
reddit thread

Employee gets reprimanded by toxic boss for pausing work to eat bagel: 'A bagel provided by the company as part of Employee Appreciation Week'

Employee gets reprimanded by toxic boss for pausing work to eat bagel: 'A bagel provided by the company as part of Employee Appreciation Week'

This was not exactly the ideal encounter between a boss and his employee during Employee Appreciation Week! After his office was gifted bagels for the “special occasion,” the employee got scolded by his manager for pausing his work to actually eat his bagel, as if he was supposed to clock out and clock back in all over a bagel (that they gave him!). Let's also take a moment to remind ourselves that the whole construct of Employee Appreciation Week is problematic. It should go without saying tha…
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Entitled boss expects server to get back to work when she faints on the job, so the server gives her two week notice

‘She didn’t even see me as a person’: Server gives her two week notice after entitled boss expects her to get back to work when she faints on the job

Looks like a fun lawsuit
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Employee denied 10% raise twice, then asked to write instruction manual for how to do his job: 'Sounds like something you ask someone to do shortly before firing them'

Employee denied 10% raise twice, then asked to write instruction manual for how to do his job: 'Sounds like something you ask someone to do shortly before firing them'

Normally, one doesn't feel like asking for a raise would lead to potentially getting fired. When employees ask for raises, it's typically because they feel they have enough evidence to suggest that they have handled their work responsibilities well enough and for long enough to warrant further compensation. Of course, there are always exceptions, but employers need to consider the fact that when the people below them are asking for raises, they have usually crunched the numbers, assessed their…
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Promoted employee asks colleague for his work and ideas after he didn't get the promotion, colleague refuses to transfer them because he's salty

Employee is passed up on a promotion but is expected to transfer all of his work and ideas to colleague who landed the position: ‘Higher-ups didn't want my ideas in the first place’

"Why are they good enough now?"
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family drama aita reddit story etiquette family reddit thread teenagers amitheahole teenager parenting

Dad and new stepmother want 15-year-old son to sign "family contract" to "accept" their new family and waive right to objection: '

Family is… family—something that sort of just happens. Springing naturally through strong connections by blood, intentions, reciprocal care, or shared experiences. (Insert any of a number of quotes from Don Toretto about not turning your back on family and/or something about family being the most important thing here.) It's not something you can just force into existence, hoping that by sheer willpower, you'll convince the other members of the family you're trying to build that they should also…
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13-year-old rejects gift from Dad's new girlfriend, then gets rejected herself when she asks to have it back: 'I decided to keep it for myself'

13-year-old rejects gift from Dad's new girlfriend, then gets rejected herself when she asks to have it back: 'I decided to keep it for myself'

Any potential step-parent knows that it can be difficult to gain the approval of your partner's kids. This is especially true if those kids are in the midst of their teenage years. This Redditor may need to learn the important lesson of not taking this treatment too personally, as her boyfriend's daughter probably would not be satisfied with anyone for her dad. The original poster (OP), of course, was trying to get her approval when she got the 13-year-old a necklace, a gift the teenager almost…
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Man buys electric space heater to combat entitled roommate's control over the thermostat, which was leaving his room at around 30 degrees Fahrenheit

‘Lord of the thermostat’ roommate micromanages man's heating usage in their poorly-insulated apartment, so the man purchases an electric heater while roomie unknowingly fronts the bill

"He's also a landlord for another property and knows that you need to keep heat on at least 60 to be legal and up to code."
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aita reddit thread reddit story etiquette family family drama Family feud siblings sibling rivalry sisters amitheahole Drama roommates bad roommates

25-year-old woman abruptly moves out of shared apartment because of 23-year-old sister's dangerous pranks: '

Siblings… Really, what is there that isn't to be said? They can be your best friends, your fiercest competitors, or just the most awful people you've ever had the displeasure of being acquainted with. This 25-year-old woman moved in with her 23-year-old sister, giving up her perfectly good apartment just to move in with her sister when her sister relocated to the city for work. Difficulties began to rise, and trouble brewed when her sister began performing “harmless” pranks. They started small…
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'Had an attack of food poisoning while in a crowded car for driver's ed': Top embarrassing moments people had in public

'Had an attack of food poisoning while in a crowded car for driver's ed': Top embarrassing moments people had in public

It's hard to forget the moments in life that made you never want to go out in public again. Sure, we are often scarred by embarrassing memories from our teenage years, but the truth of the matter is that life never stops getting occasionally embarrassing, and you can really have these “face palm” moments at any stage of your life. A friend of mine recounted their own embarrassing moment from just last week when she was on a plane and trying to press the button to get her seat to recline. The bu…
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'Go contact HR': Employee denied one week of PTO to take care of newborn, retaliates by filing for full 12 weeks of paternity leave

'Go contact HR': Employee denied one week of PTO to take care of newborn, retaliates by filing for full 12 weeks of paternity leave

Let this story serve as yet another relevant reminder that paternity leave deserves to be taken seriously by employers. You would think that in this day and age, this would be common knowledge, but you would be surprised. Here, we have an employee who initially only asked for one week of paid time off to help take care of his newborn baby. Apparently, the timing was not convenient for his boss, not that this should really matter. However, according to the boss's warped perspective, it was reaso…
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Prank-calling teens are signed up for 600+ texts a day by vengeful restaurant manager, proving harmless revenge is best-served digitally

‘I finally hit my limit’: Restaurant manager gets revenge on prank-calling teens by signing them up for an information service text chain they can't unsubscribe from

Looks like they'll be receiving 600+ texts a day about the beautiful King County, Washington.
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'There's no point in doing an interview, so you can just go home': Hotel manager skims candidate's resume in front of her and cancels her previously scheduled interview

'There's no point in doing an interview, so you can just go home': Hotel manager skims candidate's resume in front of her and cancels her previously scheduled interview

Imagine landing an interview, doing all the necessary preparation, making the 30-minute journey for an in-person meeting, and arriving only to discover that you have suddenly been rejected. That's exactly what happened to this Redditor, who found out in the lobby of the popular hotel chain she was hoping to work at that she was suddenly no longer qualified. A person whom the original poster (OP) assumes was the manager scanned her resume for about 20 seconds and then denied her the interview th…
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Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Sometimes, you have no choice but to treat people how they deserve to be treated. Reason and kindness can work with sensible strangers, but this insensitive dude was anything but sensible. If anything, he was just insensitive. Not only did he leave the door to his driver's seat open in such a way that blocked the Redditor's vehicle from leaving the parking garage, but also when the Redditor tried to signal to this guy to close his door, the guy refused to listen as he was on a so-called “import…
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'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

Karens exist in all industries, so it makes sense that they might not pop up in an army reserve unit. These male Karens insisted that the folks who managed processing logistics requests were taking too long with a specific order they made. They even tried to embarrass the reserve unit team at a big meeting with several higher-ranked individuals present. Well, that plan backfired as one of the members of this team, who shared this Reddit thread , looked up their processing request during the mee…
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'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

This manager was clearly not in his right mind because the flight attendant he thought was his employee was wearing a completely different color than the store uniform. Of course, entitled people do not like to be proven wrong, so when the flight attendant tried to explain that she didn't work there and was a customer, the manager dug his heels into the ground and doubled down. Finally, when he realized that she was not, in fact, lying, the manager reprimanded the customer for trying to play tr…
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Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

Remember when everyone in the media freaked out at the concept of quiet quitting? This term came to prominence, of course, around the time of returning to in-person work, yet the idea behind quiet quitting has existed as long as offices have. As many typically younger folks pointed out, quiet quitting is not really doing the bare minimum; it's doing your job exactly as you have been instructed to do it while also placing boundaries between your work life and your personal life. It's a rejection…
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