reddit thread

Roomate ask me to leave the room at exactly 1:51 AM AT NIGHT. For alone time with his GF

College student goes on rant after bad roommate kicks him out at 2 AM during finals week

AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn't be late?

'I am over dealing with them:' Guy gets blamed for not getting his entitled parents to his sister's wedding on time

Horrible Ad Fails

Horrible Ad Fails Made By Complete Idiots

I shocked an interviewer who was clearly on a power trip

'Let's save our time and end this interview:' Job candidate calls Recruiter Karen out on her rude behavior

My boss refused my 2 weeks notice and wants 4-8 weeks notice like my co-worker gave. Can she enforce this?

'My boss denied my 2 weeks notice': Horrible boss uses dumb loophole, refuses to let employee leave the company

A designer bag... Really

'Must be Jimmy Choo or Louboutin ONLY': Entitled choosing beggar makes wish list while she waits for her first paycheck

The 20+ Worst Gifts People Have Ever Received

The 20+ Worst Gifts People Have Ever Received

Airbnb host leaves us a sh**** review for not cleaning before we left. We paid $3600 to stay for a week.

'I really just want to see the entire concept of AirBnbs in flames': Shady Airbnb host overcharges and leaves nasty review of guests

Someone wants more lights in the neighbourhood

'Congratulations! You have won the Humbug award!': Ridiculous Karen gets enraged at neighbor for not putting up Christmas lights

Coworker leaves this gem before quitting

'I wish y'all the best of luck with this bulls***': Coworker leaves iconic message before she quits

AITA for refusing to pay my husband for using a room in the house for my WFH job?

Woman's 'transaction nightmare' of a husband starts charging for the room she uses to work from home

AITA for telling my parents that my brother is facing the consequences of his actions and I'll never help him?

Pathological Liar Goes So Far That He Gets Cut Off By His Brother

What's something we all just pretend no one does, but in truth we know we all do it?

'Deliberately delay responses to text messages and e-mails': 30 things we all do but pretend we don't

My girlfriend just gave birth to our first child. I know I’m not the biological father and I revealed I knew as soon as she gave birth.

'I know I’m not [the] father': Guy confesses right after girlfriend gives birth that he knows she cheated

The 20 Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral

The 20 Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral

Told my (ex)friend that he was cheating on his girlfriend with a coworker and now he’s getting deported.

Cheating coworker gets caught, dumped, and deported as a result of his actions