground packages" into 's proper bin and taking care my paper work there's commotion coming front station.

Coworker Tosses Package In Bin, Unknowingly Triggers Life Alert

That's a nice whoops.
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Guy tries to pretend that he doesn't know English and he fails miserably | MrWittyResponse TIFU by telling lady asking money didn't speak English perfect English So late at night and had make stop at gas station fill up my car. This lady comes up wearing this really baggy hoodie. Judging by appearances she seemed be substance abuser. She says she's pregnant and needs some cash pay her motel room really wasn't buying she

Guy Tries To Pretend He Doesn't Know English, Fails Hard

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Guy tries to call his parents by using an Alexa, and they end up thinking that it's haunted | LakazL TIFU by making my parents think Alexa haunted So late last night (3AM got up make late- night snack, accidentally smashed jamjar, and whilst would have cleaned up family dog got scent all jam and wanted lick up, smashed glass and all

Guy Calls Parents On Alexa, They Think It's Haunted

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Student writes a joke essay about flat earth, and the school takes it way too seriously. | r/tifu Join u/Ausome_Face 22h 1 E 1 TIFU by making my school think flat- Earther and causing an anti-flat-Earth program be put into freshman science curriculum M This actually happened two years ago, but change curriculum came into effect yesterday. Two years ago sophomore high school assigned persuasive essay on whatever topic chose had include cited research my honors English class decided would be fun

Student Writes Joke Essay About Flat Earth, School Takes It Seriously

Must've been some great writing.
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Dad plays prank on kid, police misinterpret prank, fail ensues. | TIFU by embarrassing my kid and involving police L An actual TIFU, this happened this morning. Key preliminary backstory: on thanksgiving, my youngest played smashy smash with my phone, damaging sound chip connected microphone, rendering phone calls impossible on my phone. Can't hear people, people can't hear just doesn't work unless connected Bluetooth. Does LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE except phone calls.

Dad Pulls Innocent Prank On Kid, Police Misinterpret Prank, Fail Ensues

Poor dad was just kidding around.
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Man buys his old lady coworker a coffee, and lives to regret it | TIFU by buying my coworker coffee M So work an office with "Betty Betty is an older woman, probably mid late 60s. She doesn't have car and is all around struggling with finances right now so usually give her rides and work both enjoy coffee, she refills her 12oz travel mug at least twice day during work with just little bit cream and sugar, im pretty much same, except only refill my mug once.

Man Buys Old Lady Coworker Coffee, Regrets It

Thankfully, Betty was alright.
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TIFU today i fucked up reddit post | r/tifu Join u/Kangar 6h 2 2 1 1 2 TIFU By Ruining Dessert Everyone M So about 10 years old this fuck-up happened. My family had rented cottage with another family and were there week had blast playing on beach, swimming, fishing-all usual fun things one associates with summer. Both families had brought along their own groceries etc and would sit together meals every night. They had couple kids were close ages my sister and and nice.

Guy Eats Family's Donuts, They're Devastated

No remorse.
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Roommate mistakes a dude for his ex during Halloween, and then hilarity ensues | r/tifu Join u/HalloweenHooligan 8h TIFU pretending be my roommate's ex M FYI: my roommate planning share this story his perspective but thought more entertaining coming This happened just over 2 weeks ago on Halloween night. Even though my roommate and didn't go anywhere on Halloween still dressed up anyway. My roommate's costume basically just an apron, boxers and socks. Not very imaginative know my roommate

Roommate Mistakes Guy For His Ex, Hilarity Ensues

The sobering realization must've been crippling.
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Woman changes diet, gets sleep recording app, and then learns a hard truth | TIFU by downloading sleeping app records noise changing my diet, forgetting check said app and blowing hot balls fire at my boyfriend months M Edit: spelling Sorry formatting am on an iPhone edit: and throwaway 27F) had trouble sleeping at night since child finding out my boyfriend (32M two years also has trouble sleeping at night decided both download an app basically records movement snoring extra noise and level

Girlfriend Changes Diet, Gets Sleep Recording App, Learns Hard Truth

High fiber diets can be dangerous.
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Employee accidentally rickrolls eight entire cities | r/tifu u/CapablePerformance 8h Join 1 1 30 2 17 e 20 3 28 21 1 TIFU by accidentally rickrolling eight cities M currently work my local government their communications department making videos, fliers, social media posts, and pretty much everything else they need. Part job involves putting placeholder text and links since l'll be told need link this resource but 's not available".

Employee Mistakenly Rickrolls Eight Entire Cities

That's a big oops, indeed.
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Patient doesn't realize that a MRI technician can hear them | r/tifu Join u/markedforpie Tifu by not realizing MRI technician could hear M Tifu by not realizing technician could hear Back February my arm started hurting so went doctor and he told rest still hasn't healed so he scheduled an MRI today arrived and got all set up and tech told she training new girl. They asked lay down Superman style and then strapped down my arm really hurt but figured could suffer little while

Patient Doesn't Realize MRI Technician Can Hear Them

Oh, oh, no, say it ain't so.
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Man misunderstands a common phrase, and girlfriend's dad suffers a shock as a result | r/tifu Join u/ChainedEagle 22h TIFU by telling my Girlfriend's Dad our relationship decline and would be asking his permission have an affair. M This happened last month during staycation U.K. with my (25M) girlfriend's (25F) family. My GF, her mum and her sister decided go shopping day. Her dad, sister's boyfriend and headed pub were about 3 pints FU began GFs Dad OP long have and my daughter been together

Man Misunderstands Common Phrase, Girlfriend's Dad Suffers A Shock As Result

Oh, that's unfortunate.
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Guy misunderstands mom, thinks his family's in turmoil, learns otherwise | r/tifu u/throwawaysumtingwong TIFU by sucking Chinese M This happened pre-pandemic. So l'm (31M) 100% pure Chinese but really bad at They taught at school, but really shitty, like were learning kindergarten level Chinese High School speak (very poor) Mandarin and Hokkien this conversation, my mom speaking Hokkien and broken, mixed with English Hokkien. Anyway having breakfast with my mom she told Mom Chinese

Man's Translation Fail Results In Hilarious Misunderstanding

Languages are hard.
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Woman gives neighbor her number, and guy's girlfriend proceeds to freak out | r/tifu u/-Lawyer--Pink TIFU by giving new neighbor my number. M few days ago met girl who recently moved into my building on my way do laundry were both elevator heading machines and got talking about people leave laundry room an absolute disaster. She said something effect my husband and l can't stand disgusting gets Eventually, she left.

Woman Gives New Neighbor Phone Number, Breakup Ensues

No good deed goes unpunished.
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Student's business project with Super Smash Bros spirals out of control and they get suspended | TIFU By starting an illegal money laundering and gambling ring at my highschool. This all started my second last year highschool FU happened towards end semester. Just an FYI, at time never knew gambling outside casinos illegal.

Student's Super Smash Bros Business Project Spirals Out Of Control

They didn't foresee the suspension.
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