terrible coworkers

terrible coworkers workplace discussion karens workplace-stories jobs job work coworkers workplace entitled coworker karen entitled people employment in the workplace - 22370309

'She [now] thinks everyone is out to get her': Dude gets back at lunch-stealing coworker by leaving undercooked food in the fridge

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story airports airport coworkers plane Travel workplace coworker airplane - 22401029

'We were getting on at Gate 4. I told him we were at Gate 44': Workers trick gloating coworker into missing his flight

workplace work lunch stolen employee revenge reddit work-drama lunch thief petty-revenge laxatives coworker coworkers sued terrible

Workplace Lunch Thief Gets Boobytrapped With Prescription-Grade Laxatives Hidden in His Coworker's Sandwich; Gets Taught a Lesson That's Hard to Digest

terrible coworkers class workplace-stories jobs job classes work coworkers studio quit teacher Professors workplace coworker quitting yoga managers - 22288901

'My co-worker is running a yoga studio...instead of working': Professor debates telling on colleague who's making them "carry the burden"

'Lisa is absurd': Nosy coworker keeps trying to get employee to share her lunch, confronts her in the office kitchen

'Lisa is absurd': Nosy coworker keeps trying to get employee to share her lunch, confronts her in the office kitchen

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee tells of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee shares tales of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'They came in with a potbelly pig as their emotional support animal': 15+ crazy coworker stories

'They came in with a potbelly pig as their emotional support animal': 15+ crazy coworker stories

'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'[I] threw it in a dumpster out back': Employee throws out coworker's smelly sweater, coworkers conducts formal investigation, gets fired

'[I] threw it in a dumpster out back': Employee throws out coworker's smelly sweater, coworkers conducts formal investigation, gets fired

'Rep has horrible body odor': Employee has had it with coworker's B.O. problem, files a complaint to management

'Rep has horrible body odor': Employee has had it with coworker's B.O. problem, files a complaint to management

'Do not work for free': Employee pressured by Karen coworker to come in early for unpaid work, employee refuses

'Do not work for free': Employee pressured by Karen coworker to come in early for unpaid work, employee refuses

'I was done with Secret Santa at work': Rude coworker threw a tantrum about his Secret Santa gift, employee gets even next year

'I was done with Secret Santa at work': Rude coworker threw a tantrum about his Secret Santa gift, employee gets even the next year

'I was still on the receiving end of pettiness':: Employee moves away from coworkers, they leave an urn on her desk with the message 'ashes of problem employees'

'I was still on the receiving end of pettiness':: Employee moves away from coworkers, they leave an urn on her desk with the message 'ashes of problem employees'

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand