
reddit thread

Update: 'They tell me to stay late every time with no compensation': Boss reprimands employees for not working beyond 10:00am - 6:00pm work days

Update: 'They tell me to stay late every time with no compensation': Boss reprimands employees for not working beyond 10:00am - 6:00pm work days

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to always remember what policies your boss can and cannot enforce. Here, we have a salaried employee at a call center whose hours are 10:00 am to 6:00 pm as they were expressly written in her contract, and yet her boss thought he could make his employees work late. This was not simply on one occasion; he was doing this regularly. In fact, he ended up trying to enforce a brand new policy that stated that employees would be reprimanded if they did not s…
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'Pay increases are no longer based on merit': Employee decides to do the bare minimum after boss confirms her work quality won't result in a raise

'Pay increases are no longer based on merit': Employee decides to do the bare minimum after boss confirms her work quality won't result in a raise

Sometimes, employers do not do themselves any favors. If they want their employees to work hard and to continue to apply themselves with the hopes of a raise or a promotion, it's probably not a great idea to let them know that this is a fallacy and that pay increases at the company have absolutely nothing to do with quality, performance, and merit. On the other hand, perhaps this was the best piece of knowledge for this employee to gain in order to jumpstart the process of looking elsewhere for…
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Messy roommate gets what she deserves when she constantly leaves her fellow roomie's bathroom a mess, so the fellow roomie teaches her a well-deserved lesson with bleach

‘Very satisfying’: Woman is fed up when roommate leaves a recurring mess in her bathroom, so she cleans the space with bleach and indirectly ruins her roommate's clothes

The roommate was given three separate warnings... can't really blame the woman at this point.
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Former chef gets even with lunch-stealing coworker by putting scorpion pepper powder in food: '[He] never stole anyone's lunch again'

Former chef gets even with lunch-stealing coworker by putting scorpion pepper powder in food: '[He] never stole anyone's lunch again'

Stealing someone's lunch at work is one of the most obvious signs that some people really do never grow out of middle school behavior. Thankfully, this employee, who also happened to be a former chef, knew how to get even with the problematic coworker in his place of work. First of all, the former chef was, unfortunately, an easy target for the lunch thief, considering how elaborate and over-the-top their lunches tended to be. However, despite valid suspicions, the employee still had no officia…
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20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

Your potential partner's line of work is essential to your compatibility, regardless of whether or not people like to admit it. Sure, in theory, any two people should be able to make their relationship work if they get along. But let's be real here: if your partner works a job where you end up seeing far too little of them, love may not, in fact, conquer all. These Redditors shared the various forms of employment they feel are red flags for them, and as many folks in the comments section sugges…
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'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

Who you end up sitting next to on a plane while traveling solo is truly a game of luck. Sometimes, you'll board the plane and the seat next to you will remain empty for 90% of the boarding process until some random annoying dude who was running late makes it onto the plane at the last minute. Other times, you're seated next to a screaming child who is on his very first flight. Here, we have a passenger who had to deal with an entitled seatmate. This guy quickly took over both armrests and encro…
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'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

Sometimes, bosses just decide out of nowhere that they don't like an employee. It's not based on work ethic. It's not based on morale or personality. They simply have chosen to have an enemy in the workplace to make matters more interesting and cutthroat for them. If you're unlucky, you may end up becoming that employee for your boss. When this happens, as it did to this Redditor , you have to keep reminding yourself that it's not you. Furthermore, if this treatment starts to get in the way of…
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Man gets revenge on entitled roommates after months of them mooching off his food and throwing his groceries in the dumpster, he ends up on top

College roommates try to mooch off of man's food for months and throw his groceries in the dumpster as a ‘prank’, man returns the favor and gets their admission on tape

"I told them I'd take that recording to the dean if they didn't make things right."
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'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

Organizing a kid's birthday party is no easy feat. You have to cater to the desires of your child while also enforcing limits and boundaries so as to not spoil them. You have to be respectful of your guests' experience while balancing that with the experience of the birthday kid. It's a lot to manage, and not everyone is up to the challenge. This Redditor's coworker was planning a birthday party for his daughter, only to discover from the school that there was a new policy requiring parents to…
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Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

The worst kinds of people are the ones who do not follow basic flight etiquette. This entitled 18-year-old and her Karen mother were certainly old enough to know better. They were on the same nine-hour international flight as this Redditor and would not stop kicking his seat and accidentally hitting him in the head with their jackets the entire time. By the time the flight ended, the original poster (OP) knew he had a small window to get some much-needed petty revenge. Of course, the teenager a…
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'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

Every adult has had a friend whose selfish behavior needs to be called out. Perhaps you don't have the guts to be the person to call an intervention, but you know the clock is ticking and someone is going to give this friend a piece of their mind at some point soon. Here, we have a Redditor who knew one of their friends named Sarah had an ongoing habit of conveniently “forgetting” her wallet when it was time to pay the bill at the end of a group dinner. She also had a habit of “forgetting” to p…
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'I need my full paycheck': Employee quits two weeks in after boss never draws up his W2, demands to be paid in full

'I need my full paycheck': Employee quits two weeks in after boss never draws up his W2, demands to be paid in full

Some jobs seem like great opportunities in theory, but in practice, things can go awry pretty quickly. Here , we have a social media strategist who was hired by a boutique dentist's office and was tasked with making video content for his new boss. However, after requesting a W2 on day one, his new employer kept delaying drawing up any paperwork. It became crystal clear to the new hire that this was not going to work out, as he was putting in over 40 hours a week and still had not had the opport…
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Man enacts petty revenge on package-stealing neighbor by packing up junk and leaving it on his doorstep, giving the neighbor the comeuppance he deserves

’He took the bait’: Package-stealing neighbor gets owned when man ‘get[s] creative’ by filling fake packages up with junk to teach neighbor a lesson about theft

"The best way to deal with a thief is to get a little creative."
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'Sounds optional to me': Employee declines optional training course, boss reprimands her, claims it was mandatory to attend

'Sounds optional to me': Employee declines optional training course, boss reprimands her, claims it was mandatory to attend

Look, if a work event is mandatory, then employers need to be transparent about it. Time is valuable for everyone, and saying that employees are “strongly encouraged” to participate in an extracurricular activity does not exactly mean that it's required. The only way in which employers could possibly think those concepts mean the same thing is if they have a backward sense of authority and control over their subordinates. Here , we have an employee who received an email about a training course…
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Employee watches in the background as arrogant employee ruins his career, making the company a safer, better place

‘Dude made his bed’: Egotistical colleague ruins his career, whose promotion leads to a mass resignation and his eventual firing

Karma always finds those who deserve it.
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20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

It's spooky season and if you're like many of us, you probably are already panicking about your Halloween costume. Perhaps you were planning on sitting this one out, and then your friend invited you to a costume party that you can't get out of no matter how hard you try. Perhaps you've tried brainstorming what you could be this year, but everything seems far too complicated and expensive. At the same time, building something from scratch seems excessive and time-consuming. Who has the emotional…
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