

Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

Entitled honeymooner husband leaves his new wife in economy during a long-haul flight, expects man to give up his seat

‘He [took] the upgrade instead of sitting with his wife’: Man refuses to give up premium economy seat for entitled husband's new wife, offers to sell it to him instead

Excuse me, sir. I paid for this seat!
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25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

According to the laws of probability, everyone is guaranteed to end up on at least one date with someone who is out of their mind or wildly misinformed. It's about as common as the probability of getting food poisoning. It's going to happen in your lifetime at least once… If you're lucky, you'll have the epiphany that the person sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant table is a moron before there are any notable strings attached. Ideally, you'll catch it on the first date so that neithe…
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Weirdest first dates in memoriam: ‘We ended up crashing her ex's wedding by mistake.’

‘He took me to a funeral as his plus-one’: 21 Weirdest ways first dates went downhill

What's worse than having an awkward first date at a restaurant? Having one at a funeral.
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Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

When couples fight about the little things, it's always really about something greater. No one is ever just mad about their partner leaving dishes in the sink. At the end of the day, they're ultimately upset because they feel like their boundaries, space, and rules have been ignored and therefore disrespected. Here , we have a couple who erupted into an argument over a bag of licorice, but really, both parties were just giving each other a hard time. Essentially, the boyfriend is known for dete…
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'Is your name Ariel? Because we mermaid for each other': Top Cheesy Pickup Lines of the Week (June 26, 2024)

'Is your name Ariel? Because we mermaid for each other': Top Cheesy Pickup Lines of the Week (June 26, 2024)

Even the most jaded souls will smirk at the occasional extra cheesy pickup line. There is a kind of inescapable charm about the clever wordplay, the sometimes surprising yet strangely predictable punchlines, and the well-paced delivery. Of course, a good pickup line is always accompanied by someone who knows how to sell it. One has to wonder if folks who work in sales are the best at delivering pickup lines since they are used to dressing basic, underwhelming material up into something greater…
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cooking fail reddit story aita frozen pizza boyfriend girlfriend funny lol drama kicked out fire fire-department burnt burned

'Frozen pizza... Easy right? Nope': Guy's house almost burned down after his numbskull girlfriend cooks dinner, she loses her 'home alone' privileges as a result

Learning to cook is a challenge that all adults must eventually face. And since we can't just eat microwave mac n' cheese for every meal for the rest of our lives, most young folks branch out to slightly more challenging dishes, one baby step at a time–with the most logical next step being the simple (yet delicious) frozen pizza dinner.
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'My husband wants to start a "restaurant for magicians"': Woman tries to convince husband not to sink money into his new restaurant idea

'My husband wants to start a "restaurant for magicians"': Woman tries to convince husband not to sink money into his new restaurant idea

This woman wonders if her magic-loving husband is about to do a disappearing act with all of their money. One woman took to Reddit to ask for advice on a really bizarre situation brewing between her, her husband, and his friend Chris. It's a doozy. She's been with her husband for 8 years, and they have two young kids together, supported only by his income. But now her husband is insisting on following his dreams, probably thanks to a new friend. Now, let's break this down a little, because by t…
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'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a peg

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a notch

This person got back at their ex in a tiny but very irritating way. That's the way some relationships go: the couple breaks up, but they can't stop seeing each other. They get into a cycle of squabbling and making up, but that doesn't mean their relationship isn't toxic. u/ReSpekt5eva shared their story of dealing with an ex with whom they ended things, yet remained on friendly terms. They explained that this guy went to the same grad school they did, although he was a few years older than them…
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Husband uncovers wife's affair with his best friend, he and best friend's wife hatch a plan for payback: '[I] discovered 6 months worth of emails between her and my best friend'

Husband uncovers wife's affair with his best friend, he and best friend's wife hatch a plan for payback: '[I] discovered 6 months worth of emails between her and my best friend'

Word of advice: don't document an affair over email. It's bound to get back to you, as this cheater has now come to learn in the worst way. Her husband began suspecting her of cheating and decided to install spyware that would screenshot every few seconds. I guess jealousy can take people to desperate measures. When he went through his wife's emails, he discovered half a year's worth of documentation between her and his best friend proving that they were having an affair. Well, instead of confr…
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15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

Some relationships feel like they came to an end before they even really started. If you ask the folks who shared stories behind their short-lived relationships , you will see a myriad of reasons why some couples cannot last longer than the runtime of Killers of the Flower Moon . First, there are always the classic reasons: different lifestyles, contrasting life plans, and an overall lack of chemistry. But then, there are the surprising revelations that people probably should have disclosed bef…
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Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Life is about trying things, but it's also about knowing your limits. In theory, you want to be able to find a good balance between the adventurous part of yourself and your rational side. If you lean too far into your impulses to explore, you could end up driving in the dark on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no cell service (this happened to a fairly impulsive friend of mine). On the other end of the spectrum, though, you don't want to be so stuck in your routine that you…
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‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

We can't control everything in life, as much as we all like to try. We can do as much in our power to control who are the people we surround ourselves with, what we do for a living, what we do to help others, and more. But there are always going to be things that happen to us that we do not expect, and do not want. The Reddit story down below is a reminder of all that, and it is the perfect example of the balance between the choices we make and the things that we cannot control. The employee in…
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relationship advice ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends ex boyfriend relationships girlfriend online dating dating - 26040581

Ex-boyfriend upset that he didn't get seat upgrade after breaking up with girlfriend on a trip that she paid for: ''All my [vacation] time was spent looking after [my ex's child]'

Imagine this scenario… You want to do something nice for your partner, so you plan some time away with them. Even as a bonus, you organize and pay for their son to come too after plans fall through to have someone watch him. This is no short trip either; we're not talking about a three-day holiday over Memorial Day weekend or anything like that; we're talking about a full ten days. So, you book the tickets and pay for the accommodation—when you get there, your partner ditches you with their kid…
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'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

This guy was forced to confront a pizza delivery guy … because he tried to give a note to his girlfriend right in front of his eyes! Pizza delivery is supposed to be fast and simple. You place your order on an app or by calling the restaurant, the guy drops off your pizza a half hour later, and then you watch a movie while you chow down. It's supposed to be the easy dinner option. Apparently no one told that to this pizza delivery guy, who kept insisting on seeing the woman who lived at this pl…
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25+ eyebrow-raising Tinder pickup lines: 'You look exactly like my future ex-husband'

25+ eyebrow-raising Tinder pickup lines: 'You look exactly like my future ex-husband'

Who doesn't love a bold swing on the dating apps? It could be a home run or a big swing and a miss, but you can't help but appreciate the attempt at the very least. Dating apps have become so ubiquitous in our culture of “courtship” that we have made swiping left and right a passive part of our daily routines, like brushing our teeth or checking our emails. This portion of the dating process has lost most of its flair and excitement, so when you do receive a message that genuinely catches your…
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divorced relationship advice marriage malicious compliance ex girlfriend revenge malicious-compliance-reddit relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend ex wife divorce marriage issues online dating dating - 25413893

'Threaten to sue me? Go for it!': Divorce goes bad when ex-wife threatens to sue after squandering her finances

It's usually best to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions. Unfortunately, when you have a propensity for making bad ones, you're also more likely to not want to take responsibility for them, instead casting them off on the other people who had the misfortune of being in your immediate proverbial vicinity. Being eternally financially bound to one of these liabilities through other accountabilities is not a great situation to be in. But, as with anything in life, the best you ca…
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