reddit thread

I'm not getting my partner's side of the family anything for Christmas, and his mum is furious - and I'm enjoying the drama.

'When it came time for gifts I got everyone something but her': Woman gets petty revenge on partner's entitled mother by not getting her a Christmas gift

Lie about being ill? Then you're too ill to participate.

'Sometimes the best payback is enjoying life': Entitled friend fakes illness and cancels on BFF's birthday, gets called out for lying

Priest broke confessional seal and told husband I cheated

‘The priest followed up to see if I’d told my husband’: Priest breaks confession seal and reveals woman’s adultery

Mildly Infuriating Holiday-Themed Moments of the Week (December 23, 2022)

The Most Mildly Infuriating Holiday-Themed Moments of the Week (December 23, 2022)

Someone called the police because I didn't work there.

'One of them called the cops': Repairman gets mistaken by entitled Karen for store employee, Karen calls the police after getting denied service

I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for instagram wannabe models

'I walked in front of the camera': Redditor sparks online discussion with their petty tactic for dealing with influencers out in the wild

AITA for not wanting my husband to go to his ex's funeral?

'You're a nominee for AH of the year': Heartless Karen refuses to let husband attend his ex's funeral

AITA for letting my son get fast food and bring it into a wedding reception?

'Stop enabling your adult son': Mom lets entitled son bring fast food into cousin's wedding reception

Not allowed to use the guest restroom? Alright then.

Resort Worker Is Denied Access to the Guest Bathroom, Gets Revenge By Intentionally Clogging HR's Toilet

AITA for telling my coworker to stop baking me stuff?

'Stop baking me stuff': Entitled guy demands coworker bake him cookies, returns dirty tupperware

Get rid of my vacation? Have fun replacing me.

'Messing with people's vacation time': Ultimate malicious compliance story after vacation days are significantly reduced

AITA for letting my dog poop in someone else's yard?

Update! 'I'm the a**hole': Dog owner lets pet "go" in neighbor's yard, wonders if they're wrong, internet sets them straight

AITA for asking my cousin for the wedding gift back after she said I wasn't welcome at the reception?

Update: Unhinged bridezilla doesn't let cousin attend wedding reception, cousin asks to take her gift back

I've been lying to my wife

'My sweet, beautiful family doesn't suspect a thing': Lying husband sneaks to hotel room to binge eat peanuts

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments This Week (December 15, 2022)

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments This Week (December 17, 2022)

Roomate ask me to leave the room at exactly 1:51 AM AT NIGHT. For alone time with his GF

College student goes on rant after bad roommate kicks him out at 2 AM during finals week