
reddit thread

guests employee boomer drama job house heat wave work homeowner reddit story parenting gen x baby boomers boomers mildly infuriating entitled family reddit thread Reddit son children - 35962373

'I came back to a house that was 86 degrees inside': Boomer parents visit son to escape heat wave, undo all cooling measures in house while he's at work

In the summer comes the dreaded heat—the kind of heat where you don't even want to step outside without fear of profusely sweating. No one likes that uncomfortable feeling, which is exactly why these parents chose to go and visit their son to escape the heat in their hometown. Their city was experiencing the kind of heat wave where, if you were lucky enough to have air conditioning, it could barely keep up. So, they chose to visit their son, where the temperatures were 15 to 20 degrees cooler.…
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'All 4 wheels on my car were stolen': 20+ vacations gone wrong due to mildly infuriating circumstances

'All 4 wheels on my car were stolen': 20+ vacations gone wrong due to mildly infuriating circumstances

No vacation ends up going according to plan. Sometimes, what tarnishes the experience of a trip is completely out of your hands. Recently on a trip to London, my partner and I discovered while about to board our return flights that our flight was overbooked and our assigned seats were merely taken as a request. We ended up not getting seats on that flight and found ourselves temporarily stranded abroad at the end of what would have been the first trip of mine to go according to plan. We should…
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Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Imagine being infuriated by a mystery person for years only to discover that this mystery person is also your boss. It's a bizarre coincidence that is both surprising and unsurprising, in this case, given this dude's temperament and behavior at work. Before we get into the employee's revenge, some backstory is necessary first. When the Redditor got their new phone, they immediately started getting a barrage of calls and messages from the phone's previous owner, who lived in the same town. He en…
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impatient patient employee satisfying drama job nurse emergency room hospital work doctor entitled people karma workers entitled reddit thread Reddit ER entitled people - 35963909

'He outright yelled at everyone': Entitled ER waiting room complainers upset when new patient gets treated first, employee rightfully sets them straight

We can all agree that no one likes making a trip to the emergency room. It's highly inconvenient, usually overcrowded, and let's not even get started on the cost. But what's almost just as bad as visiting the emergency room yourself would be the poor workers who have to deal with irritated patients all day long. They are already unhappy to be in your presence, not to mention they are in immense pain (I mean, they are in the emergency room, for crying out loud). And when you're in a lot of pain,…
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aita reddit story etiquette vegan reddit thread family drama vegans siblings family - 36033285

Guy refuses to renovate sister's house after she serves him vegan meals: ' I need her to make meals with meat in them or I will not be remodeling things anymore'

People tend to get a little bit nutty over their dietary preferences. Still, there's a difference between a preference and a requirement… “I don't eat legumes because they make me a little gassy” is an entirely different ballpark than “Even a speck of gluten will cause my immune system to attack my organs or ”All the liquid in my blood will leave my blood vessels if this prawn touches me." Still some dietary preferences are deeply rooted in staunch and steadfast ethical quandry, so there's argu…
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Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key , who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacemen…
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'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

Getting unjustly fired has never felt so good. Here, we have a fast food employee who saw a half-finished soda can and asked everyone working, including his manager, if it belonged to anyone before he tossed it in the trash before the end of his shift. Apparently, his direct manager was not paying attention because he was too busy talking on the phone with his girlfriend while on the clock. So, when he was done with his personal call, he went looking for his soda only to learn that it had been…
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'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

Why do some bosses think that wearing a suit in exceptionally hot weather is a sign of professionalism? The reality is it is nothing more than a silly rule that makes employees look and feel miserable. What about employees who have to walk to work or who come into an environment with poor air conditioning? They are going to sweat like crazy and ultimately will come across as anything but put-together and professional. Let this story serve as yet another argument for employers to focus less on h…
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employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

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'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

Every manager has had a tricky situation with someone on their team. Sometimes, it's not the employee's fault, and we tend to side with employees here at FAIL Blog. However, every so often, an employee does something so out-of-line, so unprofessional, and so ridiculous that an immediate dismissal is pretty much non-negotiable. This compilation of bizarre firing stories ranges from harmless to shocking. We've got an employee who kept having to leave work early for bathroom drama, a new hire who…
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'I noticed my pay getting shorter and shorter': Server exposes boss for putting a cap on his tips and trying to cover it up

'I noticed my pay getting shorter and shorter': Server exposes boss for putting a cap on his tips and trying to cover it up

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to be generous to your servers because you really do not know what shady behavior they have had to deal with on the job. Of course, this includes entitled customers and Karens who make their shifts a living nightmare by starting drama, sending food back and forth, and tipping poorly. However, it does not necessarily stop there. Every server has also encountered shady management at some point as well. In this case, we have a server who worked for a sma…
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Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

The only thing that can ruin a restaurant meal more than bad food is the presence of an unruly customer. Sometimes, they are clearly lonely and enjoy eavesdropping and inserting themselves into your dinner conversations. When this happens, you tend to indulge them with a few polite exchanges, only to realize that you are going to have to endure this for the next 45 minutes (at least) because you are simply too simply polite to ask them to leave you alone. Other times, your meal is interrupted b…
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male karen gets owned when he realizes that hotel is not liable for his damaged car, gets banned from the premises because of his treatment of hotel employees

‘The hotel is not liable for any damaged or missing property’: Male Karen threatens to sue front desk employee after his car is damaged in the wrong parking spot, gets banned from the premises as a result

Make sure to read the signs very carefully.
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new tech employees mess up and try to cover it up, other employees call them out on their sneaky behavior and it backfires on the new tech employees

‘Crashed the site’: New tech leaders try to cover up a massive mistake by blocking employees from downloading software, employees retaliate beautifully

Own up to your mistakes or things can get very messy!
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Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Why is the kids menu always the best? There should not be an age restriction for eating tater tots, chicken tenders, and pigs in a blanket. Those are objectively great-tasting dishes that all humans are entitled to enjoy, and yet, in this instance , we have a coffee shop that denied service to an adult customer simply because he wanted an item on the kids menu. Look, one might assume that there are more important issues than a 29-year-old adult getting denied the right to a bagel because of his…
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PTO debacle leaves manager feeling unwanted at the company, that's what happens when you force staff to use paid leave

‘He didn't start off well’: New narcissistic manager tries to force man to use accumulated paid leave, gets a taste of his own medicine when it doesn't go as planned

PTO is yours to use at your own discretion.
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