

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

One seller wasted 3 hours of his customer's time and gas money… Why? Who knows, people are awful, especially those selling on Marketplace. The customer, who we'll call OP, took to Reddit to complain about his terrible experience. Basically, OP had seen a small van for a reasonable price online, and wanted to buy it in order to convert it. They reached out to the seller, telling them they were interested in buying the van and would like to come see it. All seemed to be going well, as the seller…
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utilities entitlement drama house text messages Invalid Argument rent bills texting roommates entitled people - 25062405

Woman calls out entitled roommate for demanding $50 extra for utilities after using microwave 3 times in 1 week: 'You are literally home all day long'

To make matters even worse, the woman already pays $500 more in rent and fully covers the cost of Wi-Fi for the two. However, her entitled roommate still asked for more money, saying that the original poster (OP) deserves to pay more because the OP makes more money than her.
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'This can't be real': Lawn care business owner puts entitled client in her place

'This can't be real': Lawn care business owner puts entitled client in her place

One business owner was referred to a potential customer who has an entitled attitude. Mess with a professional and find out what happens, lady! If your business is a big chain, customers might flock to you. But for smaller businesses with just one or two employees, word of mouth can keep your company alive. Especially in a business like lawn care, having a referral from someone who appreciated your work goes a long way. It's a great compliment to know you made someone's front yard look so nice…
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'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

‘I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud’
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

We have all had a regrettable texting moment, haven’t we? It could have been an impulsive moment of passion, a complete mistake, or a total misread of the situation. While you sit there and pretend that this kind of thing has not happened to you, I’ll chime in and admit that it’s happened to me on multiple occasions. I once was on my way to brunch with an ex-friend I didn’t like and texted my other friends that I was fully not looking forward to it. Except I didn’t text my other friends that…I…
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scammer text message scammers quityourbs scam texting Reddit called out choosing beggar - 20869637

'Scams don't work on me': Marketplace scammer gets called out, apologizes, asks the target for money

If, at first, you don't succeed… tell a sob story and beg your target for cash instead. This is the scammer's creed—at the first sign of their scam going sideways, they'll crumple like paper and resort to tearful begging instead. That, or get overwhelmingly aggressive. The begging is really just the continuation of the same initial scam, and just because you were wary and caught them out on the initial attempt doesn't mean you won't be suckered in by the crocodile tears that follow. Commenters…
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AITA for speaking up about a bad employer?

'I felt embarrassed afterwards knowing I might get fired': Employee texts their entire company in a group chat

This deli worked wondered, “AITA for speaking up about a bad employer ?” and they didn't exactly get the answer they were looking for. U/jackjack_d3mon wrote to the subreddit in order to gain some other opinions on something they'd just done, and pretty quickly regretted. As the OP wrote, they had some serious concerns about their workplace, a deli where they work closing shifts . Some of their concerns are that one employee disregards what management says in order to “be a leader." The OP also…
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FAILS dating fails funny tinder text messages tinder top-tinder-moments dating win top 10 dating apps texting online dating win dating - 19927045

10+ Top Tinder Moments of the Week (March 29, 2022)

It's a wild world out there… and when you open the magical wardrobe of online dating, there's no telling what might spill forth. Sure, you're probably going to encounter some mischievous fauns—who have more experience sending unsolicited photos of their anatomical features than participating in actual conversation. You'll probably also run into that ice queen who cares for naught but how she's perceived on social media—but is seeking a partner to finance her photo-centric misadventures. You mig…
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'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

This groomzilla had a mouthful to say to one of his wedding vendors. But luckily, this vendor is not new to the scene — or to cranky clients being totally demanding and insane.
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FAILS imgur texts phone Memes family texting funny dating - 19756293

30+ Texting Fails From People Who Simply Shouldn’t Have a Phone

It's truly remarkable what one typo can do to a friendship or a marriage or a professional relationship.
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'We are aware of that': Manager wants workers to prep store for opening during Level 2 snow emergency

'We are aware of that': Manager wants workers to prep store for opening during Level 2 snow emergency, draws ire online

At what point are health and safety more important than opening in the middle of a blizzard?
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Offered a job interview, ended up in a webinar with 200+ ppl.

'You lied and intentionally misled me in these texts': Job-seeker fires off angry message to recruiter who enrolled them in bizarre interview

This job-seeker was offered a job interview — so how did they end up in a webinar with hundreds of other people ? U/LivingStCelestine thought everything was going well as they talked to a recruiter about a job listing. The OP requested a virtual time slot to meet with this person about a management job, and it seemed like they were set up for a 6PM interview. However, when they turned up in the Zoom meeting , they got a terrible surprise. It's so unfortunate the lengths companies would go throu…
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Viral text thread! 'There is no Dave. Only Carol the 90 year old party grandma': Chaos ensues after guy adds the wrong person to party group chat

Viral text thread! 'There is no Dave. Only Carol the 90 year old party grandma': Chaos ensues after guy adds the wrong person to the group chat

We've all messaged the wrong person before, but we haven't all messaged Carol!
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People who made funny mistakes in messages and online posts

40+ People who were so close but just couldn't get it right

We're not always going to succeed at everything we do in life, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. There is a certain purpose and dignity in the attempt itself that is meaningful in and of itself. At least, that's how it might have been before the internet. Now, every mistake you make is immortalized for eternity somewhere online. Every video of that stupid thing you did, every hot-take that you Tweeted out in 2012, it's all up there in the cloud somewhere (aka sitting on a server in a room…
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FAIL insane karen entitled entitlement idiots Reddit text messages texting choosing beggar entitled people - 17848069

10 Top Entitled Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Some people think that they should have the world handed to them on a silver platter, they want to work for nothing and take everything. This collection of entitled “Choosing Beggars” comprises some of the top posts shared to the Reddit community of the same name. On Reddit's r/choosingbeggars subreddit, users post screenshots of entitled beggars that they have encountered online. People who have demanded a whole lot for nothing or very little in return. Sometimes users will share stories of ex…
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