reddit thread

Young Karen gets a taste of her own medicine.

'You've got to be effing kidding me': Young Karen faces off with old lady at amusement park

AITA for calling my soon-to-be-MIL an insecure b****?

'It’s not my Mom’s fault that she’s an insecure b****': Woman lashes out at future Mother-in-law for taking over her wedding

UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

AITA for removing the door to my son's room indefinitely?

'You were screaming like a harpy and it was annoying': Enraged Mom removes son's bedroom door as punishment

Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

HOA Facebook group Karen probably thinks it’s everyone else but her who is wrong.

'Next time I won't hesitate to call': HOA Facebook Karen goes on unhinged rant about kid playing basketball in the cold

20+ Cringeworthy Dad Jokes to Ring in the New Year

20+ Cringeworthy Dad Jokes to Ring in the New Year

I told a white lie to stay out of a party, and now the whole team knows.

'Send me a picture, I don't believe you': Employee tells white lie to get out of work party, toxic boss asks for proof

AITA for calling my brother’s gf a gold digger after she googled the cost of our Christmas gifts?

'You are the world’s most diligent gold digger': Money-obsessed girlfriend keeps log of boyfriend's family gift expenses in cringe Christmas story

Boss says she "doesn't pay me to sit in my car" after I show up 10 minutes early and wait 40 minutes for someone to come unlock the door.

'I don't pay you to sit in your car': Entitled Karen boss refuses to pay employee for waiting time after she was late

The 8 Biggest Jerks of the Year, According to Reddit

The Biggest Jerks of the Year, According to the AITA Community

Karen complains to HR about my body, I Uno Reverse her complaint, everyone hates her

Nosy Karen coworker files ridiculous HR complaint, woman gets perfectly petty revenge on her

Leave me to do the project all by myself till 2am? Have fun panicking during the presentation!

'Sorry, can’t meet up and help': Student gets petty revenge on partner for group project after she blew them off

lunch thief, office drama, gossip, fail, stolen, security cameras, truth, caught on camera, workplace, work

'This is a tale of tragedy, treachery, suspense, and triumph': Office security camera footage reveals dramatic secrets of a stolen lunch

Landlord seeks to spread a little holiday cheer.

'There are some good ones': Landlord REDUCES rent as a gift to tenants for the Holiday season

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s