terrible coworkers

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

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'I unplugged my phone': Guy discovers he's been answering colleague's calls for years, unplugs his phone so they have to answer them

'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs inter's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs intern's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

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'Any issues you have are not my problem': Backstabbing coworker takes admin's job, admin takes all her work with her

terrible coworkers workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 22895621

'Because she had a college degree': Coworker demands worker clean up after her despite them being at the same level

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'I pretended to be a recruiter to troll a former workplace bully': Worker gets revenge on Karen coworker by pretending to be a recruiter offering her a better job

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

terrible coworkers aita coworkers reddit story etiquette entitled reddit thread coworker entitled people - 22702597

'I got called into HR': Coworker accidentally reports themself to HR after stealing bait lunch from fridge

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

terrible coworkers workplace discussion karens workplace-stories jobs job work coworkers workplace entitled coworker karen entitled people employment in the workplace - 22370309

'She [now] thinks everyone is out to get her': Dude gets back at lunch-stealing coworker by leaving undercooked food in the fridge