
terrible coworkers

terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers workplace coworker employment in the workplace - 23204613

'You do what I say!': Obstructive coworker demands overtime for her mismanaged project, everyone abandons her

You find out a lot about someone when they attain a petty position of power, do they take up the mantle reluctantly? Or do they wield their tiny shred of power with impunity? Sometimes you might be surprised to discover how someone reacts , but more often than not the latter category is easy to spot from a mile away.
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'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

There are definitely unwritten rules about using the communal microwave in an office. If you're heating up your lunch during an in-demand time and it's a frozen meal that takes more than five minutes to cook, you might want to step back and let other people use it first. Furthermore, if you're eating something particularly aromatic, consider eating in the break room and not right at your desk. This also applies when you're eating a messy meal. I cannot tell you the number of times I have seen c…
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'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

I suppose it's only fair for everyone's spouse to be on the same page. That certainly was this Redditor's mentality when she Googled the contact information of the husband's coworker. The coworker had been flirting pretty aggressively with OP's husband, both during and outside of work hours. Thankfully, the husband was communicative with his wife and told her everything, which we know is not normally what happens in these situations.
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'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

In every office, there is one person who finds an excuse to be absent and to shirk their responsibilities as much as possible. As much as we often praise the folks who find ways to work smart and not hard, in this instance, someone else at the office is often left picking up all that slack. If you're the first kind of person, the key is to find a way to do the bare minimum without affecting anyone else's workload. If you're the other kind of person and you're the people please who has to take o…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers workplace creativity in the workplace coworker - 23070469

'I unplugged my phone': Guy discovers he's been answering colleague's calls for years, unplugs his phone so they have to answer them

Getting on with the daily grind can often be a wearisome chore, especially when you find yourself needing to do your coworker's tasks for them in addition to your own. It's not like you had enough to do as it was. Now you're busy going around picking up after them as well, and to make matters worse, you know, mentioning it to your boss won't do a thing to solve the problem and might even end up with you being labeled as not being a “team player.”
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'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs inter's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

'It was an email I would NEVER send': Coworker signs intern's name on unprofessional email, intern speaks to boss, coworker gets fired

Who doesn't have nightmares about work emails? Whether it's you sending an email to the wrong person or receiving a dreaded email from your manager, we all have anxiety concerning the ubiquitous phenomenon that is emailing. Sometimes, I even get anxious about sending someone without an attachment or with an egregious typo, especially in my early working days as an intern. In fact, I can't imagine the stress this intern was under when she opened her work email one day only to discover that her a…
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terrible coworkers pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge coworkers revenge-stories petty revenge coworker revenge-stories-reddit - 22935813

'Any issues you have are not my problem': Backstabbing coworker takes admin's job, admin takes all her work with her

Thinking that you can trust someone, that they're your friend, and confiding in them only for them to turn around and stab you in the back—throwing your confidence back in your face—has got to be one of the hardest lessons to experience. You never know when a new friend or friendly coworker is actually going to turn out to be another rat racing up the ladder to the top, gnawing every rung they climb as they go to ensure that others are unable to follow. This administrator was blindsided when he…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 22895621

'Because she had a college degree': Coworker demands worker clean up after her despite them being at the same level

Every member of a team brings with them their own unique traits, abilities, and experiences. No two people will be exactly the same or have the same perspective. Even on a single issue, it's surprising just how different different people's perceptions of that thing can be. In this same vein, it's important to accommodate other members of the team ; maybe they don't have the skills or even physical capabilities that you do, so it might make sense for you to pick up more of those tasks that you'r…
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pro revenge antiwork workplace-stories jobs petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace revenge-stories-reddit employment in the workplace terrible coworkers coworkers coworker - 22839557

'I pretended to be a recruiter to troll a former workplace bully': Worker gets revenge on Karen coworker by pretending to be a recruiter offering her a better job

Meddling pedantic coworkers who consider them to be a step above the rabble, despite being in exactly the same position as this “rabble," are a one-way ticket to a hellish workplace. The problem is that managers usually leave these busybody coworkers alone and may even regard them as proficient workers because they're making the manager's life easier by doing their dirty work for them. To be fair, the managers are also probably afraid of these people, seeing as they usually memorize the technic…
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'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

There is something to be said for creating a healthy distance with your coworkers. Most folks understand this choice. The ways in which people choose to draw boundaries between their work and their social lives are personal choices. However, as much as you would think everyone would understand those choices, some folks simply don't get it. Like the coworkers who keep inviting you to events that you continually turn down…
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'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

When you work with someone for 40 hours per week, you get to know all their habits, whether you want to or not. You learn that one person likes to play music out loud, or that another person has a love of strong-smelling foods that leaves the break room smelling rank. Other people got too close with their coworkers , and suffered the consequences, like one person who's been begging their coworker to give them back the money they owe. Their coworker is posting their extravagant weekend plans all…
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terrible coworkers aita coworkers reddit story etiquette entitled reddit thread coworker entitled people - 22702597

'I got called into HR': Coworker accidentally reports themself to HR after stealing bait lunch from fridge

Your things are your own, and while it can be nice to share, you need to respect other people's stuff and not take things without asking. This is essentially the first lesson that we're ever taught in school, and yet, a frightful amount of people can't seem to get that one right. We're not saying that you should go around teaching people lessons; It's just not a good idea, you might actually be the one in the wrong, and there's far too much chance of you getting the facts wrong, but it's mighty…
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'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

A birthday cake is dividing this workplace. That's because of two coworkers who can't see eye to eye about food. People eat all sorts of diets for all sorts of reasons. For example, if you go to the doctor and your cholesterol is high, they might tell you to stop eating eggs. Or if you want to have more vegetables and less red meat, you might start eating fish in place of burgers. Everyone eats in their own unique ways, and has their own specific likes and dislikes. But for some reason, people…
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'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

Every toxic workplace has a problematic employee or two, and everyone is secretly wondering why they're still working at the company. Especially after all the nonsense they have pulled over the years. Perhaps they know the big boss at the top. Perhaps they're even related to them (nepo baby alert!). Perhaps no one at the managerial level is aware of some of the craziness these terrible coworkers have gotten away with over the years. You are smart enough to stay out of it and just observe all th…
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'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

When we think about the difficult lives of teachers, we often draw our attention to the annoying students they are forced to educate, but we rarely acknowledge that teachers may also have to deal with annoying coworkers just like everyone else. Having an insufferable coworker at your school has to be infuriating after a full schedule of teaching neurotic and whiny students all day. These teachers rarely get a moment of peace at their desks, and when they do, they generally need to do some lesso…
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'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

It took many years for this employee to get even with his former coworker, but when the opportunity finally arose, he took full advantage of the moment. This epic story was shared on Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/Fuzed_Canadian , who was unjustly fired from a retail store after his coworker accused him of stealing valuable rings. OP suspected that he was framed and that the coworker wanted the rings for herself and also wanted to see OP go. However, he couldn't prove it. His other cowork…
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