
reddit thread

Toxic corporation threatens employee's jobs security when he refuses to work off the clock, but employee refuses and considers taking issue to another level

Colleague intimidates employee when he refuses to work for free by threatening to write him up and dock his future pay raises, he stands his ground: ‘Not a chance. Pay me’

Corporations always find a junior employee to do their dirty work for them.
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Entitled boomer gets owned when authorities take gas station clerk's side in a battle of $50 worth of pennies, resulting in the gas station clerk ending up on top

‘But it's legal tender’: Boomer tries to pay for gas with $50 in pennies but gas station clerk refuses, so he throws a fit and coughs up $50 bill when the cops take clerk's side

"Too lazy to take a trip to the bank to throw them into a machine but willing to carry around an entire backpack full of pennies..."
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'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy

'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy

The best way to explain to your boss why a certain policy doesn't work? Show, don't tell! Here, we have an employer who falsely accused the folks on his team of abusing the company's sick day policy with no substantial evidence that anyone was actually doing so. It was probably the classic managerial way of trying to solve a productivity issue that likely has more to do with their own managerial style and a lack of a proper number of team members than anything else. Now, if any employee got sic…
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'I am far more qualified': Employee loses promotion to newer coworker because of her more 'bubbly' personality

'I am far more qualified': Employee loses promotion to newer coworker because of her more 'bubbly' personality

It's easy to be underestimated when you're young in the workplace. Here, we have an employee who swears to be the most technically competent person on their team and recently trained a much older coworker who had just started at the company. When a new position opened up that the Redditor applied to and thought they should get in a heartbeat, they were denied for two main reasons. Firstly, their employer assumed she was too young and inexperienced despite having put in more years at the company…
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Man demands neighbor to detach their hose from his water supply after a month of freeloading, neighbors refuse to acknowledge their wrongs

‘My wife only uses like 3¢ of water’: Greedy neighbors freeload off of man's water supply for a month without his knowledge, then throw a fit when he puts his foot down

"Even if he really is correct about it being a minute amount of money, that means that it shouldn't be any problem for *them* to pay it."
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HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

There's nothing worse than being forced to clean up someone else's mess. These new homeowners assumed everything was good to go regarding compliance with HOA rules and regulations. However, just three months after buying the home, they were suddenly slapped with a ton of HOA fees for violating the bylaws. They tried to communicate that they had not made any adjustments to the house since they purchased it and therefore should not be held accountable for violations that the previous owner must h…
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parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepmother stepparent coparenting

Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

Family dynamics are always tough, even in the best of circumstances… Parenting teenagers is difficult enough when they're your own flesh and blood or they're otherwise your sole charge and are obligated to follow your direction. It gets infinitely more difficult when you have another adult who is influential in your life—especially one of their parents who is undermining you and just generally poisoning the well and encouraging them to be toxic towards you at every possible chance. You'd think…
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'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

This employee seems to think that he and his boss are friends, but let's be real: friends do not treat one another like this. Many folks in the comments section of this Reddit thread called their so-called healthy friendship dynamic into questions, even when it came to their carpooling. Some folks wondered if they even alternate or if the employee is always doing the boss's bidding. The two share an office, and one day, the boss made a snide remark about the smell of the employee's sandwich his…
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‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

Imagine having the sheer confidence of this choosing beggar. She had the chutzpah to leave a letter in a former neighbor’s mailbox asking for him and his wife to buy her a house. What was in it for them? Nothing! Of course, we have plenty of sympathy for folks who are trying to make ends meet and to realize their dreams of owning property. It’s hard out there! However, this Redditor was not even remotely wealthy enough to own a second home and give away one of those homes to a total stranger at…
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'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies

'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies

Every coworker has their preferred way of working, and part of collaborating in the workplace requires both parties to readjust in order to get the job done. This hotel maintenance worker wanted to be called when any little thing went wrong, even if it meant being called all the time for simpler tasks that other coworkers could rectify without him. This, of course, only made the work day more difficult and more time-consuming for the maintenance worker, but that's supposedly what he wanted. Now…
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Selfish brother thinks he's entitled to all of his sister's time despite babysitting his children at no cost for years, decides to put her foot down and win in the end

Family is split after woman refuses to babysit for selfish brother after giving him three years of free childcare, decides to puts her studies and free time first: ‘I stood my ground’

Entitlement runs deep.
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Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

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Entitle coworker steals woman's lunch everyday and expects her to be okay with it, so the woman reports her to HR and is awaiting a hard reprimand

‘She was an entitled thief’: Coworker steals woman's lunch everyday & has the audacity to leave her thank you notes, then asks her to share when it's not in the usual spot

"She said she didn't steal, she borrowed."
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'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

Former employers always have a fun way of popping back into your life. In this case, it began as a happy accident and ultimately turned into a frustrating nuisance. This Redditor had notified his former employers that he was still getting paid well after his departure from the company. The boss apologized and said he would inform human resources, and the payments would stop moving forward. Obviously, this was a noble act on the part of the original poster (OP), who could have just stayed silent…
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Incompetent employee gets what he deserves when he's booted from his company for slacking off, coworkers get back at him by simply doing their jobs

‘Enough was enough’: Long-time ‘deadweight employee’ is finally exposed after he takes a vacation and his team's efficiency skyrockets, is booted from the company as a result

”Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."
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Karen gets put in her place when she picks the wrong battle with a beloved homeless man integrated in the community, authorities decide she's the problem and take his side

‘Justice served’: Park Karen berates homeless man loved by many in the community, calls the authorities on him but they decide Karen's entitlement is the real problem

"After she left, some people in the park came over and gave Tim some food and drinks, just to show support."
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