reddit thread

My teacher still refuses to give 100%

Teacher on a Power Trip Refuses to Give College Student a Perfect Score

AITA I don’t want to split the rebate I receive from being on the Board of Director’s of my HOA with my wife

'This has caused some of our worst fighting': Greedy husband refuses to split $400 rebate from HOA with his wife

What baby name immediately makes you lose all respect for the parents and why?

'I've met a baby named Felonee and that takes the cake': 20+ Cringeworthy Baby Names

My new coworker hates that I'm good at my job, so he's trying to harass me into quitting.

'He's a major legal liability': Bigoted coworker lashes out at fast food restaurant

You want me away from guests at all times so they don’t see me doing normal things? No problem!

'I was told it looks unprofessional': Front desk employee at hotel not allowed to use same bathroom as guests, cue malicious compliance

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

AITA for losing my temper at a massage

'Babe, the most relaxing bit of this is definitely you two chatting loudly': Guy explodes at girlfriend and massage therapist for talking

AITA for 'selling out' on my Grandma's secret recipe? Update!

Update: 'I refused': Cousin demands Grandma's secret cake recipe after woman's success selling it, gets denied, ends wholesomely

Wife accidentally CC’d on email of her upcoming termination

HR Discusses Employee's Upcoming Termination with Business Owner, Accidentally CC's the Employee

'I am not stable': 20 relatable memes and fails that unfortunately are "me IRL"

'I am not stable': 20 relatable memes and fails that unfortunately are "me IRL"

'Extra Black Olives': Another Pizza Related Malicious Compliance Story

Entitled Customers Demand Extra Black Olives on Their Pizza, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Boss demands fauxductivity

'I have been reprimanded for productivity issues': Employee gets shamed by company for being too efficient

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

My entitled neighbor was mad that I took my shirt off of in my own house

'I came over [...] to tell your daughter to cover up': Entitled Karen tells neighbor to put a shirt on in her own house

AITA for using flash cards to explain to my brother and his wife why they can't bring their rainbow baby to my wedding?

'They were both stunned': Entitled brother thinks his child is the exception to "child-free" wedding, gets hit with the hammer of obvious truth

bosses decide not to run payroll over the holiday weekend… and didn’t warn us

'I did not get paid this weekend': Bosses chose to delay running payroll without notice over a Holiday weekend