
terrible coworkers

'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

We have seen plenty of stories about what happens when coworkers steal food, but this would be the first time where the revenge involves rotting bananas taped under a desk. But if you ask the Redditor who posted this online to the almighty r/pettyrevenge subreddit, he would say it was the most logical way to get back at this thieving coworker. Believe me, if I had the chutzpah to pull this off, I would because I have been a part of many toxic work environments in which the communal refrigerator…
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'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

Workplace bullies are the worst for an obscene amount of reasons. The first is that you couldn't leave even if you wanted to because you came here to work, not to have fun. So either you give in to the bully or lose it and end up losing your job. The story that follows is about an emerging adult who is entering the workforce for the very first time. Unfortunately, OP had to deal with the worst workplace bully I have ever heard of. Nevertheless, as fate would have it, OP saw his chance and seize…
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'I'm afraid to go back to work': Employee makes the mistake of becoming her problematic coworker's best friend, now requests to move offices

'I'm afraid to go back to work': Employee makes the mistake of becoming her problematic coworker's best friend, now requests to move offices

There is a reason why one should never get too close to one's coworkers. Now, you are meant to see these people five days a week for at least eight hours a day. Of course, it is totally natural to make friends with at least some of your coworkers. You can't ignore the fact that you see them more often than your real friends. Furthermore, grabbing a drink or a bite to eat after work is a natural extension of those relationships. You are by no means obligated to do so, but it is not a blurring bo…
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'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who got fired during their first shift at work

'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who didn't make it through their first shift at work because they were fired on the spot

If you can't even make it through the first shift at a job, maybe you just weren't cut out for that role in the first place. Or maybe you were right for that career, but you actually dodged a bullet by avoiding a bad place to work. Either way, these kinds of circumstances happen once in a blue moon--- but the people below were there to witness it and share the story. Everyone makes mistakes at work, but usually, they're pretty minor. Maybe only your boss knows about it, or maybe you botched som…
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'My mom paying $1,500 to have the house she was renting painted': Top 20 Irresponsible Financial Decisions

'My mom paying $1,500 to have the house she was renting painted': 20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions

The Holiday season is an easy time to make bad choices with your money. This is especially true for those of you who have needy family members asking for expensive gifts or if you have a burning desire to treat yourself. Unfortunately, most of the time, the smartest thing to do is the least fun thing. As much as I wish we lived in a universe where we didn't have to budget months in advance for a “treat yourself” moment, sometimes it's necessary. Now, before we get to enjoy the horrible financia…
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'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

There's no greater sign of a toxic workplace than having a coworker looking over your shoulder at all times, waiting to see you mess up. Oftentimes, these are the folks who are threatened by someone else's presence, especially someone they think is the competition. However, just as it was in this situation, the employee did virtually nothing wrong and the coworker was just seeing what they wanted to see. To me, this phenomenon feels reminiscent of high school behavior. I remember when a classma…
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'She is a textbook narcissist': Top Coworker Stories of the Year

'She is a textbook narcissist': Top Nightmare Coworker Stories of the Year

A terrible coworker can completely ruin your year. So if you feel neither here nor there about the people in your office, let's just say that you have quite a lot to be thankful for, and if that's not apparent, look no further than this collection of nightmare anecdotes compiled from Reddit's r/coworkerstories subreddit. Some of these stories range from coworkers with no boundaries to coworkers who keep shirking their responsibilities to the ones who you discovered get paid more for doing the s…
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'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

Every so often, your coworker asks you to do a favor for them. It might be to proofread an email, grab something from the kitchen, or brainstorm for 15 minutes. However, giving them a free manicure is not exactly the kind of favor one expects to be confronted with at work. This employee's coworker admired their nails and asked them what they were using. You would think the conversation ended there, and the coworker would just take it upon herself to purchase the same product as the employee. Ho…
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'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

Now that it's the Holiday season, we are unfortunately subjected to that time of year when we have to get gifts for more people than we'd like. The idea of having to participate in an annual Office Secret Santa on top of all that other shopping is truly too far. Thankfully, I have never been asked to participate in one, and honestly, thank goodness. I'm not quite sure what I've done in my life to deserve that luxury, but I'll take it. Knowing myself, if I were pressured to be a part of an Offic…
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'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

The reality of being an adult in the working world is that not everyone is going to like you. This can be especially hard to hear for the people pleaser of the world. As someone who once upon a time would identify as a people pleaser myself, I understand the mental and emotional adjustment that comes with learning that some people are just not going to be your friend. Perhaps this phenomenon has weighed on you since your school days, or perhaps you're only just realizing it now because you lear…
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'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

There's one in every office. Each business place has that one person who everyone else gives a side-eye to. They probably have some kind of personality quirk that irritates everyone. But it's the kind of thing that you can't go to HR for, because what is HR going to do about issues like “Tina is always breathing too loudly” or “Jack has been heating up three meals a day in the microwave and he lets the microwave count down to the beep each time”? These are minor issues, and we all have to live…
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terrible coworkers pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge coworkers revenge-stories petty revenge coworker revenge-stories-reddit - 23132165

'[She was] charged with theft over $5000': Coworker frames worker for theft leading to loss of their job, worker gets her arrested

There's nothing worse than being blamed for something you didn't do, especially when you know who did do it but can't prove anything to defend yourself. This sinking feeling is one we have all probably felt at one point or another, like on the playground after some spoilt classmate framed us for their own misdeeds... No, Jared, I didn't throw that ball at the recess teacher, but you know very well who did.
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion karens workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers petty revenge karen coworker workplace coworker karen employment in the workplace - 23205381

'You can answer my calls for a while': Coworker turns the tables when Karen nominates her to be her unwitting assistant

Navigating a troublesome coworker in the workplace is a daunting experience. With them creating trouble at every turn and drowning you and your teammates in false reports to managers and HR, it's sometimes hard to know where to turn, constantly treading on broken glass-covered thin ice as you all wait for the coworker to either resign or get fired so that you can all return to a peaceable existence. It's wild how the presence of this one person can turn a team on its head , which kinda makes yo…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers workplace coworker employment in the workplace - 23204613

'You do what I say!': Obstructive coworker demands overtime for her mismanaged project, everyone abandons her

You find out a lot about someone when they attain a petty position of power, do they take up the mantle reluctantly? Or do they wield their tiny shred of power with impunity? Sometimes you might be surprised to discover how someone reacts , but more often than not the latter category is easy to spot from a mile away.
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'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

There are definitely unwritten rules about using the communal microwave in an office. If you're heating up your lunch during an in-demand time and it's a frozen meal that takes more than five minutes to cook, you might want to step back and let other people use it first. Furthermore, if you're eating something particularly aromatic, consider eating in the break room and not right at your desk. This also applies when you're eating a messy meal. I cannot tell you the number of times I have seen c…
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'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

I suppose it's only fair for everyone's spouse to be on the same page. That certainly was this Redditor's mentality when she Googled the contact information of the husband's coworker. The coworker had been flirting pretty aggressively with OP's husband, both during and outside of work hours. Thankfully, the husband was communicative with his wife and told her everything, which we know is not normally what happens in these situations.
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