

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

Did you ever break something in a store and the employees demanded that you pay for it? There used to be a time when every store had those big 'You break it, you buy it' signs, and it was terrifying trying to walk through the aisles without touching anything in fear it would break. I never broke something in a store and then had to pay for it, which makes me wonder if those stores actually enforce this rule or if they simply pity whoever broke an item and just let it go. This post office worker…
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'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

Hierarchy is the cornerstone of the business world. There will always be subordinates and superiors in the organization based on seniority and experience. But what would happen if you were caught in the middle of an argument, or perhaps a more accurate description, an ego clash, between two of your managers? Well, the story below is an account of a dissatisfied store salesperson. OP has worked at a single shop for the past six months. Six months is a century in the retail industry, particularly…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23972101

Karen tells shopper they're dressed too casually for a job that isn't even theirs: 'I'm not at my job right now'

It's kinda sorta hard to dress too casually for a job you don't have. For one thing, it's not your job, and, for another—well, it's not your job. As long as you're wearing a shirt and shoes, you can pretty much go anywhere you'd like… Although those signs usually fail to mention any requirement for pants, so that one's up to you.
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23969285

Off duty retail worker plays along when Karen mistakes him for an employee: 'Stop harassing other shoppers'

Being a retail veteran means that you're nearly immune to the tactics of wily entitled customers, hardened to the core with the scar tissue of encounters with other customers—that or just completely dead inside—but it's all the same thing, really. Even if you leave the retail industry far behind, you remember the way people can act toward retail staff long afterward and how it's almost like people become another person when they begin talking to someone they deem to be a “servant" and beneath t…
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workplace-stories employee job retail tales-from-the-workplace retail worker reddit story entitled customers workplace tales-from-retail Reddit funny entitled people - 23867909

'Sorry, I'm not a mind reader': Retail worker shares story about a demanding customer who asked them to hand-deliver items, in turn, retail workers share stories where they were expected to read customers' minds

And the award for Most Entitled Customer goes to...
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customer support customer service talesfromretail petty-revenge-reddit retail revenge customers revenge-stories petty revenge tales-from-retail revenge-stories-reddit - 23755525

'She avoided eye contact with me': Customer gets back at presumptive sales associate for judging them based on appearance

We're silently judging each other all the time. Like it or not, it's a part of being human. Most of the time, these are calculated judgments, and they're made for good reason in order to avoid conflict and preemptively determine whether or not it is a good idea to broach particular topics of conversation with the person you're talking to—like deciding whether or not a political conversation is appropriate at your family's Christmas gathering. Even the most tolerant saint-like individuals among…
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karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

“I immediately wanted to call in sick,” this video game store employee wrote. What made them feel so ill? An advertisement! For those who have spent time in the trenches of retail work around the holidays, you know exactly how this person feels. No matter how much you enjoy your retail job during the year, when the holiday season comes around, customers begin to act feral.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs employment-discussion job retail work workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment service industry in the workplace - 22839813

'They sent me home due to low workload': Manager forces workers to use PTO after sending them home early

Certain organizations, especially within certain industries, love to save on labor, and one of the ways they do this is by sending workers home from a scheduled shift when things are quiet to try and keep from being overstaffed. Of course, predictably, as soon as the manager has sent someone home, you'll end up with the biggest rush of customers you've ever experienced, ensuring that the rest of the day is going to be a living nightmare—and no one will be getting any breaks.
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 22817285

'The cops were called': Karen arrested for accosting customers she mistook for employees, who play along to send her over the edge

Supermarkets are already a relatively overwhelming experience for most of us, akin to navigating a labyrinth that's been starkly lit by harsh-white fluorescent lighting while a string of the most infuriatingly mundane acoustic covers of songs that were popular ten years ago play omnipresently throughout.
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customer support customer service karens talesfromretail entitled parents retail retail worker karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 22895877

'She was the most delusional customer I ever had': Karen tries to return costume the day after halloween, five years after she bought it

Typically, purchasing something means that you intend to keep that thing for the duration of its life or until you pass it on. This directly contrasts with renting something, where you lease it for a set period of time for a fee with the expectation that you will be returning that thing by the end of the period you have paid for it. Both arrangements have their advantages, by owning something it's yours and you can do whatever you want with it, but this usually requires a much higher buy-in cos…
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'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

There are some people in this world who have been raised and reinforced with such entitlement that when they want something, no amount of reason will convince them that they can't have it. One has to wonder how one's mind can be so brainwashed to be able to think that you can have just about anything. Unfortunately, enough people out there seem to be mentally engineered this way and there's not much we can do to stop them. It's only a matter of time before you just have to get the cops involved…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 22380549

'We only do deliveries over the phone': Cashier refuses to take delivery order in person, customer calls from the lobby

Rules usually exist for a reason. Generally, they come into being because someone did something and learned the hard way that the way they chose wasn't the way that it should be done, so it's decided that this way should never be attempted again by either them—or those surviving them—depending on how poorly their attempt went. There is another type of rule, though, and these rules are generally made up by a bored busybody middle manager on a random Wednesday afternoon because they need somethin…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail malicious compliance retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 22328837

'[It] makes me happy': Cashier shares their brilliant strategy for dealing with phone-talking customers at checkout

It's no secret that working in customer service exposes you to all kinds of bizarre behavior that wouldn't be acceptable in any other place in society. What is it that makes people think it's okay to treat someone any differently just because they happen to be wearing an apron or a name badge? Unfortunately, the act of being served gives petty tyrants the opportunity to feel as if they are better than the person serving them, with some individuals exhibiting levels of malice and cruelty that ma…
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workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story manager retail retail worker managers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail - 21977093

'[My boss] was walked out by two cops': Thieving fraudster retail manager gets arrested when their employee finally gets even

What do you do when your manager is a thieving fraudster, and their boss refuses to listen because, on paper, your manager is getting good results? This is something you'll likely come across during the long course of your career, and you might be dismayed to find yourself powerless in the position. Heck, most bosses will be willing to look the other way for someone who is performing high in whatever KPI upper management is currently prioritizing… Just as long as things look good and people are…
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'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring

'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring, specialist proves her wrong

Specialists exist for a reason. For this retail worker , jewelry is their career. They're a diamond specialist who works at a privately owned business. Even though they have impressive expertise at their job, there are always customers who think they know better than a trained professional. Something customers don't seem to realize is that expertise matters. As a customer, you go to see someone who's spent 10,000 hours learning a trade because they have knowledge that you require. That's the wh…
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retail retail-worker retail-memes retail-employee memes work work-memes boss customer manager shopping

25 Disturbingly Relatable Work Memes for Retail Employees Who Are Dangling By a Thread

Memes to scroll while you hide from your manager on your lunch break
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