
terrible coworkers

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

We can't all be the most tech savvy person in the office.
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terrible coworkers jobs hr community-answers coworkers graduate workplace-issues workplace coworker employment - 21830661

'Our boss has told me to stay out of her way': Clueless graduate reports coworker to HR for refusing to answer her endless questions

Cooperation, teamwork, and the ability to collaborate are important skills in any instance where you're seeking to achieve a common goal. So, when it comes to the workplace, there's a reason why so much emphasis is placed on this when it comes to the selection of candidates and the interview process. Successful organizations will foster a culture that encourages this collaboration and encourages individuals to communicate openly and respectfully. After all, all it takes is one bad egg—one stick…
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terrible coworkers getting fired workplace-stories fired coworkers workplace - 21809925

30+ Stories of how "that one guy" got fired

There has been a lot of discourse online (and, specifically, on this site) around workers who have been mistreated by their employers, amid shared stories of toxic workplace cultures, hostile work environments, and even workers telling how they were wrongly fired from their jobs. But what about the other side of it? We're all the heroes of our own stories, but surely every story we read online, shared by a purportedly exploited worker, isn't being told by a reliable narrator. After all—we've al…
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terrible coworkers amitheahole aita in-the-workplace work coworkers workplace coworker - 21736709

'You should learn how to take "no" for an answer': Woman shuts down nosy coworker's questions about her husband's salary with controversial response

The workplace presents itself with many challenges... Chief among them being painful social interactions with the dreaded coworker . Take, for example, Trish, who brings her needlessly pungent soup every day for lunch. The soup smells as if it has been assembled with broth made by soaking the feet of aged retirement home inhabitants before distilling the soaking to carefully concentrate the very essence of foot odor. Trish heats her foot soup in the kitchen microwave daily, where its putrid sce…
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'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

There's always that one coworker who makes the company lunches harder for literally everyone else. Now, if you're not aware, company lunches serve a very specific purpose for any organization. They serve as a brief escape for employees who might feel less than sufficiently supported on a day-to-day basis in the office. Regardless of whatever the intent is, we're here for anything on the company's dime. As long as these lunches are not used as a way to replace more serious issues like employee c…
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Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then admits she can't afford it

'Her kids are not my responsibility': Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then complains she can't afford it

Here's a cautionary tale about letting coworkers into your personal life. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole with a question about her role in a feud with her coworker: “AITA for telling my coworker her bad decisions and her kids are not my responsibility?” As u/BroadwayThrowaway1 writes, the whole disagreement started because she was going to a Broadway show with her nine year old daughter. Broadway shows are so much fun — the bright lights, singing and dancing, and colorful costumes can be u…
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'[They]... would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most perplexing habits

'[They] would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most annoying habits

We all have that one coworker who just gets on everyone's last nerve. There are many reasons for this, and the people replying to this question have some great examples. One Redditor had a question: “That annoying coworker --- what does he/she keep doing?” More than 15,000 people wrote in with their own answers, and some of the funniest and most entertaining are included below.
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terrible coworkers aita work coworkers workplace coworker - 21719301

'I felt insulted': Woman shuts down shoeless coworker who complained that her shoulders were showing

"Thoust not wearing coverings on thy feet shalt not passeth judgment on thy neighbor's shoulders." While I'm not entirely sure that this was actually a commandment or part of any other religious-moral imperative, it probably should have been… Definitely a missed chance there somewhere—that's all I'm saying. Still, whether or not it was written in stone, it seems pretty obvious that you shouldn't be complaining about what your coworkers are wearing while your dogs are currently nestled and cozy…
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'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

I would not want to get on this person's bad side… This woman shared her tale of a former coworker's comeuppance via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, and let's just say that her comeback was decidedly savage. First, let's take things back a few years. When the Redditor was working for a different company for over seven years, she worked out a situation with management that allowed her to go back to school while working mostly full-time. Essentially, she worked longer hours 3x/w…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories coworkers workplace funny-work-stories coworker - 21691397

'You'll lose the game': British chap tricks their coworker into following basic etiquette

I won't pretend to be an expert on the nuances of British culture, but it shouldn't stand as a surprise to anyone that etiquette is strict when it comes to the manner of tea preparation in the office. You might expect that to be just a stereotype, but it appears to be very much real. (Are any British folk able to corroborate this?) And that's the most important piece of information you need to know going into this story—tea is a serious matter. But, really, the themes of this story should be fa…
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terrible coworkers promotion workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers toxic-boss Office reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21670149

'You bet I'm looking for a new job': Employee denied raise until next year, then discovers 10+ coworkers got promotions this month

If they come up with an excuse to not give you a raise right then and there, they aren't likely to change their minds any time soon. There are a lot of nonsensical reasons your bosses might give when they're denying your raise and/or promotion. They could pretend there's a freeze on raises given the current fragile economy. Or they could make up an excuse about some bogus rule regarding when they grant raises and promotions. That second reason was exactly the line that was fed to this employee,…
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'My employers want everything without having to pay for it': Karen coworker shames employee for quiet quitting, employee claps back

'My employers want everything without having to pay for it': Karen coworker shames employee for quiet quitting, employee claps back

There's always that coworker who throws shade at everyone else for having boundaries at work.
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'I was just trying to help!': Coworker tries to hijack couple's wedding by doing all the planning, bride shuts it down

'I was just trying to help!': Coworker tries to hijack couple's wedding by doing all the planning, bride shuts it down

There are certain people in life who enjoy inserting themselves into situations where they are clearly not wanted. This coworker was invited to the Redditor and his wife's wedding as a courtesy, but she decided that it was important to her to assist in the planning despite not taking into account the tastes of the bride and groom. She honestly sounds like an absolute nightmare to deal with. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/Nachtjaeger68 , and let's just say tha…
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'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

Sharin' is carin', Karen!
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'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

Taking over for your coworker in a time of crisis is the nightmare to end all nightmares.
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories revenge coworkers coworker - 21484549

'Let's get a supervisor involved': Hospital worker gets revenge on nurse coworker for fabricating a customer complaint to get her fired

It doesn't seem like the management of this hospital was abreast with the issues within their team—that is until this nurse made them very aware of what was going on after being unable to endure her toxic coworker any further. Living with a coworker who is determined to catch you out at every turn is impossible. These narcissistic, psychopathic individuals will stop at nothing to ensure that they report you for each and every procedural technicality, no matter how exaggerated, minor, or flat-ou…
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