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Cyclist serves up instant karma on a road-raging lunatic after he nearly causes a bike crash: 'I could see him raging and banging his steering wheel'

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'Enjoy your pile of junk': Bidding war turns a first-time homeowner on to petty revenge after their unwelcoming old neighbor turns salty

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Phone company tries to money-grub a customer over a few cents, then he matches their energy and earns $9 in technicality fees: 'More like 'penny' revenge'

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Dealership pulls bait and switch, customer leaves 1-star reviews and costs them $50k: 'Every time I have a few minutes to spare, I create a new account and leave a 1 star review for this dealership'

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

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Guy gets revenge on a mud-slinging neighbor by reporting his homemade dojo to the city's permitting department: 'Petty revenge served by subpoena'

English teacher loses her mother's entire estate after her lawyer turns out to be a former student who uses case to settle the score

English teacher loses her mother's entire estate after her lawyer turns out to be a former student who uses case to settle the score

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Petty bus-goer gets payback against a seat-thief by stealing the last 30 pages of their book: 'Scorched earth revenge'

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Passenger removes their shoes on the train placing their feet on the seat in front of them, woman hides one of their shoes: 'Where's my shoe?'

Grandpa and old lady next door hatch a plan to get back at entitled neighbor: 'The guy needed to pay thousands to repair all the water damage'

Grandpa and old lady next door hatch a plan to get back at entitled neighbor: 'The guy needed to pay thousands to repair all the water damage'

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Tenant and Landlord team up to take down odious Property Management company, claiming almost $10k in penalties: 'My landlord was on my side during the court hearing'

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Terrible new IT supervisor is setup by their team when upper management comes to visit : 'The [supervisor] was put on 90-days' unpaid suspension, and was written up for gross insubordination'

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'Scam me out of $1,000? It's gonna cost you $1,000,000': Contractor gets back at shady businessman who tried to scam them

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'[The seller] shrugged, laughed, and said it wasn't his problem': Yard sale turns dramatic when a shopper's 'pile' gets sold to someone else, so he de-fames the entire operation as revenge

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Popular MMORPG account hacker learns a valuable lesson: 'An hour later my friend had his account back'

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Guy gets spicy revenge on thieving neighbors stealing his peaches by boobytrapping the fruit: 'Carolina Reaper, you know, to deter pests'